The tension between the three parties; mine, which consisted of two super soldiers and two runaway assassins, Fury, whose party was the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D and lastly the suits, who brought their cronies with them, was very thick that the scrubs around us didn’t dare breathe out loud.

“Everyone calm the fuck down!” Fury shouted as he placed himself between the two parties who looked like they were just an action away from drawing blood. 

“Are you siding with him, Director Fury?” One of the councilwomen asked. 

“I’m not siding with anyone, Councilwoman. All I’m trying do is prevent anyone here from making a mistake that they’ll come to regret.”

“Are you therefore implying that our actions today would cause us regrets?” This time it was the leaderman who asked that question. “Do I need to remind you of who your superiors are Director Fury?”

Fury lost it at that point. “Excuse me? As a matter of fact I do not know who my superiors are, you piss face fuck.”

“That, Director Fury, is an act of treason and insubordina-” 

“Insubordinate my black ass! It looks like you memory is foggy councilman so how ‘bout I remind you that you and your pale ass cronies let the same organization that instigated World War II to rule the biggest covert organization in the world for more than 30 years. So tell me exactly how the hell am I supposed to know who my superiors are?”

The surroundings became quiet as Fury said that while the people from the council looked as if they ate a bug with how green their faces were. 

“You will answer for words in front of a court hearing Director.” The man straight out ignored what Fury said and turned to me. “If you know what’s good for you Mr. St. Cross, you’ll come along quietly or risk becoming an enemy of the United States.” The soldiers he brought with him raised their guns at my group who weren’t idle as Bucky raised his at them while Cap looked like he was just a breath away from swinging his shield. The Widow glanced around, no doubt looking for a way to storm off the impending gun fight. 

Hill, Clint and the others were confused but only for a second before they pointed their weapons at the group of Senates who were surprised at the turn of events. 

“I assure you that you are making a grave mistake, Director. You and your subordinates will face court martial for this act of mutiny. And you Mr. St. Cross, you and your group will face the crimes of ignoring state power and infiltrating an allied country with dubious schemes. Also for the crimes of destabilizing the relationship between two countries while at the same time causing civil unrest across the continent, using the symbol of our great country for your selfish propaganda, acts of terrorism, destruction of an allied country’s military power,” He pause to look at the spy sisters as he said that part, “withholding information of weapons of mass destruction to yourself for the purpose of individual benefit, colluding with members of terrorists organizations, stealing of State property and resisting arrest and interrogation and multiple acts of treason. Each of these crimes are punishable by death, so if you value what little life you have left I suppose you tell your teammates to lower those weapons. They are as much a victim of the same crimes as you are. Cuff him.” The man gestured to us and one of the soldiers brought out cuffs that looked quite enhanced, probably some type of super dense steel, and made his way to me. 

“Turn around with your hands behind your back!” The soldier came to my front and yelled at me while Bucky and the others kept their gazes on the remaining ones who still had their guns at the ready. 

The tension was rising and I could practically see the fast beating hearts of every armed person present. The leaders though were calm, unlike those of the councilmen who were hiding behind a façade of calm and authority, people like Clint, Fury, Bucky and Steve didn’t even bat an eyelid as they remained focused on their targets. Whatever happens next would depend on what I did in the following moments – and the answer was pretty simple. 

A simple kick and the armored protected soldier flew like a cannonball and crashed into a crate of ammunition. 

They wanted to shoot at that instant but the moment they caught sight of my eyes and the red lights that seeped through the shirt I wore they panicked. 

“I’ll only say this once so listen very carefully. 

Only come at me when you are prepared to die.” The way their heartbeat quickened at that statement showed that they took the threat seriously. Not all of them did, but whoever was foolish enough to come after me would only serve as an example to the others. 

I turned, baring my back to them in a dare, and walked out of the hangar. Bucky and the others followed me leaving only the people from S.H.I.E.L.D and the government inside the hangar. 

“You know that that could have very well been a bad move on your part.” Natasha said as we kept on walking. 

I raised an eyebrow as she said that. “And why do you think so?” 

“For the simple reason that they are the government. You clearly have someone of a high standing inside the bureaucracy, it would have been best if you played it safe than outright turning them against you, cutting off any possible ties of reconciliation.” She summarized. 

I let out a laugh as she said that which made her furrowed her brows. “Is there something funny about what I just said?”

“No there isn’t.”


“But the problem is that you are basing that scenario on the fact that I cared about thoughts of the political power I could amass.” I chuckled. 

“You don’t?”

“What objective use would it have for me? Don’t get me wrong, I have no intention of becoming the next megalomaniac by thinking myself above the rules, but the dreary fact is that I AM above the ‘human’ rules.” What use would it be if I had any political power? Would Thanos care? Would Doom care? Would Galactus and those cosmic fuckers out there care? The answer to all that was a simple NO! 

The human rules were for just that – humans. There was no way for them to expect someone like Thor to bow to their rules and punishments as he would just fry the fucker that pronounced such blasphemy. 

The only rules that could bind specific people were if those rules were made by someone like them. Or they could just shove their middle finger to the rules when they surpass the strength of those who enforce it. 

“So you don’t mind a war against the US if they tried to attack you? Well, consider me impressed.” She said while sending me a sultry smile. 

“Not that I would care if you weren’t but yeah, that’s what it is to me.” I turned to the duo soldiers at my side who had remained quiet ever since we got down from the plane. “What’s up with you two?”

Bucky just shrugged which I accepted since a silent brooding face was his go-to expression. Then I turned to Steve. 

“They didn’t say anything about the metas who died.” He practically growled out, which made me wonder if he somehow swapped with Logan when I wasn’t looking. 

“You are not seriously going to tell me you are that surprised by it are you?” 

Steve seemed frustrated but he did nothing but just removed the cowl of his suit. 

What happened next was Natasha and Yelena both standing rooted to their spot as if they’ve seen a ghost. 

“Y-you are Steve Rogers?” Natasha asked with evident doubt leaking through her tone. 

“Oh.” Steve seems to get why she reacted like that because his existence was not yet known to other people since Fury kept it a secret. 

Even when we were raiding during the two weeks in Russia, Steve always had his cowl on, since his identity was a touchy subject and we didn’t want some of the Widow trainees to go about and blab to whoever they were spying for. I mean, the Red Room was a spy organization so it was bound to have some ‘spies’ in it. 

“Let’s just go home.” I muttered before I remembered something I forgot to inquire. “Where will the both of you be staying?” I asked the two runaways. 

“We could always rent a hotel room before we settle down on a plan.” Yelena said. 

I frowned at that. Not the part about them staying at a hotel, I didn’t care about that, but the fact that one of those councilmen would try something with them which would end up dragging Bucky and Steve into it, being the righteous pricks they were, which in turn would drag me into it as well. 

“I am not running an Avengers daycare.” I couldn’t help but mutter. 

“You said something quack?” 

“Nothing.” I’ll just leave them be. It’s not as if I am entitled to help them further than I already did. I had already secured a safe passage for some of the girls if they were to ever come to the States. That was a lot of good deeds on my part. 

Hopefully, the Black Widow and her sister could shrug off unwanted attention. 

We went our different ways as we got into the city while I called in a ride to take us home. 

“You know that one way or another we’ll cross paths with them again right?” Bucky asked with me with a small smile on his lips. 

“So you figured uh?” I guessed he noticed how I didn’t want to bother with Natasha and her sister, hell I didn’t want to bother with a lot of people. There were only four people in this universe that could make me care if something bad happened to them. First was Clint – he was the first friend I made in this life. While the others were Fury, due to our working relationship, and then Bucky and Steve because they somehow grew on me, mostly Bucky. 

“We all did. Even them.” He nudged his face towards the direction Natasha and Yelena went in. “You weren’t exactly trying to be subtle about not wanting to deal with more baggage.”

“Right?? Anyways at least, this way, they wouldn’t be drawn in to whatever mess we find ourselves in.” I said with a shrug. 

“More like whatever you find yourself in and we get drawn into.” Steve huffed. 


“You think they’re gonna be okay? They could very well be targeted due to being connected to us, you know.” Steve asked concerned. 

“Don’t worry about that. If they were targeted then they’ll make their way to us.” I closed my eyes as I enjoyed the ride. 

“Why do you think so?”

“Because she tagged him when he was talking with Yelena.” This time it was Bucky who answered instead of me. 

While Cap was a soldier, the best there was, he wasn’t a spy, which was what Bucky was, the best there is. 

I knew when Natasha tagged me since I could see with my X-ray vision where the tracker was. She was just using me as a safety beacon in case she was wrapped up in my troubles. 

I couldn’t find it in me to be genuinely angry about it since it was because of my actions that they could be dragged into whatever the S.H.I.E.L.D council wanted to do and she wouldn’t be a good spy if she didn’t secure a safety net. This was also the reason I didn’t let her come with us since the distrust was mutual. 

And like Bucky said, I doubt that would be the last time we saw the both of them. 

“I need a long bath before I do anything else.” I drawled out. 

“What about the lead you had on Stryker?” Steve asked. 

“Like I said, a long bath first.” I answered him. 

We got to the house and I hadn’t even slid in the key to the door while another car pulled up to my driveway. Fury, Clint, Hill and Coulson came out with the second looking as if he too needed a long bath. 

“Couldn’t this have waited till tomorrow?” I asked them as they walked up to me. Fury didn’t say anything and just walked inside my house before I even did with just a sentence. “Get in. Now!”

I shook my head and went in but instead of going for the couch, I went to the bar and fetched myself a drink. 

“Anyone want anything?” I asked but was only met with silence. “More for me then.” I downed the five glasses of scotch I had prepared before going to hear what Fury had to say. 

“You know, this would have all been better if you had waited for just a few more hours you know?”

“What the hell were you thinking!” 

‘Yay! There goes my bath.’ I thought sarcastically.

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