Marvel: Silver Superman, Starts with Mutant Academy

Chapter 70

Chapter 70 Man of Steel, Mutant declares war

“West, you were cool just now, you know?”

In the corridor, Shadowcat looked up at the black-haired boy walking side by side, and praised sincerely.

At this time, there was no hesitation and anxiety on the girl’s face, because she knew what she was going to do and her mission.

That is to carry on the legacy of the professor.

Keep Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters open as a sanctuary for those Mutant teenagers.

For Katie’s compliment, Chen Tian just smiled and said nothing.

In fact, according to his original intention, he didn’t really want to get ahead.

And according to the plot in the movie, just when Storm and the others hesitate to close the school, the Angel Warren will appear and seek shelter.

His appearance will re-inspire Storm and their beliefs, and then decide to continue the school.

But unfortunately, although this real world is roughly similar to the movie, there are sometimes changes in some details.

For example, the Angel people haven’t appeared yet.

And unlike the movie, Mutant faces more pressure in this world, more than just the ordinary official government.

Therefore, Chen Tian thought about it for a long time and analyzed the interests of all aspects of the relationship.

Then I found that if he didn’t stand up and make a certain deterrent, there might be problems.

Even in this way, he was also exposed to some people in advance.

But the existence of the Xavier Gifted School is more beneficial than detrimental to Chen Tian.

Here he can quietly improve his strength without worrying about outside interference.

He will have a long period of quiet development after the X-Men World War III event is over.

And Chen Tian knew very well that he would not be exposed to the spotlight.

As long as the professor returns successfully, all eyes from the outside world will return to him.

As for whether he will be targeted after exposing his strength, Chen Tian doesn’t care at all, because what he said is only the data on his face.

His current killer is the X-gene secondary Awakening that can enter a state of destruction.

And his strength is skyrocketing every day, if someone judges today’s strength by yesterday’s strength, or him in a week’s time, he will definitely suffer a big loss.

After leaving Katie, Chen Tian returned to the roof of the dormitory with nothing to do.

Under the sun, Chen Tian stretched his arms, and his whole body was suspended at a height of two meters. His body was madly absorbing the power of the sun, and his whole body was undergoing metamorphosis.

After the physique was completely transformed, Chen Tian felt that his strength improved faster.

In addition, spiritual consciousness has finally reached the microcosm.

At the moment, Chen Tian’s consciousness enveloped his whole body, and he could clearly ‘see’ his own cells were evolving at an alarming rate, arranging, and becoming more and more numerous.

And while these cells are arranging, they are still compressing themselves, so the density of his body becomes more and more terrifying.

And in Chen Tian’s observation, there is an amazing discovery.

When his body absorbs sunlight energy, it clearly absorbs only a wisp of sunlight energy.

But after the absorption and transformation of Krypton cells, that force will undergo special changes.

Not only has it become more pure, but also strengthened thousands of times under the unknown transformation, compressed into another more powerful energy, and stored in the depths of the nucleus.

It’s not so much that Superman absorbs sunlight and evolves, it’s more that sunlight energy is a catalyst.

Let his body evolve infinitely and become infinitely stronger.

Noticing this, Chen Tian was taken aback.

It is no wonder that in just over half a month, his strength has increased so terribly just by basking in the sun, because that point of sunlight energy has been increased by more than ten thousand times.

And this transformation increase is still getting stronger as his body strength increases.

Maybe when his strength increases ten thousand times, his grip strength reaches tens of thousands of tons, and when it is hundreds of thousands of tons, the increase in this strengthening will also reach one million, ten million times.

This may be the reason why Superman can finally evolve into a silver super, a golden super, and how far the universe can be blasted with one punch.

After all, if you simply absorb the energy of the yellow sun, even if you devour hundreds of Fixed Stars, what does it mean to the boundless universe?

In addition, the cells in his whole body emit special fluctuations, and integrate forms a force to cover the whole body, revealing the meaning of indestructible and unshakable solidity.

It is a body of steel.

“What a terrifying characteristic~ Chen Tian exhaled, and his face showed admiration.

But unfortunately, although he can microscopically inside the body, he has only reached the level of cells.

If you want to go deep into the cell to watch the chromosomes, the changes in the genes cannot be done, and the most essential changes in the Krypton cells cannot be witnessed.

Then, Chen Tian shifted his attention to another special force in his body.

X gene.

Under the shroud of spiritual consciousness, there are some special cells in Chen Tian’s body. They are very few in number and only occupy a small part of the cells in the whole body.

And in unimportant parts of the body, such as muscle fat in the limbs and back and abdomen, symbiotic with Krypton cells, but has no effect.

In other words, it is impossible to influence Krypton cells.

And these X gene cells are said to be very few.

But compared to At the moment Chen Tian’s physique density, the number of cells, in fact, the number of these X gene cells is still terrifying, exceeding one trillion.

Under Chen Tian’s observation, the shape of these X gene cells is a bit peculiar, all of which are polygonal and hexagonal.

Then the trillions of cells gathered together to form a special fine mesh that spread all over Chen Tian’s body, as complex as an energy circuit.

Under the microscopic consciousness, these cells are as spectacular and complex as the star network composed of countless planets covering the entire galaxy, exuding mysterious meaning.

Intuition tells Chen Tian that the secret of Mutant Ability is hidden in these cellular networks that look like constellations.

Just as Chen Tian was immersed in the body, comprehending the magnificent mystery under the microcosm, a Mutant with wings spread several meters pierced the sky and landed in the academy.

In the office, Angel Warren stood somewhat restrained.

Storm was sitting behind his office work, with Wolverine Logan standing beside him, and the two were discussing things.

Looking at the somewhat restrained teenager, Storm stood up and said gently: “Hello, I’m Orolo, the principal of Xavier College, who are you?”

Angel looked at Storm nervously: “My name is Warren. Worthington III, I heard that Mutant can be sheltered here, isn’t it?”

Noticing his unease, Storm nodded gently: “Yes, Mutant can be sheltered here.”9

“Wait, Worthington!” Wolverine interrupted.

Logan looked at the Mutant boy suspiciously: “I remember that the laboratory that developed the antidote for Mutant was called Worthington.

Logan’s words gave Angel a pause, then his eyes slowly dimmed, and he admitted: “Yes, the person who developed the antidote for Mutant is my father.

After speaking, the Angels thought they would drive him away.

Seeing his thoughts, Storm said mildly: “Don’t worry, this is Mutant School, no matter what your status outside is, you are welcome here.”5

Storm’s words made Angel people feel a little surprised and dared not believe: “Really!?”

“Really.” Storm nodded affirmatively at him.

After saying this, Storm wondered: “Warren, since the antidote for Mutant was researched by your father’s laboratory, do you know what happened?”35

Regarding this, the Angel people did not hide it and said directly: “This antidote actually comes from a Mutant, and his Ability is the ability to inhibit other Mutants.

“What, this antidote is not an antidote at all, but an Ability from Mutant!” Wolverine was a little surprised.

The Angel nodded: “Yes, my father, they copied his DNA and developed a drug that can inhibit other mutants.

“”, but suppressor genes can only be replicated, not made. ”

Storm frowned: “It’s like saying that the root of the antidote came from that Mutant, without him, the antidote would not exist.”


Wolverine let out a breath: “Then this person is a little dangerous. 35

The arrival of the Angels brought the news of what the antidote was all about, other than that, nothing else happened.

However, in the city of Toryo, where the company had just been renovated and was going to be used as a vaccination site for Mutant, a large number of people protested outside.

These Mutants, holding signs in their hands, stood neatly on both sides of the street and shouted loudly.

“We don’t need treatment, we don’t need it.

“We’re not sick…”

“We’re going to protest…”

In the United States, ordinary people come together to protest when they are dissatisfied with some bills.

Ask the authorities to stop or change these laws.

Today is no exception. On the third day after the announcement of the Mutant antidote, hundreds of ordinary Mutants gathered outside the Worthington Company to protest continuously.

Definitely, these people are first-level Mutants with weak Ability, not much attacking power, and live a slightly normal life after being officially registered.

And this kind of Mutant, even those laboratories that want to study Mutant Ability are not interested.

At the same time, such a big event naturally attracted reporters from all walks of life, and one by one, they started a live news broadcast with photographers.

Around, there are many police officers holding guns to maintain order and prevent chaos. After all, these Mutants are dangerous elements.

But right now.

Boom (good Li Nuo)!

Suddenly, the entire first floor of the Worthington Company exploded, and countless flames shot out from the windows, setting off a fiery Shockwave.

In an instant, the surrounding reporters and police officers were overturned.



The sudden explosion shocked everyone, followed by chaos. With the screams of many people injured, countless people rushed to the distance.

The attack immediately attracted official attention.

Not long after that, a video was posted on the Internet, and the protagonist was Magneto.

Standing in the video, Magneto looked cold and stern, looked at the camera, and said in a low voice: “Today’s attack is just the beginning of the village.

“As long as the potion exists, then we will continue to fight and all cities will no longer be safe, including the streets.

“Originally this was not what I wanted to see, but from the moment the Mutant antidote appeared, you have declared war on us.

“So my fellow Mutants, I sincerely invite you to join the Mutant Brotherhood and contribute to the survival of the Mutant.

“Definitely, I don’t mind if you don’t want to, but I hope you don’t come to hinder us. 99

With the upload of the video, more than a dozen cities in the United States were attacked that day.

The number of casualties exceeded hundreds, and the whole country was shocked and the world paid attention.

PS: The first update, there are more later, brothers, let’s talk about it here, the update time after the launch is divided into morning and evening, and the guarantee of 10,000 characters every day.

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