Marvel reverses Wolverine

Chapter 11 in the book

Chapter 11 in the book
Victor Logan's life in these years is not much different from his childhood. He has become the new gardener of the manor, and at the same time he still does some work in the stables.

Mr. Howlett once offered to give him something to do, and even put him outside to protect himself, but Victor refused.He just said that he hoped to be able to accompany James, and Mr. Howlett did not force it. The old man may think that Victor will naturally be used after his grandson takes charge of the family.

As James' half-brother, Victor awakens earlier, but relatively peacefully, slowly, and gradually.From the abnormal growth of nails since childhood, to the gradual enhancement of physical fitness and self-healing ability.

At first, Victor just felt that the pain from being whipped by his father Thomas Logan after alcoholism was getting lighter and lighter, and he never even found a little scar on his body. Slowly, he knew that he was different, and at the same time A strange perception and desire affected him.

From the moment James woke up and returned to the manor to meet Victor, he knew clearly that this cheap brother was no longer an ordinary person, and the two brothers really had a strange bond at that moment.It's like a tacit understanding between a group of beasts who are familiar with each other's scent, and it's like the desire to conquer each other and become the king of beasts.

Due to a higher degree of awakening and the keenness of a boxing master, James can feel the faint bloody breath lingering on Victor's body. This brother is not as peaceful as he seems.

James hadn't found Victor in his cabin, so early in the morning that many people hadn't even gotten out of bed.His new sense of smell allowed him to "see" a pale yellow scent trail, which he followed.

There was still some fog in the Lager forest in the early morning, and there were a few desperate roars in the haze. It was an adult brown bear, with a standing height of more than [-] meters, making it one of the few big men in this forest and the top of the food chain.

But now it is lying on the ground wearily, shaking from side to side, trying to support itself not to fall.Large areas of skin and flesh on his body were turned outwards, and blood mixed with mud tangled his fur all over his body.

From the wounds, it can be seen that this brown bear was caused by a fierce beast of its size fighting. The scars scratched by sharp claws spread all over the chest and back. The most serious thing is that half of the face was completely scratched, and a broken eyeball was still drooping. outside.And the "beast" he was fighting with was staring at it, panting heavily.

"Whoa! Whoa!" Victor Logan's bulging chest was like a huge bellows, and several claw marks on his naked upper body were slowly healing in a subtle way.

His arms were extremely thick, long enough to almost touch his knees like James but thicker, with tangled muscles wrapped around them like strands of hemp rope.The nails became thicker and longer, with a bit of sharp metallic luster, and blood trickled down the five fingertips.

Victor's bloodshot eyes were slightly dazed, and he suddenly swooped forward and jumped forward. His hands bounced off the ground, and he leaped a distance of five or six meters in an instant. Not in the flesh.

The brown bear howled feebly, the remaining eyeballs turned gray and lost its breath.

Victor slowly withdrew his hands, his tense muscles relaxed a little.He suddenly twitched his nose, spread his arms, and the claws he had just withdrawn popped out again with a "chick", his eyes stared at the bushes shrouded in mist in front of him for a moment, and a slightly shorter and thinner figure was vaguely reflected come out.

"Come to have breakfast, Victor." James Howlett walked out easily, without any intention of hiding.He looked at Victor, who was facing an enemy and was a little surprised, and smiled slightly.

"" Victor was a little speechless. At that moment, he should have realized that the smell belonged to James, but he didn't react at all in a hurry, and subconsciously, he didn't expect that the young master of the manor would wake up early in the morning. run into the forest.

Victor didn't know what to do for a while, he even thought of murdering someone when he was hit by such a situation, and he didn't withdraw his sharp claws.

"Don't be nervous, I always knew." James comforted Victor softly.

"Know it all along?" Victor obviously couldn't believe what James said, but his arms drooped slightly unconsciously.

"what do you know?"

"Forget that I have always liked to read books. A book I read once mentioned the phenomenon of human atavism. This is not a curse, nor is it something like demon possession. It's just that you are born with atavistic animal characteristics. "

Victor was obviously a little dazed. In fact, he had suspected all kinds of abnormalities that happened to him for a long time. Due to the limited cognition and knowledge level of the times, he even thought that there was a demon attached to his body. He is a monster that cannot blend in with the world, and he carefully conceals his uniqueness for this reason.

Seeing Victor, who was obviously relaxed, James continued: "I have noticed your nails since I was a child. This is a typical dominant atavism. Some people even grow tails, and some people have long hair Fangs are exaggerated and described as monsters such as orcs or werewolves in legends, but this is only basic biological knowledge."

He continued to lie to Victor without blushing, and in this way he was able to convince this reckless man who was ignorant and illiterate.

"So if you feel that your strength is getting stronger and stronger, it's normal to smell a lot like a beast." James took a few steps forward, very close to Victor, and carefully looked at the dead body behind him curiously. brown bear.

"What else, tell me everything you know." Victor calmed down and said slowly, finally retracting the claws on his fingertips.

"I don't know much. If I meet a professor who studies biology and anthropology, maybe I can explain it to you more carefully. But, Victor, have you ever killed someone?" James slightly raised his head and looked at Victor Sisi With blood-red eyes, he asked softly.

Victor shook his head and said: "No, a strange feeling has affected me since a few years ago. I would want to eat rawer steak and taste the taste of blood. So I began to slowly come to the forest Prey animals, most of the time some rabbits, elk."

He froze for a moment, then glanced back at the brown bear's body, and continued: "This time I didn't intend to violate its territory, otherwise it wouldn't be like this."

"That's good, remember Victor, don't let that desire consume you." James said to him very seriously.Victor pondered for a moment, but did not respond. He found the coat he had taken off, and strode towards the manor.


The kerosene chandeliers wrapped in exquisite crystal lampshades lit up the banquet hall of the Governor's Mansion. Mr. Howlett sat at one end of the long dinner table, with Butler Wayne serving behind him.The Governor enthusiastically raised his glass to toast Mr. Howlett: "This is the wine from the vineyard under my name, you must taste it. This is the first glass I apologize to you!"

"It's too polite, Governor, I'm the one who apologized to you." Mr. Howlett responded with a look of panic, and finished the glass of wine.

"Mr. Howlett, your people are all intact and can be taken away today. You know the current situation, the empire's policy on Canada has been strict, and this time your herd has crossed the line again. I really didn't There are other ways!" Governor Smith said apologetically, his words were sincere and quite moving.

"I understand, I understand. Your Excellency the governor really should have done what he did. For my mistake, I brought some gifts this time to express my apology." Butler Wayne handed the envelope in his hand to the governor's servant at the right time, and put it on the table On an empty gilt plate.

"Also." Mr. Howlett continued: "The Howlett family fully supports the new tax policy announced by your Excellency. Whether it is the tax amount that needs to be paid in the future, it must be in place!"

"Hahaha! Mr. Howlett is really a good man, you are so considerate of my work! When I first came, some people said some bad words about you. I think they are all jealous of your wealth and character!" Smith He slapped the table and shouted angrily.He collected himself, leaned forward slightly and asked enthusiastically:
"I heard that your little grandson is your only heir?"

(End of this chapter)

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