Marvel reverses Wolverine

Chapter 61 Undercurrent

Chapter 61 Undercurrent
James is here today to inspect the newly researched successful transistors.

Five or six years ago, at his request, the Howlett Advanced Technology Research Institute completed the first generation of electronic tube digital machines, and just broke through the technical difficulties of transistors in the past two days.

When the car passed by the street behind the research institute, James saw this skinny and short child, constantly resisting several taller boys, resisting the impact.

He asked the driver to pull over and watched the development of this "battle" with great interest.

With his eyesight, he could tell at a glance that this thin, blond, white boy was born with an extremely poor physique. It is conservatively estimated that he will have two or three symptoms of physical dysplasia.

Such a child is often afraid to fight with others, especially on the physical level, but in him, James can't see a trace of cowardice or retreat. This child's momentum is as if he is the strong one, and he doesn't care about the setbacks in fists and feet.

This reminded him of his former self, and this similarity made James feel a little stunned for a moment, evoking the fragments that had long been blurred in his mind.

Steve Rogers thanked him stammeringly. He seriously refused and thanked the strange man for his kindness, but his refusal did not have any effect. The man picked him up and threw him into the car, and bought a lot of them along the way. Food and daily necessities.

"Steve Rogers. Steve."

James seemed to find the name somewhat familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had heard it before.

"This is a very common name, Mr. Howlett, um, a very typical American name." Steve said to James understandingly. He looked out the window and signaled that he had arrived.

"Mr. Howlett, please come and have a cup of coffee with this gentleman."

Steve Rogers politely invited James and Mr. Driver in uniform and gloves.

James looked at this typical American lower-middle-class detached house and nodded. The driver just smiled at Steve and didn't mean to come in.

The house is really not big. The furniture and decoration have been in a certain age. The tables, chairs and sofas are all mottled and damaged. Except for a radio, there are no valuable items, but it is very clean and tidy, and it looks comfortable. .

Steve put down the two big bags of food he was carrying, quickly opened the cupboard, took out the coffee pot and started cooking. While the coffee was brewing, he took out the ingredients in the bag and chopped carrots and onions.

"If you don't mind, please have dinner together. With your generosity, I will cook some food. I have almost learned the beef stew that my mother is best at."

James sniffed, he smelled something bad deep in the room, and then said to Steve, "Can I visit your mother?"

Steve looked hesitant. He put down the knife, washed the handle, and said embarrassingly: "Mom has lung disease, which is contagious. She contracted it from working in a tuberculosis hospital. You still don't want it."

"It's okay, I have antibodies, so I'm not afraid of these." James smiled.

Steve took out two thick cotton masks and handed the new one to James. James hesitated and didn't refuse. He didn't want to put pressure on the mother and child.

"Mom, this is Mr. Bruce Howlett. He sent me back today. This is my mother, Sarah."

It can be seen that Steve Rogers' mother must have been a gentle and beautiful woman when she was young. Her pale blond hair was a little dull, her cheeks were sunken, and her breathing was not smooth.

"Steve, how can I let guests come in to see me, I'm sorry, Mr. Howlett, my condition is not very good, please leave this room as soon as possible."

"It's okay, madam." James waved his hand and continued, "I'm also a doctor, can I help you?"

He walked to Mrs. Rogers' bedside and put his fingers on her wrist.

After a while, he and Steve returned to the living room, and said to the young Steve with a serious face: "Your mother's condition is very bad, she needs to go to the hospital immediately and get the best treatment, otherwise."

James shook his head and looked at Steve, who was struggling.

"We, we have no way to go to the hospital. My mother has been raising me alone. In the past few years, I have taken a part-time job in the tuberculosis hospital in order to live better, and I have contracted the disease."

James didn't respond, but just walked out of the house and waved to the driver who was standing outside. The driver came forward quickly, listened to a few instructions, and left in a hurry.

Before the meal was ready, a medical care vehicle from outside the community drove in and stopped at the door of Steve's house. Several doctors in white came up with stretchers.

Steve Rogers watched in panic as several nurses placed his mother gently and properly on the stretcher, while Mr. Howlett comforted and explained to her.

Mrs. Rogers waved to little Steve, called to give some instructions, and was carried into the car by the medical staff.

"I know you are very puzzled, just think that I am a little hypocritical, I saw the shadow of a good friend of mine in you, he has been away for many years"

James didn't wait for the young man to ask, and said to himself. For him, this is just a casual help. People live for a long time, and they more or less value fate.

"Steve! Steve! What's wrong with Aunt Sarah!"

A strong black-haired boy ran over, saw the ambulance driving away in front of the house, and asked little Steve eagerly.

"It's okay, Bucky, mom needs to go to the hospital for treatment, and this gentleman helped."

The boy named Bucky seemed to be instinctively used to protecting Steve, and he looked at James with mature and vigilant eyes.

James smiled, bowed his head to Steve and finally said: "Have dinner with your friends, go to the hospital to see your mother tomorrow, and then find me at Howlett Manor in East Egg, Long Island."

The black limousine attracted many community residents to stand and watch, watching it slowly drive out of this overly simple and cheap community.

".The supreme, supreme and mighty king of the nine worlds, Odin, repelled the frost giants from Jotunheim and protected the human world. Since then, the world has praised the king of gods and the gods of Asgard. brilliant feat"

John Schmidt flipped through the thick ancient book, which was somewhat decayed. It recorded the story of Odin, the god king in Norse mythology, who came to the world and repelled the frost giants, and he left the treasure with infinite power and energy In the world, hid.

Schmidt has climbed quickly in the Deutsches Institute in recent years. He is a typical careerist, not a good scientist. He even put the pursuit of power into mythology. In John Schmidt's mind, Power is power.

After the new Prime Minister Adolf Hitler came to power in this country, there seemed to be an inexplicable wave of fanaticism. Germanic nationalism was advocated to the extreme, and the German people spontaneously developed a sense of extreme superiority of the world's most perfect race.

Germany's defeat in the world wars, depression and increasingly sad days under the Great Depression intensified the hostility of the country and the nation.

Schmidt watched the research institute's crazy research on new weapons, such as tanks, artificial exoskeleton equipment, and biochemical organisms, and other powerful and destructive weapons over the past few years, and his extreme desire to control power surged.

"Researcher Schmidt, you don't take these myths and legends seriously."

Mr. Ernst Kaufmann, director of the German National Weapons Research and Development Department, saw John Schmidt studying in the office, and couldn't help but said in a sarcastic tone.

Schmidt closed the book calmly, coughed twice, and corrected: "It's the deputy director, Mr. Kaufman, and if you think it doesn't exist just because you haven't found it, then this world should return to Primitive society."

John Schmidt did not intend to show weakness in front of this immediate boss. Schmidt, who was more politically sensitive, predicted that this director Kaufman, who was confused about which team he stood in, would not be able to work for too long.

"I hope that as the deputy director, you can focus on the actual business of weapon research and development, not when you are at work—"

Kaufman glanced at the cover of the booklet again. "Norse Mythology" was written in ancient script on it. He snorted and ignored it.

On the other hand, Dr. Abraham Erskine, an alumnus and former colleague of Schmidt's, is attending a technology research summit in Geneva, Switzerland.

"May I take a moment of your time, Dr Erskine."

A tall man with dark hair and a moustache stepped forward. He held out his hand and said, "Howard Stark, from Stark Industries, the most outstanding company in applied technology in the United States."

"As far as I know, the most advanced research institution in the United States should be the Howlett Institute."

Dr. Erskine had a warm face, and shook hands with Howard Stark in a playful tone.

Stark laughed, and said with a bit of arrogance: "The Howlett Group came to talk to me, hoping to acquire Stark Industries. They are very powerful and the price is ridiculously high, but I don't want to just be a researcher in it." One, I have great confidence in Stark Industries."

Dr. Erskine thinks that this Mr. Stark is a very interesting person, very free and easy, even loose, without the strong purpose of a businessman, and more energetic than many researchers.

"Dr. Erskine, I have read your paper this year on the feasibility of the ultimate evolution of the human body. I still have some research on the energy rays mentioned in it as experimental aids."

Howard Stark and Dr. Erskine chatted speculatively, and the two actually had research intersections, which made Dr. Erskine very happy. His serum research has already taken a certain shape, but currently the German The situation made Dr. Erskine even more worried.

From June 1934 to July 6, 30, Adolf Hitler, who served as Chancellor of Germany, set off a butcher knife to further control the country and the army for himself, and eliminate dissidents and unstable forces.

Together with Heinrich Himmler, Johann Schmidt killed Ernst Kaufmann that night.

Schmidt took over the weapon research and development department with full authority, and with the symbol of the mythical Hydra, he raised a banner to the outside world and recruited Dr. Arnim Zola to develop auxiliary exoskeleton armor for soldiers and new weapons and equipment.

In 1935, the German head of state signed the "Anti-Semitic Act" to investigate the Jews across the country. Schmidt acted quickly and captured the fleeing Dr. Erskine family on the border between Germany and Switzerland.

In order to force Dr. Erkins to complete the serum research on the ultimate evolution of the human body as soon as possible, Schmidt put Erskine's family members into the notorious Dachau concentration camp.

Steve Rogers biked for more than an hour from Brooklyn to East Egg on Long Island, and it was killing his body.

Steve pushed the cart through the carved iron gate, and when he entered the Howlett Manor, he was still doubtful whether it was a private residence or an exquisite art garden. There were sculptures and gardening in different styles, obviously with exotic colors, scattered all over the place. They are arranged in a certain pattern.

There are rows of huge old thorn bushes growing on the grass, strong and gnarled, as big as oak trees, and farther away is a high-level observation deck with a panoramic view of Long Island, as well as lakes and streams, surrounding the entire estate.

Steve stammered, explaining to the elegant attendant who guided him into the living room, saying that he was not a young master, and seeing the exquisite refreshments and iced tea served by the attendant, as well as coffee and juice for him to choose, made him feel even more uncomfortable .

"Come on."

James went downstairs and greeted Steve. The young man was a lot more reserved towards Mr. Howlett because of the shocking eyes of the manor, so he got up to say hello uncomfortable.

"You should have visited your mother's place. You can rest assured that you can be hospitalized for treatment. I think you are not in good shape. I will let you come over today and teach you some simple exercise methods. It will be good for your health when you go back and practice more."

James made a gesture, and two waiters came forward and moved the snacks and drinks served for Steve to a small courtyard next to the living room. Steve followed up in a daze, looking at it strangely. Mr. Howlett made a gesture as if he were riding a horse.

With James' current state of cultivation, especially after concentrating his whole body's energy and blood, and using the body as an experimental tool for research, the practice methods for general body conditioning and improving physical fitness have long been improved to an unimaginable level.

He taught Steve several step-by-step movements, matching the different breathing rhythms and methods of each movement, and told him what posture to take when sleeping, how the body is different from chest and lung breathing, and how to imagine some things in his mind. Intentions and pictures and so on.

Steve's physique was indeed poor. When James instructed him to move, he deliberately released some strength and walked around his body. It was really not much better than his previous life.

But this teenage half-old child is indeed a bit savvy, and he quickly mastered the essentials of movement and breathing. This made James feel a little more comfortable, and felt that he was overlapping with his former self.

"Okay, that's basically it. You go back and practice three times a day in the morning and evening. Remember this sleeping posture and breathing rhythm. One day, you will find that you can make your spine fluctuate and your skin stand up with goosebumps. Even if you practice When I get home, I will feel much better in the future.”

James showed Steve his skin on the back of his hand, which was as shiny as jade, and the pores were hard to see. Suddenly, there were dense pimples the size of sesame seeds.

"Mr. Howlett, I don't know. I don't know how to thank you. When my mother is well, can I invite you to eat the beef stew she made. She specially asked me this morning."

Steve asked nervously, rubbing the ground slightly with his toes.

"We'll meet when I get the chance, work out, little Steve, remember, don't back down, but make it worth it."

James finally mentioned to stay with Steve for dinner. The teenager planned to go back early, make some food, and send it to his mother tomorrow.

He didn't do much to keep him, this episode was just his own temporary rise, the two lives have been human for more than 100 years, and the deepest memories are almost illusory.

The intersection of fate with this young man should stop here.

At night, in James's study, Asazo appeared teleported.

James looked at the thick packaged book without looking up, and asked lightly, "Any news?"

 Let’s start with today’s Chapter 1 4000+ and continue during the day, only to realize that today I am the first helmsman, Jian Nida. Thank you here![-] words are guaranteed on the shelf today, which is equivalent to the usual five chapters. If you are in good condition, try to get more. Rubbing everyone, please subscribe~

(End of this chapter)

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