Marvel: Silver Superman, Starts with Mutant Academy

Chapter 13

Chapter 13 Transformation Special Effects

Under Storm’s explanation, the people around ‘understood’ why Chen Tian’s power burst was so strong.

But even so, many people were very surprised.

The speed is more than ten times that of ordinary people, the grip strength is at least five tons, and the fist strength exceeds fifteen tons when it explodes.

In terms of pure physical strength, it has already crushed all the Mutant students in the audience.

Although after becoming Mutants, their physique will get a certain strengthening, whether it is strength or endurance, they are stronger than ordinary people.

But this kind of power is limited, generally only a few times, after all, their Mutants mainly rely on variant Ability.

Unless it is a Mutant whose body is mutated and strengthened, the physical strength will be very strong.

Thinking of this, the students below suddenly felt a lot more balanced. Yes, their Mutant relies on Ability. What if you are strong and fast?

Can you wear all objects? Can you control plants? Can you wreak havoc from a distance with a fiery aura?

Just as those students consoled themselves.

Cyclops and Storm were shocked.

Because they have seen Chen Tian’s admission details, preliminary Awakening’s energy department, Ability is Energy Berserk, Level 1 Strength, and Potential Level 3.

The physical fitness is twice that of ordinary people, and the strengthening effect is average. Evaluation: After graduation, the probability of becoming an X-Men is less than 10%.

At Xavier School of Giftedness, not all Mutants graduate to become X-Men.

This requires knowledge, combat experience, and ability to be recognized in all aspects.

However, in this evaluation, on the fifth day of admission, Chen Tian showed that his physical strength continued to increase, and in five days, it increased ten times that of ordinary people, and his strength reached 1.3,000 KG and refreshed.

The speed of this improvement has alarmed Professor X, and made this Mutant freshman a key target.

Definitely, they didn’t know it at the time, when Chen Tian only showed half of his strength.

And that’s why Storm came to talk to him after class that day.

After all, although there are many Mutant students, few can become X-Men with strong combat power and stable Ability.

At the moment, it was just ten days after Chen Tian entered school, and his physical strength had actually increased dozens of times that of ordinary people. Such a terrifying speed of improvement was simply terrifying.

Although there are some Mutant stronger than Chen Tian now, not to mention the speed, the speed of Quicksilver is so fast that people lose the concept of time.

But the problem is that the speed of Quicksilver is brought by Ability. When Ability is cast, it affects the surrounding and puts itself into an overspeed state that exceeds physical limitations.

But Chen Tian is different, he is purely physical.

Thinking of this, Scott has decided to adjust the confidentiality level of Chen Tian’s information to the highest level after this class is over.

Scott said in a low voice, “Everyone has seen the strength of West’s classmates, and I am no match for my physical strength alone.”

“Next, I will do Ability training. I will suppress the strength of Cyclops to attack West. You can use Ability to resist or evade.”

“…Okay.” Unexpectedly, Chen Tian, who changed his training method with just one punch, paused, then nodded.

The ability of energy rage, Chen Tian has not really used it.

At the moment, he took a deep breath, and with a thought, activated another force in his body.

Just like gasoline being ignited, with Chen Tian activating Ability, some special genes in his body became active, bursting out with violent power.


Looking from a distance, Chen Tian seems to have a substantial transparent energy eruption, forming a strong spiral wind, which blew his clothes.

Roar Roar Roar Roar! !

The transparent strong wind formed by the power spurted out from Chen Tian’s body up and down, spinning from bottom to top, blowing his hair to dance wildly, covering a range of one meter outside of him.

In this scene, if the color of the erupted energy turns into golden blue again, it will be a picture of Super Saiyan transformation.

Definitely, this is to ignore the shoe on his left foot with the toes exposed, and the shoe on the foot was torn under the explosion of the powerful force under the explosion of the front foot.

This scene, the Shadowcat’s eyes lit up after watching: “It’s so cool.”

“Fake, this guy is pretending again.” A Mutant who likes Shadowcat is a little sour.

While others were surprised by Chen Tian’s transformation, he was also a little surprised.

Because he found that as the violent energy roared in the body, the muscles all over his body swelled in an instant, bursting out with powerful forces.

At this moment, Chen Tian felt that his power had increased by at least five times, an astonishing increase.

However, when this Ability is being cast, the erupted energy seems to be burning, quickly consuming his physical strength.

At this time, Scott in the distance pressed his hand on the frame and reminded: “West, I’m going to attack.”

After speaking, a bright red light lit up on the glasses, and then two red beams exploded with a bang, emitting a fiery light that penetrated the air.

The laser beam was very fast, and it only crossed a distance of more than 30 meters in an instant.

However, at the moment when Cyclops broke out, Chen Tian’s right foot moved and his strength exploded.


Under the five-fold increase in strength, the ground burst, definitely, and the shoe on the right foot also shattered.

But at this time, Chen Tian couldn’t care about this. Under the powerful anti-shock force, he moved more than ten meters and appeared in the distance in an instant, dodging the attack.


The two beams landed on the floor where Chen Tian was originally, and the ground exploded in an instant, and the splashing fire and gravel swept across, forming a circle of hot Shockwave.

At this moment, the two laser beams slightly shook their heads with Scott, like two indestructible laser machines traversing, sweeping towards Chen Tian in the distance.

Boom boom boom! !

Where the laser passed, the ice wall collapsed, the ground was cut, the vines wrapped around the ring and the swamp that softened the ground were all shattered.


PS: The third update, there is more to come, brothers remember to vote for flowers to support it. *

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