Marvel reverses Wolverine

Chapter 87 Steps

Chapter 87 Steps
"Eat some ice cream, it's almost melted, the back kitchen specially made this dessert because of you, you are young and students, I thought you would like it."

James picked up an ice cream dessert sprinkled with premium black truffles and ate it, and suggested that Emma try it.

Miss Emma Frost, who was always confident, mechanically picked up another serving of ice cream, and silently put it in her mouth.

The cold touch made her spirit a little clearer. She silently tasted the sweet but not greasy taste in her mouth, and the rich black truffle flavor, thinking about how to continue this conversation.

James was not in a hurry to speak, looking out of the floor-to-ceiling windows on one side of the living room, Eric, his mother Etty, and Steve's mother, Ms. Sarah, were playing with various flowers together, as if this scene was more important than the magical and beautiful lady opposite. charming.

"Mr. Howlett, we.are.what?"

James nodded, shook his head and smiled again, he looked at Emma with gentle eyes, but not relaxed.

"Call me James. Interestingly, both you and Eric have asked me the same question."

They didn't talk nonsense about such obvious questions as "So you are extraordinary, you must already know Eric's secret". Emma is a smart girl, and it would be much easier to talk to smart people.

"We are human beings with special gifts. Evolution and genetic mutations are the reason for this change, but I don't think it's superior to others, and of course, it doesn't make us feel inferior."

James didn't waste it, and finally scraped the small crystal bowl of ice cream,

"Your talent should be very good. You can master and control the ability of telepathy at such a young age. Is it purely by your own exploration?"

Emma Bai Xueying's cheeks flushed suddenly, she dodged her eyes, and said softly.

"Yes, when I was in middle school, I had this ability due to some stimulation. It was very painful at first, and the messy and turbulent information flooded into my mind. It took me a long time to get used to it. I heard Eric mention that he was doing Some 'practice'."

James smiled teasingly: "It seems that you have seen all of Eric's thoughts."

"I'm sorry, Howe James, sir."

Emma wringed her fingers uneasily. She hadn't felt like a little girl for many years. The power of telepathy made her more or less used to being in control of everything.

"It's okay, if it's not necessary in the future, I don't recommend you habitually 'read' people's voices, it will put too much burden on yourself, yes, I have some small methods that I have thought about, which can help people like us control and even improve own ability."

"I can"

As soon as Emma spoke, she held back her words. Such training skills could not be easily shown to others. She controlled herself in time and did not appear too abrupt.

"It's really nothing, but if I teach you if it's too easy, it seems that I have ulterior motives."

James said relaxedly, he glanced at Eric outside again, and reminded: "I won't tell Eric about your situation for the time being, and you can communicate with him when you find a chance, so that we won't embarrass each other too much."

Emma nodded gratefully. If she was exposed like this, then she would have ulterior motives and pry into other people's thoughts, leaving a deep misunderstanding.

James finally invited Emma, ​​welcoming her to come and play often. Like an ordinary family visit, the two said goodbye politely under Eric's long sigh of relief.

He arranged for a driver to take Miss Emma back, looked at Eric as if he wanted to know something, and casually patted the young man on the shoulder.

"I've always felt that this Frost is like a teacher. I don't know why, but in front of her, it's like seeing you."

Eric complained about this senior Emma, ​​anyone who was unconsciously seen through when getting along with others would feel a kind of pressure inexplicably.

A few days later, Howlett's old house.

James was smoking a cigar by the window of the study room upstairs. Dr. Erskine and Dr. Zola next to him were arguing about some academic issues. He looked boredly at the "relationship household" who was training in actual combat on the manor school ground below. , with a bit of interest.

"Come again!"

Bucky was kicked in the chest, but with the help of the backturn of the iron bridge, he lost his strength, and retreated with a one-handed somersault.

He shook his fist, shouted provocatively, and took the initiative to rush forward.

These days, the little wolves who worked hard for the selection of the new generation of wolves were frightened by this outsider. Bucky trained like a lunatic every day. .

As long as I can't kill me, I will kill you, but the strange thing is that Sergeant Barnes, who is paralyzed on the ground after training every day, and even asked to be helped back, can always continue to be crazy the next day practise.

Snapped!With a crisp sound, Bucky's calf blasted the air abruptly, overturning the opponent, his right fist slammed down, and stopped in front of the opponent at the last centimeter.

The young man with an inch head and a square face lying on the ground had his pupils constricted and squinted his eyes uncontrollably. Bucky's fist pierced him a little uncomfortable, and he felt a deep sense of shame from being knocked down by this cripple for the first time.

Bucky got up and walked away, suppressing the excitement in his heart, the dozen or so little wolves around looked sideways, and made fun of the defeated teammates with many words.

The square-faced youth slapped the ground angrily to get up, staggered and fell back, his calf was injured, and he couldn't stand up anymore.

Next to him, an old wolf who had been injected with serum came over, and slid him aside like a chicken, and with all his strength, he dredged up the blood stagnated in his calf.

"Hiss dad, lighten up."

The square-faced young man bared his teeth and yelled. He was nearly two meters tall and was the tallest and strongest old wolf after the breakthrough of the nine serum injections.

"Damn it! I want that cripple to die."

After hearing this, the old wolf dug into his son's calf, making him howl in pain.

"Who do you want to die?" He stared at his child indifferently, with extra solemnity.

"Dad hurts, hurts."

"Everyone standing here is your brother, your comrade. One day you will give each other's backs to each other, and even use your own flesh and blood to block bullets for him. Say it again, who do you want to die .”

The little wolf cub muttered silently, lowered his head and said softly: "Is he counted too, neither he nor that 'Captain America' is a member of our wolf pack, Lord Wolf..."

"Bastard! You can guess, sir!"

Looking at his son who was completely afraid to speak out, the old wolf continued solemnly.

"A true fighter will be delighted when he meets someone stronger than himself. How long has that 'crippled' been beaten by you? Has he escaped once? Have you ever been overwhelmed by an opponent with such a huge gap?" Shame on you!"

"He, like Rogers, is a person who does not shrink back in the worst adversity, so Mr. Howlett will look at him differently. In his heart, only the true brave can be recognized."

While talking, the old wolf rubbed his son's ankle for the last time, seeing his blushing and pensive look, he didn't say any more.

Each new generation of wolves is the child of the core old men of the Howlett family. Most of the young wolves trained on the school field have fathers from the previous generation of wolves, and they are all related to each other.

They train desperately every day, and these seniors who have successfully trained in killing techniques use their strength to dredge their muscles and bones and treat hidden injuries.

In Remus's generation, James personally adjusted their bodies one by one since childhood. Now that he has cultivated a generation, he doesn't need to do these anymore.

But Bucky doesn't have this kind of treatment. If he didn't have a good roommate, he wouldn't be able to practice.

"Wow. Thank you, Kofi, a kid was so ruthless today that I almost broke my neck."

Coffey routinely treats Bucky's wounds every day. His ability to be close to life and death is far superior to those of the veteran wolves.

He has practiced the killing technique to the peak of the first stage, and the force of the sudden burst of fists and feet can make the air crackle.

"Mr. Howlett wants to see you."

Remus Pete appeared expressionlessly at the door of the stable, his footsteps were silent, and Bucky was covered in cold sweat in shock.

Sergeant Barnes was brought into the spacious underground palace below the old house for the second time. Mr. Howlett settled down cross-legged in a stone room at the deepest point. There was a slight turbulence in the air. He left the stone bed in a levitation and his feet fell back ground.

Remus had already left at some point, and Bucky looked at Mr. Howlett nervously, wondering why he was called here.

"Ever seen boxing, Bucky?"

James said casually, and walked to the spacious practice room. Every time Bucky was horrified by the giant four-to-five-meter-high spiked iron pillar.

"Look, I've seen, my combo boxing was not bad before, at that time"

Bucky talked and said nothing, James nodded and smiled, without much comfort, and continued.

"In my opinion, the fighting technique of boxing is the most valuable thing is the so-called 'shake and flash' and footsteps, which can avoid the enemy's attack by a tiny bit in a very small fighting space."

"One arm is missing, and many offensive methods cannot be used, but the flexible body and footwork will not be affected."

James stood upright casually, and moved lightly, "Look, I will only teach you three times."

He walked with peculiar footwork, moving left and right like a butterfly piercing flowers, and seemed to be walking in circles in some regular way, interspersed back and forth, his body was undulating and erratic.

Bucky imitated subconsciously, and while James was demonstrating, he explained the essentials and coordination of the movements, and how to increase the practice level by level from easy to difficult.

This is the agility technique he designed for Bucky by combining the shaking and flashing and butterfly footwork of modern boxing, as well as the footwork of Bagua boxing in his previous life. It has long been easy for him to move without deliberate instinct, but it is extremely difficult for ordinary people to learn. high.

"It's okay, that's what it means."

James nodded. Steve, a good brother, is really talented. He can imitate roughly after three times of teaching, and he has a tough heart. He has not given up on injuries like a broken arm. He is a good seed.

"You're lucky if you can deal with your injuries with some small methods, but fighting and training don't mean to torture yourself too much. Within three months, if these little wolves can't hit you with a single punch, I can teach you something new .”

Seeing that his little secret was revealed in a word, Bucky was somewhat embarrassed, but he seemed to have become a lot more courageous because of getting along with him for a while, and asked James a lot of tricks about his body skills with a cheeky face, and ran away in a hurry. Back to the stable.

(End of this chapter)

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