Marvel: Silver Superman, Starts with Mutant Academy

Chapter 134

Chapter 134 Three Awakening, the shining power of destruction


At the moment when the fists, one big and one small, collided, the space seemed to be blasted by the fists of the two, and the sky shook and the atmosphere burst.

Immediately after reaching a height of ten meters, Ahmed’s right arm, like a giant, was broken with a bang, and his huge body flew upside down under the indescribable force.

Boom boom boom!!

After the huge body knocked the ruined city out of a passage of several hundred meters, it rolled on the ground twice and stopped.

At this time, on the enlarged helmet on Ahmed’s head, the bright red gems shone, and the rays of energy from the universe were absorbed in the night sky.

Under the endless energy, his body swelled in a circle again, reaching eleven meters, and the energy fluctuations emanating from his body became more violent.

Even the folded arm recovered under the cosmic energy and stood up again.


On this ship, two blue light beams shot out from Ahmed’s eyes, whose energy escaped, and appeared in front of Chen Tian in an instant, penetrating… Chen Tian’s afterimage.

“Too slow. 35

In the faint voice, Chen Tian appeared on the side of Ahmed with a teleportation, and then fell with one foot.


In an instant, the ground shattered and the space oscillated. Ahmed kicked it directly for thousands of meters, just like a meteor flew over a small river and landed in the main city.

As a big city with a population of more than 4 million, Zigra is also a big city in Mexico.

Because most of them are low-rise buildings, the diameter of the city reaches tens of kilometers.

At the moment it was just night, and people came and went on the street, all looking towards the seaside in horror.

There was no way, the sky-high flames over there almost made half of the sky red, which was too scary.

21 However, because of the blockade by the armed personnel of Arela in the morning, people were driven out, so although violent explosions continued to occur there, no one dared to go to check.

Including the local police and firefighters, no one was prepared to pass without the permission of the Arrera Group.

Otherwise, if you are accidentally killed, you will not even be able to find a place to seek justice.

Even some reporters, even though they were curious about what kind of weapon the beam of light sweeping across the sky was, did not dare to bring people over to broadcast it.

This is the deterrent of top gangs.


At this moment, a figure radiating blue and red rays of light ran across thousands of meters under the night, crossed the river, and smashed into a building.


In an instant, the commercial building shook, half of the glass was shattered, and countless gravel splashed around, scaring countless people on the street below screaming in fear.

At this moment, a pale golden light descended from the sky and landed on the building with the power of destroying the sky and destroying the earth, and the violent violence erupted in an instant.


As high as 100 meters, dozens of floors of buildings collapsed from top to bottom, and countless fragments of cement buildings splashed like cannonballs, screaming for hundreds of meters.


“There are missiles.

“Help me…”

Countless people who were standing on the street and looking at the seaside to watch the lively screamed and fled in all directions in fear, and many people were killed by falling cement fragments.

This scene is similar to the previous Pochut City.


At this time, under the collapsed building, hundreds of thousands of tons of gravel bricks exploded, and a huge figure flew high. It was Ahmed who was punched into the sky.


Just as Ahmed was blasted hundreds of meters into the air with a punch, and before he could react, Chen Tian appeared behind him with a terrifying speed and teleportation.

One foot fell.


In an instant, it has skyrocketed to twelve meters, and Ahmed, like a giant, fell from the sky at a terrifying speed, and landed on the ground like a cannonball.


The ground below shattered, dozens of houses collapsed, countless gravel and soil rose into the sky, and dozens of ordinary people were thrown into the air.


At this moment, a blue beam exploded, was dodged by Chen Tian, and then instantly appeared in front of the embarrassed Ahmed, punching out.

Boom boom boom!!

Everything they passed was destroyed, like two ancient beasts fighting, each time the Shockwave burst out hundreds of meters, shattering the surrounding glass.

Countless people bleed from their ears, and the momentum was terrifying.

This is the terrifying power of the powerful superhuman, and ordinary people can’t even stop the aftermath.

During the battle, Chen Tian let Ahmed Energy Absorbing.

Therefore, the body is getting bigger and bigger, the strength is getting stronger and stronger, and then Chen Tian is overbearing with a punch or a kick, sending out an angry and powerless roar.

“It can absorb the energy of the universe and become larger, the bigger the size, the stronger the strength, the super resilience, the energy release and the defense comparable to the destroyer.

“This Mutant, except for the weakness that it will become larger due to the absorption of cosmic energy, is almost perfect.”

During the battle, Chen Tian observed the changes of the giant, and he was a little interested in this Mutant’s ability.

At this moment, on the seashore in the distance, an astonishing aura of power suddenly erupted, the collapsing cliff exploded, and a dazzling golden light immediately illuminated the sky.

Seeing this, Chen Tian raised his brows and punched the giant, which had swelled to fifteen meters, into the ground, leaving a crater with a diameter of one hundred meters in the city.

Then the whole person slammed into the air directly, with a blue plasma fire on the outside, like a meteor piercing the sky.

Roar Roar Roar Roar!!

On the pile of gravel, Kud’s whole body erupted with more violent spiral waves, his hair was rendered into golden dancing, and his eyes almost turned golden.

At the moment, the aura on his body skyrocketed dozens of times again, and the edge of the golden air wave erupting outside his body was faintly showing signs of blue flames.

The whole body exudes terrifying energy fluctuations, and the air waves almost blow away the surrounding gravel and sand within a range of ten meters.

According to the degree of increase, it has reached more than one hundred and twenty times the second Awakening, and the power has increased nearly seven hundred times on the original basis.

And the further back, the more exaggerated the increase in strength, because the quantity will lead to qualitative changes, so it is said that the strength is more than seven hundred times, but it is actually increased by a thousand times.

Such a terrifying increase made Kurd’s strength even more terrifying, and his face couldn’t help showing excitement.

Shen invaded him in the powerful force, looking at the sudden appearance of Chen Tian, the original fear in Kud’s heart disappeared.


Surrounded by golden air waves, Kud instantly burst into sonic movement, appeared in front of Chen Tian, and fell with a punch full of explosive energy.

Then it was blocked by Chen Tian at will.


The moment Kuder’s fist was touched by Chen Tian’s palm, an energy equivalent to a powerful missile exploded, and a fiery golden flame was emitted.

Under the violent energy Shockwave, the surrounding tens of meters of sediment was blown away, and the hard rocks were shattered.

Boom boom boom!!

If one punch is not enough, two punches.

Kud’s double fists were like meteors, circling Chen Tian at a speed of hundreds of punches per second, attacking in all directions, and each blow exploded with energy comparable to the explosion of an aviation bomb.

Such a powerful offensive, if it is used to destroy the city, it can turn a prosperous city into ruins in an hour, and its strength is terrifying.

But unfortunately, what he faced was Chen Tian, whose strength had increased tenfold after the first battle of the Destroyer.

Although Kud’s explosive strength and speed at the moment were amazing, every punch was easily caught by Chen Tian.

However, the aftermath of the battle that broke out when the two sides fought, formed a circle of destruction shock waves, destroying everything in the surrounding hundreds of meters.

In the blast of fire all over the sky, with the continuous attack, Kud’s expression became more and more excited, because his strength was still growing at an alarming rate.

One hundred and thirty times, one hundred and forty times, one hundred and fifty times, one hundred and ninety times…

The energy that erupted in Kurd’s body became more and more violent and domineering, and the characteristic power of that explosive explosion became more and more powerful.

Outside of his body, the erupted air waves had turned golden blue, like a materialized flame burning.

The energy on the fist was almost compressed into substance, and the moment it exploded was enough to crack the earth and collapse a small mountain.

Yes, take it seriously.

The grip strength of more than 200,000 tons and the fist strength of 2 million tons are almost millions of times that of ordinary people. With such a terrifying body density, the biological force field can be imagined how terrifying.

In addition, Chen Tian integrated the solar energy of 100,000 times compression and strengthening in the cells of the body into the force field on the surface of the body, and the terrifying defense was indescribable.

Therefore, although the power displayed by Kud became stronger and stronger, it was unable to shake the biological force field on the surface of Chen Tian’s body, and it was unable to shake the extremely dense and terrifying powerful body.

This is the three-month change in Chen Tian’s development after leaving Mutant School.


At this moment, Kud burst into a loud drink, and the fist of his right hand was burning with blue flames, the electric light shone on it, and a punch slammed into the palm of Chen Tian.


In an instant, a light like a nuclear explosion erupted.

At the moment when the fists and palms intersected, a fiery and destructive force shook the biological force field, and the terrifying force emitted by 667 made Chen Tian take a step back.

This was the first time that Chen Tian was repulsed head-on since the battle broke out.

Under the blazing blue light that erupted, all the surrounding matter was instantly annihilated, whether it was sand, rock, or sea water.

A huge amount of void formed around the two of them.

“Hahahaha…haha…I, I finally beat you back.

Kud, who was also shaken back by the force of destruction, floated more than ten meters away and looked at Chen Tian with a smile on his face, but there was a trace of unwillingness on his face when he smiled.

Because the battle was so long and his teammates suffered heavy casualties, he actually just made the opponent take a step back.

At the moment, Kud has almost lost his form, and his whole body is exuding dazzling energy light, turning into a spiral blue flame erupting, surrounded by electric light.

The momentum is even more powerful, but it is like a flaming torch, burning to the most vigorous moment.

Looking at the indifferent black-haired boy, Kud said a little unwillingly: “You already knew there would be this outcome, so you didn’t kill me before.

“That’s right.” Chen Tian was noncommittal.

With his strength, it is really easy to kill these Mutants. For example, when he grabs Kurd’s hand in front, he can instantly kill him.

As for why he didn’t kill it, it was very simple. He wanted to see what happened when Awakening’s Ability was fissioned to the extreme and his life force was exhausted.

X Gene Secondary Awakening’s Ability is very strong, there is no doubt about this, especially in his hands.

At the beginning, he burned to a hundredfold increase, and after the power changed qualitatively again, the burst of blue power could even shake the Phoenix force of the piano.

But Chen Tian had a hunch at the time that if the fission continued to increase, he would die.

Because of the strength of Superman’s body at that time, it could not withstand more than a hundred times of fission, and once the vitality of the burning was out of control, it would burn to ashes.

After that battle, Chen Tian rested for a week, and has not entered the second Awakening since then.

One is that there is no opponent who needs him to explode again, and the other is that there is no need to consume vitality and delay the strength improvement of Superman’s body

Unexpectedly, there is actually an experimental body delivered to the door today, Chen Tian will naturally not waste it

P: The third 4D update is completed and will continue tomorrow.

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