Marvel reverses Wolverine

Chapter 281 A Special Dimensional World

Chapter 281 A Special Dimensional World

Like countless people in various countries and regions all over the world who were suddenly cut off from the news or the pictures of various TV programs.

Stanford University students in California, USA, also gathered in front of every TV in the classroom, dormitory and even the cafeteria, staring blankly, their eyes full of disbelief.

They looked at the TV screen as if they were in extraterrestrial orbital space, and the two fleets faced each other in the starry sky, just like the incredible space war scene in the popular movie "Star Wars" in recent years.

"Are you kidding me? It's a lie!"

The sky of the entire American continent was covered by an infinite and vast ice-blue light curtain that people could see with their naked eyes. At the same time, dense purple-red shock waves bombarded this vast and boundless light curtain, bursting out clusters of colorful energy ripples.

The ensuing tremors and fluctuations almost wiped out the clouds all over the sky, and the sky of the North American continent became like the purest sapphire in an instant, without the slightest flaw.

And just after this vision of the sky that all human beings can see when they look up, the TV screen is delayed by more than ten seconds.

The white space fortress orbiting the earth in series and the blue-black rectangular warship were under fire from the Kree Empire expeditionary fleet, and the earth was protected by the released blue energy shield.

This time, the students on the Stanford campus fell into a dead silence. No one discussed or doubted the authenticity of the TV images, only the flushed cheeks and the sound of swallowing.

After a long while, finally a skinny black student spoke with an accent in Queens, New York, dropped the spoon holding the onion soup in his hand, and tremblingly said:

"Out, alien. Earth, God, the earth is being attacked by aliens, attack?"

The black and thin young man subconsciously supported a classmate on his shoulder as if he was looking for support. He shook the other classmate and asked this white male classmate who was also studying for a Ph.D. course in materials science and applied physics.

"Elon, Elon, do you think we can survive? Look. The alien fleet is like a swarm of bees, and the largest flagship is simply—"

Elon Musk stared at the screen without moving his eyes. He silently patted the hands on his shoulders and continued to stare at the space scene, which was suspected to be taken from the perspective of the moon. The Cree warships were shining with energy glow , ready to charge and shoot at the earth again.

"What kind of energy is used to attack the orbital fortress with such intensity? Can it last another round? How can a battleship face the enemy's entire Starfleet cluster with such a disparity in strength?"

The young Mr. Musk murmured in a low voice but extremely fast, his eyes wide open without blinking, for fear of missing the next frame.

After more than a minute, the battleship on the screen, which seemed to be the only human battleship that stepped forward to meet the enemy, suddenly lit up a little blue light from the top, instantly spreading a large area of ​​the star field, killing most of the ships of the Cree fleet. all included.

Immediately, they all disappeared into the starry sky together with the blue-black human battleship.

Immediately afterwards, thousands of space fighters sprang out from several orbital fortresses, and met the few remaining Kree spaceships with great momentum.

The explosion of shouts instantly flooded the cafeteria of Stanford University. Young and energetic faces raised their arms, crying and embracing familiar or unfamiliar people around them.

In America, in America, in Asia and all over the world!

All human beings are cheered by this momentary scene. People only know that the mighty alien fleet did not hurt the earth at all, but under the attack of human warships only once, most of them were "killed" .

Since learning that aliens have appeared and will soon attack the earth, all human beings have fallen into unspeakable panic.

It's like being on an isolated island. People know that the storm is coming and there is nowhere to escape. They can only passively bear the fear and anxiety that life and death are unknown at the next moment.

At this time, since the birth of the human race, since the evolution of civilization, unprecedented weeping for the same joy, dancing for the same picture.

In the crazy cafeteria hall, only the young man named Musk was still staring at the TV screen. The joy on his face only lit up for a few seconds, and then he was swept by greater doubts, biting his knuckles anxiously.

".Where did it go. Where did they all go? It doesn't look like it was completely destroyed."

boom!The young man stood up suddenly and turned over the plate on the table, instead of joining the carnival of the crowd, he ran out the door.The dazed black and thin young man who was frightened just now bared his teeth, laughed loudly and shouted:

"Eron! Where are you going!"

"I'm dropping out of school."

Elon Musk's voice was almost drowned by the crowd's voice. Unlike other students, what he saw was not only a victory for all mankind.

It is a light that illuminates childhood dreams and the future in my heart.


"Report to the Supreme Accuser! The star field where the fleet is currently located is not in the Andromeda Galaxy." "Master Accuser, we are not in the Milky Way!"

".The ship is not in the home star system."

Under the leaden sky is a bare and barren wasteland, and occasionally a few silvery plants dot the deserted land on the black-gray rocks.

On the "Dark Star", the flagship of the Kerry Empire's accusation regiment, the warning stone pillars that were constantly flashing white light trembled and hummed.

The priests of the commanding group sat dumbly in the light groups on both sides of the hall, controlling various functions of the spaceship, and soldiers kept reporting loudly to Ronan.

"The analysis of the energy just now does belong to the Rubik's Cube, but it is not the Rubik's Cube energy we used to know."

Yon Rog frowned and said softly while manipulating the light curtain on his arm and arranging for the Kerry ships that came with the Dark Star.

"The Accuser" Ronan dragged his warhammer sideways and walked towards the bridge, with a very deep indigo face, full of murderous intent.

"It's the power of 'space'. Humph, I wondered why that intellectual brain valued the Rubik's Cube so much. Humans seem to be afraid that we will destroy their planet. Ignorance means fearlessness."

"All of the fleet, the Star Destroyer Cannon continues to recharge, and the artillery fires—"

Ronan hit the ground with his hammer, and just shouted orders to the Dark Star and its fleet, but suddenly the earthquake-like tremors in the battleship came from under his feet, and the Cree fleet suspended at the height of the strange planet seemed to be touched by some kind of force at the same time, Shake violently.

"what happened!"

"Report to the Supreme Accuser, the repelling magnetic force field is operating normally, but the hull of the Dark Star is affected by an unknown object!"

". Raven, take care of Asazor."

Although it was assisted by instruments and the spell of the mystic, the red devil who had completed such a huge range of space transfer was still limp and leaning against his father's arms.

James helped Asazo and handed it to Raven. The most important part of the war against the Kree Empire has been successful.

In the sky of the unnamed planet, meteorites and fragments that were transferred by the space energy of the Rubik's Cube kept falling, and the boulders that could fall from a height of thousands of meters were shattered on this black and gray land.

Only a few shallow deformation pits are left.

"Magneto King" Eric Lanshere has once again floated on the top of the "Magnetic Amplification Tower" cast in the Sirius, and the electromagnetic sparks that exploded around him form a circle of halos, driving the blue-black obelisk to split into rings , spinning at high speed.

In the unknown world brought by the space transfer, the ground as solid as steel trembled for a moment, and then collapsed suddenly.

Hundreds of blue-gray "giant snakes" stretching for kilometers sprang up from the huge cracks like canyons, rushing straight towards the Dark Star and the Cree ships in the mid-air.

The tip twists and transforms into a spear-like sharp metal giant snake, or directly pierces the ordinary Kerry warship spaceship, or wraps around the huge Dark Star like an octopus, dragging it to the ground little by little.

Under the strange rising power of the planet, the interstellar fleet of the Kerry Empire instantly lost the slightest advantage in war!

"The Sirius Legion obeys the order!"

The strongest legion of human beings, composed of more than 300 best mutant warriors and the awakened "Winter Wolves" of all generations, hammered their left chests and lowered their heads solemnly, waiting for the final order of the "Wolf Emperor".


Following James Howlett's lightly uttered words, the Sirius warship quickly opened the decks on both sides of the cabin, and under the traction of the gravitational beam, the heavily armed legionnaires jumped down from the air.

One by one, they stepped on the solid ground, watching the invincible Cree giant ship, like a dying condor in the sky, being pulled down by dozens of metal giant snakes as thick as trucks.

James stepped on the blood-colored mystic array like a building, and slowly walked down from the ship holding his heroic wife "White Queen".

Daughters Laura, Steve, Bucky and the others couldn't wait to leap forward, standing at the forefront of the legion that formed the triangular array.

As early as the beginning, when James and the Howlett family knew that they would eventually face an enemy with the size of an interstellar empire, they kept deducing and planning this war.

It is impossible for human beings to have the technological and military power to counter the Kerry Empire in just a few years, and they can only wait in place, like "thousand days against thieves" with nowhere to hide and no way to attack.

"Metal Dimension" is what James casually named.

Over the past few years, the mystics who are well versed in the knowledge of the world of infinite dimensions have been looking for a space suitable for maximizing the capabilities of "Magneto" with Asazzo.

Considering that it is impossible for the Kree Empire to defend against the target and restrain the two most powerful strategic mutants of mankind.

A foreign battlefield that allows us to fully display it while leaving the opponent unprepared has become the most important weight to overwhelm the balance of victory.

This unique dimensional world is between the general planetary form and the kingdom of Odin, the unique "Asgard continent".

Although it can also be reached at the level of the material world through interstellar travel, its coordinate location is extremely secretive and does not belong to any "prosperous" star field in the current universe.

Dimensional continents composed of huge amounts of metal substances have a gravity 1.5 times stronger than that of the earth, thinner air, and rare "steel vegetation".

The legion-style vacuum equipment can meet the survival needs of the soldiers in the metal dimension, and the slightly higher gravity is not a problem for these extraordinary humans.

A whole planet that can be controlled by "Magneto King" at will, transformed and used at will, will become a nightmare for the Cree army.
Here, Eric Lanshere is the strongest "Omega".

(End of this chapter)

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