Marvel reverses Wolverine

Chapter 319 The Hijacked Tony Stark

Chapter 319 The Hijacked Tony Stark

Not to mention Tony Stark, who has become the darling of the world's technology and business geniuses in recent years, is the once-famous "dandy son" of the old Stark family. Tony has never lacked young and beautiful people. female companion.

However, I have seen a lot of "Larks" who are charming and charming, and suddenly met a "female eagle" looking forward to the heroic appearance, which made the young Mr. Stark instantly forget the charming female reporter in front of him. He also stuttered in the second half of the sentence.

".As for Fang, the prospect of Ark technology, well, this one is more complicated. Ahem, I still have something to do. I'm sorry, miss reporter."

Tony scribbled a hook at Happy. This unprofessional bodyguard had just unbuttoned his suit, and his buttocks had sunk into the depths of the leather sofa, so he could only wriggle up depressed again.

"Hmph, not only is she a beautiful lady, but it seems that she must always understand the changes in your preferences."

The five-year-old Happy Hogg seems to have more than just an ordinary employment relationship with Tony. He muttered helplessly in a low voice, and stood in front of Tony to ask the female reporter who still did not intend to give up.

"What? The most honorable lady in the extraordinary world condescends to come to an ordinary small bar. I don't have any wine here that can make you drunk."

With long silver-white hair coiled up high, the black-skinned beauty, whose face was much more delicate than most African-American women, walked slowly from the spiral staircase under the guidance of the waiter.

The young female owner of this bar, who rarely appeared in front of people, stood gracefully behind the bar, fiddled with her fingertips to choose a bottle of good wine, and joked at the bored woman in black suit sitting on the high chair.

"What about you, Orolo, Eric wanted to hand over the responsibility of guarding the 'Whip of Order' to you, but 'Storm' actually became a bar owner in Manhattan, New York. To be honest, I thought you would I went with Qin."

Orolo Munro finally chose a bottle of gin with a good age, poured a third of the dark amber liquid into each of the square glasses, leaned over and sat opposite Laura, pulling up her fishtail skirt, Touch it lightly and gulp it down.

"Lord Lanshere's invitation is an excellent 'job', but I'm not interested."

Storm poured two more full glasses of gin without adding ice. The fingertips of both hands moved and gathered two balls of frosty white mist in the palms, but it did not affect the ambient temperature in the bar at all. Frost formed quickly.

"Grey is weird now, I can't say what's wrong, but it always makes me feel a little strange. You forgot that when I was in college, I liked to secretly go to the bar in the town to drink cold beer. You helped me several times. I played a cover in front of me, hehe. It’s not bad to open a bar of my own~”

Laura gave Orolo an angry look. Storm, who had always been diligent and hard-working in the academy, was actually full of a little rebellious spirit inside, and she often asked her to help take the blame.

In fact, because of the existence of Laura, the partners in the same period were made to look a lot more well-behaved, which attracted most of the attention of the principal "White Queen".

The two young ladies who were only in their early twenties and who could still be called "girls" were chatting vigorously, tidying up the neckline and hem of their suits a few times. Tony Stark sat next to Laura generously, and turned to Aurora in a gentlemanly manner. Lo said:
"Miss, please bring me a martini, and your hair is so beautiful."

Tony grinned confidently, but only caught Storm's casual and flirtatious gaze. A professional bartender with gray temples came to face Mr. Stark at the right time, and his movements were exquisite.

"Sir, please allow me to serve you."

As soon as the bartender finished speaking, a glass of martini with green olives was gently pushed in front of Tony, swirling in the clear liquid.

"Tony, Tony Stark, don't mind the two ladies, there are really not many people here who can drink and chat together."


Laura rubbed her cheeks lightly and blinked her eyes a few times, always feeling that this surname was very familiar.

Especially the name "Tony Stark", she seemed to have seen it in her father's study, in the notebook that was treasured by James, the leather was old, and it was written in Chinese.
"Hehehe, Mr. Stark, I know you, Laura, he has stolen your family's business recently."

Orolo covered her mouth and smiled, and the necklace strung with big pearls around her neck shone brightly under the light.

The little girl who just came to the Chaoying Academy when she was a child, spoke blunt English and had a Mohawk-style weird hairstyle, has become a unique "Black Pearl".

The smart Tony didn't think too much, and soon had a guess about the identity of the lady next to him who "stopped" his thoughts.

Although he still maintains a calm look, there is no light-hearted teasing in the beginning.

"This lady has something to do with the Howlett Group? In fact, the 'Ark Project' I studied is not your competition. After all, everyone can see that the Howlett family has never regarded that kind of high-energy energy block as a A product sold in bulk."

Tony watched this young lady with a mysterious identity go from silent thinking, her eyes became brighter little by little, and finally she stared at him like a she-wolf with dim eyes, and an inexplicable chill ran down her spine.

"Yes, it's you, Tony Stark!"

Laura pressed her palm against the silver-white bar table top made of alloy. It seemed that she didn't use much strength and didn't make much noise, but when her palm left the table, a clear sunken handprint was deeply imprinted on it. On the top, it seems that this bar is made of plasticine.

"You must come home with me, Tony Stark, and come with me to my mother."

Before Tony's trembling eyes moved away from the handprint on the bar table, the throbbing spittle in his throat was stuck in the middle, and he couldn't swallow even hearing Laura's sudden request.

Not only the young Mr. Stark, but even Orolo looked at Laura in horror, wondering what she was doing again.

"Ahem, miss, isn't our progress too-fast!"

Before Tony finished speaking, Laura grabbed his collar and lifted him up. He had never felt such force before. His slender, white and tender palms were like pincers made of steel, and she staggered and was dragged to the door of the bar by her. .

"Hey! Put down my boss!"

The bodyguard Harpy, who originally left enough personal space for Tony, shook his long hair and walked towards Laura with a full roar.

But before he got close, two security personnel who were a circle bigger than Happy held his arms left and right, and tapped somewhere on his side ribs, and Happy immediately lay down in great pain. There was movement.

"Ololo, is your shuttle nearby? Mother is still in the wolf's lair, take me there."

"Savage woman! Your Howlett family has become so domineering that you want to rob her—hey! Hey hey!"

Tony tried his best to break the lady's knuckles with both hands. Before he finished speaking, Laura, who was a little irritable after being quarreled, lifted her hand over her head and carried it on her shoulders, and raised her eyebrows at Storm with her hips on her hips.

"Frantz, appease this Mr. Stark's bodyguard, let's go Laura, I will go back with you, I haven't seen Madam for several months."

Orolo was very curious about Laura's weird behavior, and anxiously led Laura upstairs with the mentality of watching the excitement, and didn't care about the poor Mr. Stark who was inexplicably deprived of his freedom.

As the roof of a single-family building full of avant-garde design in Manhattan rotated and separated, a small silver-gray spaceship rushed into the sky, instantly breaking through the thick clouds in the sky, allowing a piece of starlight and a bright moon to be printed on the dome. .

Thousands of miles away from New York City, farther than Greenland, there is another vast, densely forested continent.

Holding M16 assault rifles, two black men dressed in rich tribal-style gowns and leather armor rushed out from the bushes, stopping the crooked figure with a brown linen hood and a cane.

"Well, the country that belongs to the 'Black Panther', the birthplace of vibrating gold, has been reduced to using this kind of high-end goods, tsk tsk, if you are really so poor, then I, the poor old cripple, will run away in vain Let’s go!”

The man was tall and tall, but he obviously didn't have much flesh on his body.

The right half of his body seemed to be supported entirely by the crutch in his hand. His gray hair drooped from the corners of his eyebrows, covering his wrinkled cheeks. His hoarse and rough voice sounded somewhat uncomfortable.

"Go and report to T'Chaka, eh~ he shouldn't have died of old age, anyway, go and tell your 'Black Panther' king, saying that someone who will make him no longer suffer from sleepless nights and live in nightmares is coming. "

The man looked at a vast valley with lush pastures through the bodies of two guards, and he could even faintly see that the towering mountains winding around the edge of the Wakanda Valley seemed to be cut off in the middle. cut.

A mountain that should have been embedded in the middle disappeared, becoming a deep scar that was chiseled on the land of this kingdom
"Go ahead."

In the only majestic building in Wakanda, the king wearing a leopard-faced helmet rested his hands on the stone throne, sitting and staring at the strange old man standing in the hall.

Standing beside the Black Panther King was a fit and strong young man with his arms folded. The next black man with an old face was also sitting on a lower stone chair. Except for the three of them, the entire palace No one else.

"About 40 years ago, the most precious and magical metal on earth was plundered from its origin, hehe, the person who robbed it didn't hollow out that mountain-like mine little by little, but"

The old man's words made everyone in the hall tense up their breaths and fists. Only the man in gold and black armor sitting on the king's throne remained relaxed.

".More than 30 years ago, Wakanda encountered two 'devils', one white and one red. King Azuli died in battle, and the corpses of dead and wounded warriors filled this peaceful and fertile valley."

"Black Panther, have you had a good night's sleep since that night?"

The king held the helmet in both hands, twisted it gently and lifted it up. A gray and resolute face of Hu Ran, who looked about 50 years old, appeared in front of the mysterious old man, and finally said again:

"Stranger, your story is not accurate. My father, Azuli, did not die on the spot. Instead, he endured tragic injuries and persisted for more than ten years before finally dying of illness. As for my sleeping problem, I don't need you." worry."

"Well, the power of 'Black Panther' can really delay aging. I, a bad old man, should be much younger than you. Yes, your sleep is not important, but T'Chaka. You tell me, Wakanda's The holy mountain! The treasure you have sworn to protect for generations! Isn’t it important!”

The old man's hoarse shout was more deafening than the sound, his shriveled body seemed to be tall and mighty, and the corners of his mouth were trembling with excessive excitement.

The pupils of the prince standing next to T'Chaka were a little red. He looked at his father who was still silent with drooping eyebrows, and opened his mouth, but did not speak.

"That man, that family, not only set up many enemies in our planet, but wanted to provoke Howlett's enemies. I suggest that you take the latest interstellar plane while you still have a few years to live. The spaceship went to the universe to find the Cree, their hatred should be deeper than mine."

"Black Panther" T'Chaka waved his hand disdainfully, motioned to his son to see off the guests, closed his eyes and remained silent.

But the old man was not discouraged. He put down the mottled coarse cloth bag on his back with a smile, and sat on it with his crutches propped up, taking time to say:
"T'Chaka, hey! You can't catch up with James Howlett in ten lifetimes just because of this nonsense, and you're not interested in my coming? Then you're sitting here now meeting a strange old trash. Haha, again for what?"

Narrow eyes wandered back and forth on the faces of the Black Panther King and the prince, and the corners of their mouths widened.

"Your support. I'm just interested to hear, why do you think you can reach out to the 'Wolf Emperor'? Although he is not in this world for the time being, and some people even say that he may be dead, but even if he was born with Howlett Anyone thinking of being an enemy should reflect on their ignorance and stupidity."

The old man leaned his cane on his shoulder, groped for a while from the heathen cloak, and finally took out a stack of folded paper, like some kind of blueprint, and handed it to the Wakanda prince who walked up to him.

With a calm face, he said: "You are right, the backbone of the Kree Empire was broken by him. If you say that the most hated Howlett in this universe, the most powerful force is still this dead but not stiff interstellar empire." , but in this world, there are still too many talents that you don't know about!"

T'Chaka unfolded the drawing, looked at the dense and obscure lines and patterns on it, and read various formula data quite seriously, not pretending to understand.

".I know, you Wakanda have been studying the science and technology outside these years, and you should not have lived so long in vain. Let's see, arrange a place for me, and think about it early. We still have a lot of things to do. run."

(End of this chapter)

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