Marvel reverses Wolverine

Chapter 82 See God

Chapter 82 See God
In the early morning of July 1945, [-].

James and his accompanying pack of wolves, Remus Pete, disembark from a military off-road jeep in a desert wasteland in Alamogordo, New Mexico.

Robert Oppenheimer, the leader of the Manhattan Project, and several main researchers came over to shake hands with James. The desert no-man's land was a bit cold at night, and James still wore a slightly thicker disguise for his age.

They approached the marching tent, and several high-level military officials also came over to shake hands with him, and intentionally or unintentionally raised the issue of the post-war military budget.

"Mr. Howlett, please put on your safety goggles."

James took the silver-white light-shielding goggles from a middle-aged man, exchanged a glance with Remus, put them on, and looked to the northwest.

Five thirty in the morning.

A purple-white light cluster flashed suddenly, followed by a deafening explosion. In the dark night, people were temporarily blinded by this excessively intense light.

In an instant, a cloud of dark gray smoke with a diameter of several kilometers rises in the air and turns into a white smoke column. The smoke cloud forms a mushroom shape at the top, and then slowly leaves the smoke column. The crowned "mushroom umbrella" grows bigger and bigger. , as if to swallow the earth.

The observation point nearly [-] kilometers away from the explosion was hit by a strong wind. Dr. Oppenheimer and a group of scientists applauded enthusiastically. The first nuclear fission weapon of mankind, the atomic bomb, exploded successfully.

On the way to leave, James changed cars and instead of taking the military jeep, Remus drove the Howlett family's vehicle to the airport.

"Have you made up your mind?"

James asked Remus Pete, who was driving in front, that he was no longer young. At the age of 30, he had practiced killing techniques to the apex of the first floor. With the help of James, he guided his blood into the second floor. "Fake Dan".

Although the leader of the wolf pack who once followed him to the ocean to search for Wakanda is still in his prime, he can live to a hundred years with this physical state, but after all, he cannot escape the decline of vitality one day.

"Master, you said that what we study is martial arts. There is no such word. It was invented by you, and we, the group of people, were also created by you."

"A soldier seeks a vigorous battle in his life. The long-cherished wish of the Nordic people is to enter the Hall of Valor after the battle. I want to wait for an era where people like us can fight to our heart's content."

James groaned and did not make a sound. The wolves of this generation were trained one by one by him from adolescence or even infancy, and today there are still eight who have practiced the killing technique to the second or third stage.

They did a lot of dark work for the Howlett family in the chaotic 30s and [-]s, eradicating gangsters, hostile capital forces, and even high-ranking members of parliament who hindered the expansion of the family.

President Roosevelt wanted to deal with this entrenched oligarch in the United States for his reasons.

The new generation of wolves is growing up again, and the next generation will still be like this. They are fighting and practicing boxing and martial arts every day in James' hands, full of hostility and murderous aura.

But he has no better way to arrange them now. These people have seen and even touched extraordinary power, and they are not willing to die in an ordinary life. They are waiting for an era, an era of wanton fighting that James promised them.

"When I'm done, I'll start the 'Winter of the Wolf' project."

Remus Pete hooked the corner of his mouth and nodded.

Bucky felt that he was going to die. Ever since the so-called "Big Wolf" Uncle Pete brought a few old guys back to Edmond's old house, he missed more and more the training time of Unit 107 that he hated so much. It was a treat.

After he ran to the school field on the first day, he was thrown into a valley not far away, standing in strange poses with a dozen half-children and even two little girls.

Bucky disdainfully learned a horse-riding posture for twenty minutes, then sat down with his buttocks wobbling.

Those boys and girls glanced at him contemptuously. Their bodies rose and fell, and they breathed in a peculiar rhythm. Some of them even stood there and moved their spines one by one, making Bucky's scalp numb.

An "old wolf" came over and explained the essentials to him with vicious words. Regardless of whether he understood it or not, he whipped his whip and had to stand up again.

It's been more than ten days, but Bucky has become a little familiar with those boys. After all, they are all children, so they are easy to fool.

He curiously inquired how long it would take to practice this way, only to know that the longest one would take three years to practice various basic skills and practice boxing. People study in school and live in a "company" when they grow up.

It's just that Bucky doesn't quite understand why these children feel that this place is not ordinary, nor can he be ordinary.

In this way, Sergeant James Barnes, a one-armed disabled man in his early twenties, relentlessly settled down in this valley, regardless of his "job" here is to raise horses with Coffey herding cattle.
That night, a huge blue-black transport plane with a strange shape parked in the field outside the old house. Based on his knowledge of military aircraft, Bucky judged that this plane, spraying ice-blue flames and landing vertically, had no Not at the level possible with current technology.

He watched a group of youths trained in the manor and the boys and girls around him line up knowingly, boarded the plane excitedly, and followed behind him under the curse of the chief training instructor Remus Pete.

The plane soared into the sky smoothly, and flew towards an unknown direction with extremely fast acceleration.

In the depths of Greenland, on the wasteland of permafrost.

A puff of black smoke rose out of nowhere, and James, wearing a cloak, took Eric Lanshere's hand and Asazo landed on the solid frozen ground.

Eric is wearing an unusually formal dress today, a black suit tailored to his body, his hair is neatly combed, he is tall and thin, with pointed cheeks, and is exceptionally handsome.

They looked around and walked down through a hidden hole behind a boulder.

A majestic and spacious dish-shaped underground space the size of a stadium for [-] people came into view. It was propped up by countless steel structures and equipped with complete photoelectric equipment and fuel generators. It was purely an underground military base.

Many people in research uniforms are busy coming and going inside. There are rows of metal cabins and a three-meter-high oval machine on a high platform in the middle.

Dr. Anim Zola carefully picked up the Cosmic Rubik's Cube with mechanical claws made of vibrating gold, and slowly put it into the newly manufactured energy base.

The Rubik's Cube appeared on Blu-ray right away, and the turbulent energy stream soared into the sky, but it was quickly stabilized by the energy absorbing device made by Quan Zhenjin, and the energy was supplied stably and continuously.

"First, sir, everything is ready." Zola pushed her glasses and said tremblingly.

Dr. Abraham Erskine also nodded solemnly. His lifelong pursuit is to explore and surpass the limits of human beings, but today's "ceremony" will allow him to see how humans become gods.

Above one side of the underground base, a "ceiling" with a size of tens of square meters opened slowly. Amidst rumbling buzzing, the transport plane carrying Bucky and the wolf group flew above the open cavern. The four propellers on the flanks reversed direction, and gradually fell while pressing against the ground.

A series of figures stepped down from the plane quietly and solemnly, and came to James in a neat order, beating their chests and bowing their heads.

Remus Pete led the other eight members of the wolf pack in front, one by one, walked towards the metal cabins arranged in two rows, and tore off his own coat, each of them was tall and majestic, with flesh full of scars naked.

The qi burst all over James, and the cloak on his upper body collapsed. His white jade-colored body was flawless, and his bone structure seemed to be a little different from that of ordinary people. His body was thick and strong, but without large muscles, as if his body was a Skeletal armor covered with a layer of jade-like skin.

There was a faint blood-red streamer on his body, gently floating four or five meters in mid-air, looking around below.

Bucky opened his mouth wide, gulped down a mouthful, his scalp was a little numb, the boys and girls around him were full of enthusiasm, and their right fists were tightly pressed to their chests.

Standing on the stage, Eric, who was next to Azazuo, became more and more short of breath. He seemed to be aroused by some kind of resonance deep in his blood, his eyes were burning, and he remained motionless.

James Howlett carefully looked at every face without saying a word. The solemn and heavy atmosphere in the entire underground space was like a vast ocean brewing with majestic waves, and everyone's energy was aroused to the extreme.

He slowly flew towards the giant egg-shaped energy cabin made of vibrating gold in the center of the high platform, fell from the opening and closing opening above, and lay down in the cabin.

The hatch was closed without any gaps, like a monster egg, James picked up the "Styx" serum syringe that had been placed inside in the dark space.

This tube extracted a full ten heart-shaped herbal medicines of perfect evolution serum, constantly glowing with purple light, lighting up the darkness inside the "egg" like a lighting stick.

James pierced the needle of the serum medicine made by Zhenjin directly into his chest, slowly pushed it into the arteries of the heart, and pumped the "Styx" serum to every inch of his body.

He restrained his mind with all his strength, and his body gradually gathered together, just like in the mother's womb, gathering all the qi and blood inward, and all the thoughts, thoughts, shrunk into one extreme like the stillness of the fetus.

Dr. Zola opened the energy valve outside, and he stared closely at the evolution cabin connected to the energy transmission pipeline below which gradually turned ice blue.

Like a huge egg-shaped luminous body, the brightness continued to increase, almost making it impossible for everyone present to look directly at it, and subconsciously covered their eyes.

Every cell and tissue in James Howlett's body is constantly exploding and repairing. The serum is like a violent catalyst, igniting all his cells. The bioenergy field condensed in his body is constantly compressed, and a large amount of pure energy surges. to help him develop further strength and intensity.

The continuous Rubik's Cube energy and his own life energy were perfectly fused together, like particles that were about to fuse after being extremely compressed, his mind gradually became blurred, and he no longer had consciousness, an ancient chaos.

After what seemed like a long time, James Howlett saw a figure in the void of the spiritual world, getting closer and closer, naked, radiant, and his body and soul were one.

That is himself.

Seeing God is not bad, seeing God sees oneself, seeing oneself is God, and God is oneself.

(End of this chapter)

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