Marvel reverses Wolverine

Chapter 284 Have You Played Enough?

Chapter 284 Have You Played Enough?

It is difficult to calculate how much energy and strength is required to compress a mountain rock that is more than 80.00 meters high and more than [-]% composed of metal substances to three or four times its volume.

The closed palms of "Phoenix" are gradually coming together, and the emerald green eyes and slightly opened mouth are filled with golden energy flames.

The few thousand Kree fighters left on the battlefield retreated into the Dark Star battleship under the command of Yon Rogg, and tried their best to defend and support by virtue of the spaceship's environmental advantages.

When he finally saw the figure with light wings in the sky, still struggling with a big mountain, the fireworks of hope were ignited again in his heart.

This means that the super life weapon transformed by the Kree, "Surprise" Carol Danvers, has not lost yet!

"Double, star!"

A golden thread shot straight into the sky from the peak of the Iron Mountain, and Carol's roar spread across the entire land in an instant, echoing far away in the sky.

The thin golden light cut through the "grave" cast by Jean Gray, and behind Carol flashed two overlapping flaming stars, as if a real star was rising.

The Kree army uniform on her body was broken into pieces and holes, and her skin was also covered with abrasions, and the blood shed was light blue. Although it was not pure Kree blue blood, it definitely did not belong to pure earth humans. of blood.

"Call the 'double star' state, I hope the memory blockade of the supreme intelligence can hold on, it must hold on!"

Looking at the figure in the sky, Yon Rogge heaved a sigh of relief, gritted his teeth in worry, and was almost hit by the kid with laser shock waves in his eyes. He swung the gravity wrist on his arm and threw an alloy box to smash it. past.

Until the eve of the war, the commander of the Kree Empire's interstellar team still didn't understand how an ordinary human being he brought back from the earth had the power comparable to that of a "god".

Carol Danforth's super strength, speed, endurance, perception... and the shackles of energy control that the Kree people have been unable to break through thousands of years of genetic evolution, were obtained only because of an accidental Rubik's Cube engine explosion.

Although relying on the scientific and technological level of the Kree Empire and the transformation of the "supreme intelligence" finally allowed Carol to stabilize and gradually master the power, it also proved that the seemingly inconspicuous civilized race of human beings has hidden hidden dangers. Great secret.

And Carol's "double star" power is the strongest state that interferes with the laws of physics and even the universe through unknown touches after she completely releases all energy.

Carol Danvers looks very weird coming out of the mountain.

She was suspended in the sky with her eyes tightly closed, and the energy flames shining all over her body were no longer a single golden color, but were entwined by ever-changing colorful colors, emitting colorful light particles outward.

And every kind of light is in the dense rising and disappearing, between the boundary of existence and disappearance.

"...the electromagnetic spectrum?"

Eric murmured looking at Carol in the sky, keenly feeling this unique energy state through the ability to control the electromagnetic force field.

The world that humans can see through the eyes is actually very limited, only in the material world, many things around people are invisible to the naked eye.

The universe is filled with all kinds of colors, but only a small part can be seen by the human eye. The rainbow or spectrum is a good embodiment.

Radio, X-rays, and microwaves are all light energy. The entire energy range of light is called the electromagnetic spectrum, which includes light visible to the human eye and light invisible to the human eye.

From the high-energy segment to the low-energy segment, it includes gamma rays, X-rays, ultraviolet rays, visible light, infrared rays, microwaves, and radio waves, as well as a large number of light particles that humans have not discovered yet.

Jean Gray silently looked down at the ground below. Countless earth, rocks and metal particles suddenly floated up slowly as if breaking free from the shackles of gravity, and rolled backwards towards the leaden sky.

The soldiers of the Sirius Legion felt the sudden change in the gravity of the planet. The gravity of the planet, which was originally more than twice the size of the earth, has become like the surface of the moon, and it can jump more than ten meters high with a little force.

The white queen who had a good fight on the battlefield canceled the change of the diamond shape, and her body was not stained with blood, and she was as clean as ever.

With a pair of dazzling snow-white long legs, she walked to the throne of the giant wolf, squatted down and jumped up with the help of even weaker gravity, and jumped onto the wolf's head.

Emma looked at the high-back seat that was additionally cast by the "Phoenix", but laughed softly.

"If this Miss Danforth is just a Cree, there will be some life."

James looked sideways at his wife who was sitting next to him and said softly. The two nodded in tacit understanding and took each other's hands.

"Yeah, since this girl, Qin, knows that the other party is actually a human, she will only go all out to kill her."

Emma squeezed James' hand slightly, and looked at her husband with a little more worry in her eyes. She never forgot the last words Jean Gray said to herself in Professor Charles's spiritual realm.

She knew that the troubles of "The Force of the Phoenix" were far from coming.

Under the watchful eyes of James and Emma, ​​the half of the sky where Qin was located ignited a torrent of flames like a fire in the void, and a huge phoenix burning with golden flames gradually took shape.

The gentle movement of the fire wings seemed to drive the entire dimensional world to surge together.

Jean Grey, who has fully embraced the "Power of the Phoenix", found a serious opponent for the first time. Instead, her dancing red hair fell down naturally, and there was no longer any dazzling energy flames on her body. She whispered to Carol softly. road:
"Hmm~ You can also absorb the energy of the gravitational field to strengthen yourself. Come on, you only need one punch to defeat me, if you can pass through the power of the phoenix!"

Absolute silence, as if the entire space had been thrown into a vacuum.

Carol Danvers radiated infinite light energy all over her body, and rushed into the world belonging to the "Phoenix Force". She swung her fist at Qin, breaking through the golden flames filling the sky layer by layer with difficulty.

The distance between the two is less than [-] meters. With Danfoss's speed of "surpassing the speed of light" at this moment, they should have arrived in an instant, but they are like a boat going upstream against the waves, and it is difficult to fly every inch.

The "Phoenix Force" with the essence of spirit and soul as the core affects Danfoss all the time. She roars and rushes forward, holding only the obsession with punching Jean Gray with her fists, while strange things keep flashing in her mind. scene.

Participating in sports competitions when I was young and stubbornly refusing to admit defeat, rebellious when I was studying,
Qin suddenly raised the corners of her mouth, slowly raised her arms and pushed her palms in front of her.

The golden flame phoenix, which Danfoss struggled with, lazily pecked its wings with its beak, and finally rolled up a sea of ​​flames all over the sky, and flew towards Carol with a bang.
"Firth, Danforth. M. Will, Dr. Lawson"

Carol Danforth finally woke up like a dream when the jittering phoenix beak touched the fist. She watched her fingertips being stripped into tiny particles bit by bit, spreading and disappearing inch by inch.

".It seems that there is some kind of unfinished mission, so it ends like this. This world is not quite—"

At the moment when she was submerged by the phoenix, Carol seemed to see another extremely familiar yet strange world, where she had achieved something, a dream.



Colossus was blown away by Ronan's heavy hammer again. Not only was his chest severely deformed, but even his left arm was twisted like a bent steel pillar, twisted and unable to move freely.

Like a giant sculpture recycled from scrap iron, the silver-gray majestic body has long been beaten into pits, and even the steel jaw is dislocated and crooked.

The legionnaires surrounded in a circle looked at Peter Rasputin who was fighting to the death with red eyes, but no one came up to help.

"Auntie, you'd better go and stop Peter, in case—"

"Nightcrawler" Master Kurt sighed unbearably, and he really didn't have the eyes to continue watching.

Steve and Bucky, the two elders of the family, also stood there with their arms folded. Although their pupils throbbed deeply every time Colossus was knocked to the ground by the hammer, they still tensed their cheeks, restraining their desire to rush forward. Feeling.

"Give it to him. Peter, the 'iron bump', knows better than anyone else, so let him persevere. You see the right time, and if the situation is not right, go up and take him away."

The little wolf girl bit her lip and instructed softly.

This is the last place in the entire battlefield that is still fighting.

In the end, only a thousand people were killed in the Cree army, and the rest were already under the control of Professor Charles' brainwaves because they were destroyed or the mind shielding device was removed.

Compared to Yon Rogg who retreated into the Dark Star spaceship and persisted in the fierce battle until the demise of "Firth Will", Ronan the Accuser was the only one who never retreated. Now he knew that the entire army was wiped out and only himself was left, but Cree warriors who continue to fight.

The armor on his body has long since been shattered, his chest was exposed with large chunks of flesh turned up, and the "Universal Warhammer" in his hand was even shattered in half.

This Cree individual weapon that can absorb energy, manipulate energy, create shields, and emit shock waves only has the most basic ability as a hammer.

Relying on Laura, Steve, Sharon and others to besiege Ronan together, they finally abolished the weapon that caused the only significant damage to the Sirius Legion, and then gave up the final battle to Ronan who had been staring at him to death. "Colossus".

Although Peter never said it, they knew that he was willing to die in this war in order to accumulate military exploits.

"Ha, there is more, cough cough! Which despicable human... Come up to die!"

Ronan's vomited blood flowed down his body into the pit full of blue blood. This battlefield with little soil material kept the blood and sweat sprinkled on the ground.

Like a reef beach where it has rained, every foot can step on a bloody pit full of indigo.

Ronan the Accuser leaned on the hammer handle in one hand, and still looked around arrogantly, as if none of the enemies surrounding him could make him pay attention.

".Wolf Emperor Howlett! Come on! Haha, you are very proud. The majestic star fleet of the Kree Empire was completely killed under your watchful eyes, and you didn't even let you do it yourself."

The warhammer in Ronan's hand pointed at the throne, the figure whose face he couldn't see clearly screamed hysterically.

After being stopped by Yon Rogg and the so-called strongest trump card of the "Supreme Intelligence", he cut off the fantasy of surviving. The only remaining thought at this moment is to swing the war hammer representing the orthodoxy of the Cree people at that The king of the human world.

The Cree can be defeated, but not so badly!

The iron hand grasped the Edman battle ax and made a crisp chirping sound. Peter stood up little by little, and still walked towards the man in the middle with the war hammer without saying a word.

"Haha. No wonder, no wonder the Kree will lose."

Ronan nodded lightly, picked up the hammer again and waited for the approaching steel giant, and suddenly sighed sadly:

"That stupid brain has cultivated too many Kree soldiers who are good at calculating like Yon Rogue. A civilization has no anger, no joy, no anger! Only the so-called, hahaha! The so-called rational strategy? "

Ronan swung his hammer in half a circle in front of him, took a deep breath, lowered his body, and rushed towards the Colossus who was also speeding up and charging, pouring the last anger into his head.

"Wei! The Kree Supreme—"

The blue and silver-gray giants intersected each other, a huge head flew high, and the silvery Edman ax blade was stained with a piece of indigo blood, which quickly dripped down the ax surface, and finally there was no Leave a trace of blood.

Clanking. The tomahawk was thrown on the ground by Peter indifferently. His figure gradually shrank, and the silver-gray metal skin receded, leaving only a sternum and a sunken rib, and the twisted flesh of his left arm body.

He dragged a right leg that had just been broken, rubbed it to the side of the severed head little by little, grabbed the head, and continued to walk slowly in the direction of the Giant Wolf Throne.

The surrounded Legionnaires retreated to open a path following Peter Rasputin's advancing footsteps. Whether it was his fellow mutants who grew up with him, or the Winter Wolf warriors who had survived from generation to generation, they all respected him. left shoulder.

Until Peter finally stepped under the throne and put Ronan's head aside.

He knelt down on one knee slowly, but still didn't say a word.

James Howlett jumped off the wolf head at some point. He picked up Ronan's head, looked at the leader of the Kree Empire military and the pure-blooded Kree, and looked at the black legion in front of him. warrior.

Half an hour passed.

"...The ground of the Wolf Tower is too desolate, let's build a hut."

"Yes, thank you, sir."

Peter finally lowered his head and responded in a muffled voice. This was the only time he spoke since he went to the battlefield.

James leaned over and patted Colossus on the shoulder, carried Ronan's head towards the soldiers of the legion, suddenly raised the blue head that was still glaring, and asked softly:

"Have you fought enough?"

The army was silent for a moment and didn't know how to respond. James smiled and shouted again:
"You guys, have you had enough?"

Bucky suddenly understood the meaning of the teacher's question. He grinned, looked at the brothers on the left and right, and responded with a loud smile:

"Hahaha, except for little Peter, the teacher seems to have played enough, we are still far behind!"

Boom, boom, boom.
There was the muffled sound of the Sirius Legion beating their chests. Although all the soldiers didn't speak, they just beat their chests vigorously, staring at the black armored figure in front of them with hot eyes.

Bang chi!

James smashed Ronan's head with one hand, and suddenly his face sank like water.

"Very good, board the ship and head to the home planet of the Kerry Empire!"

(End of this chapter)

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