Marvel: Silver Superman, Starts with Mutant Academy

Chapter 136

Chapter 136 Kill the hellfire and deter the world

“West, what do you ask them to do?” The opposite Professor X was a little puzzled.

Chen Tian said lightly: “They were in ambush and wanted to kill me, but I killed them instead.


When they heard that Chen Tian was ambushed and surrounded and killed, Professor X and Storm beside him were shocked, and then solemnly said: “West, are you alright?

Chen Tian calmly said: “I’m fine, Professor, you can tell Hellfire Club for me and give me a satisfactory answer within three days.

“Otherwise I don’t mind shooting, slaughtering all members of Hellfire. 99

Chen Tian’s words shocked both of them.

From what they knew about West, they knew he wasn’t joking.

Professor X hurriedly said: “West, don’t get excited, tell me what happened first.”

Chen Tian said indifferently: “Today the two are called Amara, Ahmed’s Mutant, and the other three have time stagnation, Mind Control…”

Next, Chen Tian briefly talked about the ambush, but there was a cold sweat behind Professor X and Storm who heard it.

Cosmic Energy Absorption strengthening, can use energy attack, become giant, control magma earth, time stagnation, Mind Control, Ability copy.

Each of the five Mutants is not weak, three of them have special ability, and two are powerful, even if Magneto encounters them, they will die.

It is no problem to directly attack the White House of the United States, and it can easily destroy a large military base with amazing strength.

Including Professor X, pays if you accidentally come across… uh.

He doesn’t seem to be afraid of these people.

Although there is a Mutant that can copy Ability within a certain range, but the same Ability is used in the hands of different people, and the effect is very different.

And if these people dare to appear in front of him, a direct mind control will solve all of them.

This is Mutant’s 667 terrifying. Many times, who is stronger is not determined by destructive power, but by the ability to overcome each other and who has fewer weaknesses.

For example, Chen Tian, if the core ability is not the Superman power, there is no weakness, otherwise, he might have been planted this time.

Face off against an Ahmed stronger than the Destroyer, a Kurd that replicates his Mutant Ability, plus a Magma Attack and Time Stall.

And that Mind Control Mutant.

Professor X said solemnly: “West, you’re fine, this time Hellfire really needs to give you an explanation.”

“But Hellfire is a loose organization, and while Ahmed is a Hellfire member, others may not be aware of this incident.”

Chen Tian said lightly: “I know, that’s why I asked you to tell them to give me an explanation, otherwise I would have already started killing people. 99

The structure of Hellfire Club is divided into white king, black king, white queen, black queen, white bishop, black bishop, white car, black car and ordinary members.

In addition, each large region is a division, and many divisions are headed by Black King, White King, or White Queen.

Therefore, in terms of rank, the White Kings and Black Kings of the various branches are similar, and each has its own people.

In addition, Hellfire Club also has a core group consisting of the strongest Mutants such as White King, Black King, Queen, etc.

Hanging up the phone, Chen Tian slowly fell from the sky.

At the edge of the big pit, Edith Lace bowed her head in shame, with Nicole’s body at her feet.

When Chen Tian landed in front of her, Edith lace said with guilt: “Darling! I’m sorry, if I hadn’t been trapped this time…

When she was trapped by Nicole, although the time was stagnant, she realized that she was the bait the moment she came out, the bait used to ambush Chen Tian.

This made Edith feel guilty.

Before she could finish speaking, Chen Tian waved his hand and said, “Itilace, I don’t blame you for this (cbea) incident. The goal of these people was originally me, and you were just implicated.”5

After finishing speaking, Chen Tian reminded: “But you have also seen that in this world, there are various Mutants with strange abilities.”

“Even if it’s me, I don’t dare to say that I am invincible in the world.”

“Next, you have to work hard to master the Tempering Ability. It is best to be able to use it with other abilities at any time like Peter.”

“At that time, there will be not many people in this world who can threaten you.”

“You have to remember that a person’s strength is not only based on how strong the attack is, but also the defense is very important, otherwise, if you are not careful, a bullet can kill you.

Facing Chen Tian’s reminder, Edith nodded seriously: “Darling, I understand.

Then, Edith looked around, and the chaotic city behind, and asked, “Darling! Are we going to be direct next?”

“How can it be.

Chen Tian showed a sneer on his face: “I was busy with research during this time, and it seems that some people have the illusion that I am easy to mess with and can handle.

“Editiles, call George and the others, send everyone in the blood wolf group, and swallow all the territory of the Arela group in the south. 39

“Anyone who stands in the way of the Blood Hand Society, whether it is a member of other gangs, officials or even the military, will all be killed.

This time, the Arrera Group teamed up with Mutant to ambush Chen Tian, giving him an excuse.

A reason to start killing people.

It just so happens that Bloody Hand will take advantage of the situation to unify the underground markets of the two continents in the south, which can make up for his lack of money before the profits from those drugs explode.

As for the idea of asking the gang’s subordinates not to do the flour business, Chen Tian never thought about it.

Because in Mexico, the flour business is not just a business, but is closely related to the local economy and the lives of many people.

In addition, most of the flour in Mexico is exported to the United States except in Mexico, where it is digested by the United States, which legalized flour, and then replaced with arms.

As a traveler, Chen Tian doesn’t have much sense of substitution in this world. In his eyes, most of the unrelated people are NPCs.

To die is to die.

In this world, except for a few close people, he doesn’t care about anyone’s life or death.

He is not the Virgin Mary, if everyone sympathizes and everyone saves, can he be busy?

“Yes, Darling!

Edith Leisi’s eyes lit up, she smelled the rich blood from Chen Tian’s words, obviously this time Chen Tian was a little angry and did not intend to restrain her from killing.

Then Chen Tian took out the sample collector and extracted some bone marrow from Nicole.

Although he was ambushed today, Chen Tian’s harvest was not bad, he obtained a sample of Time Ability and a sample of Cosmic Energy Absorption.

Although Ahmed was blown into ash, Chen Tian collected a genetic sample when he broke one of his arms in the previous battle.

As for the purpose, it is because he can absorb the energy of the universe, prolong his lifespan, and improve his own strength.

There was no punch in front of him that directly killed him, and even used Heat ray to charge him, just to see where his Ability absorption limit was.

From Chen Tian’s point of view, if he integrates this cosmic Energy Absorption Ability, it should be able to increase the genetic limit of Clarice and the others.

Not long after the battle that almost destroyed the city of Zigra, there was a commotion on the global network.

Millions of people have seen the fight, and some have cell phones and cameras captured some footage, so it’s impossible to hide it.

It didn’t take long for many videos to flow out on the Internet.

There is a picture of a giant radiating energy smashing on the building and crashing the building with a bang.

There are also two fiery beams of light falling from the sky, destroying the city below, and ploughing out a blurry video of the destruction of fire.

And the hottest was the big explosion outside the city that almost lit up the sky. The rising light of the nuclear explosion shocked almost everyone.

In an instant, on the Internet, the topic of Mexico being attacked by a nuclear bomb was put on the top and the hottest was.

The second is the city of Zigra in Mexico, which was damaged by several Mutants fighting, causing more damage and more casualties than the city of Pochut a few months ago.

Casualties exceeded 100,000.

For a while, the voice against Mutant on the Internet became a little stronger.

In other words, the light of the nuclear explosion and the pictures of the ruined cities made those ordinary people scared.

In front of Magneto’s promotion of the strength of the piano, it was shocking that two intercontinental missiles were hard-wired to destroy a hill with one blow.

But far from the tragic pictures of half the city turning into ruins, countless people killed and injured, and crying, which has a strong impact on ordinary people.

Next door to the United States executives, and Nick from S.H.I.E.L.D, got the message quickly.

Seeing the information, everyone’s expressions became solemn.

Because they found out that the strength of Superman West has become stronger than it was more than a month ago.

Just like his strength is constantly improving, it makes people feel more and more jealous.

Just when there was a lot of uproar in the outside world because of the battle in Zigra City, projections were sitting in a spacious conference room.

One of the seats is the White Queen.

At the moment, these people all looked at the projection screen on the wall, playing the video of the battle in Zigra City, but the picture was a little blurry, and all kinds of explosions could only be heard.

At that level of combat, ordinary people simply cannot approach.

After all the videos collected on the Internet were finished, the White Queen said calmly: “Everyone, Superman West asked Charles to pass the word to us.

“Within three days, if Hellfire does not give him a satisfactory explanation, he will kill all the club members.

“What do you think about this matter?”

In the conference room, a gloomy voice sounded: … Killing us all is too self-confident, does he think he is a god? “5

Another burly man said solemnly: “This matter is that the White King Ahmed of North Africa acted without authorization. What does it have to do with us?”

Someone nodded in agreement: “Yes, now that he has killed Ahmed and the others, isn’t that enough?”

Some people also said with disdain: “He will fight if he wants to. Is our club still afraid of him?”

Chen Tian’s words made these Mutants who had long held power, wealth, and powerful abilities a little unhappy.

At this time, the White Queen said lightly: “Although Ahmed is dead, he is a member of the club, and this time he also obtained the Superman West information through the club.”

“It’s just that the information was wrong, and he underestimated his strength, and he was brutally counter-killed.”

“Now that the other party is coming to the door, everyone wants to get rid of the relationship, I’m afraid it will be difficult.”

“Today I convened a core meeting to discuss whether it is war or peace. If everyone chooses war, who can be sure to deal with him?”

“Also, the Intelligence Department has just updated the latest strength assessment of Superman West, and it has been sent. Let’s take a look. 35

With that said, a picture of Chen Tian’s handsome bust appeared on the video projection, and his ability evaluation was on the other side.

Attack: The fist can explode with 100,000 tons of TNT equivalent explosives, that is, the destruction energy above. Unknown upper limit!

Speed: five to ten times supersonic movement, can be Flight, the upper limit is unknown!

Defense: Comparable to a small nuclear explosion…

PS: The second update, there are more later.

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