Marvel: Silver Superman, Starts with Mutant Academy

Chapter 92

Chapter 92 National Team 02, Your Family Is Dead

“Wait, what’s going on?”

Chen Tian’s body shook, and he broke free from the girl’s restraint in an instant, his figure flashed a few meters away, and then he could clearly see the appearance of the person who came.

“Itis Lace, it’s you, you wake up.

The bright red dazzling red hair, the red horns with hair strands, made Chen Tian recognize her at a glance, which was a bit unexpected.

And unlike the profile photos Chen Tian once saw, the real person is more beautiful, exuding amazing temptation-.

“Well, I woke up, Darling.” The red-haired girl nodded lightly and looked at Chen Tian with fiery eyes.

What’s the matter with those eyes full of love? There is also Darling’s name Roar, which makes Chen Tian a little confused and puzzled.

“Edithi Lace, why do you call me Darling?”

The red-haired girl definitely said: “Because I like you the most, so I call you Darling!”

Looking at the girl with long red hair, the pair of small red horns on her forehead, and Darling’s name Roar.

This appearance reminded Chen Tian of an anime character he once watched, National Team, 02.

“Idi Lace, I have something to do now, goodbye.” After saying that, Chen Tian blasted the air instantly, setting off a piercing scream and disappearing in place.

The girl whose long hair was ruffled by the strong wind was left behind.

Looking at the direction in which Chen Tian disappeared, the red-haired girl tilted her head with a charming smile on her face: “It seems that Darling was scared by me.”

“But it’s okay, you are mine, and no one can change the result.”

After getting rid of Edith Lace, Chen Tian, who couldn’t stand the fiery eyes, went to the underground base and found Professor X in the research area.

“Professor, what’s up with Edith?

Professor X looked up from the pile of materials and looked at him gently: “West, what’s the matter?”

Chen Tian told Professor X about Edith Leis’ strangeness.

After listening, Professor X nodded slowly: “I understand what you mean, but I’m wondering the source of Edithelle’s special affection for you.”

Chen Tian nodded: “Yes, my contact with her was only for a few hours that night, and she has been sleeping and dormant since then. 95

“Even if I am grateful to me for saving her, at most I have a good impression of me, and I shouldn’t have that kind of passionate feeling that seems to have liked me for a long time. 99

Chen Tian knew very well that although he was handsome and charming.

But this little charm is not big enough to make a girl who has only met once, like him so much.

After listening to Chen Tian’s words, the professor couldn’t help laughing and said gently: “I think I already know the problem.

“Professor, why?

Professor X did not answer, but said: “When you brought them back that day, I found that Edith Lace seemed to be the least injured, but she was actually the worst.”

“Her injury is not only physical, but also spiritual.”

“Under repeated and inhumane experiments, her spirit has broken the limit again and again, and while she has become very powerful, she is also very broken and fragile.

“It’s like a canvas that leaks everywhere, and there is a possibility of collapse at any time.

“In addition to the endless resentment, anger, and tyrannical extreme emotions accumulated in the heart under the torture of those experiments, it is difficult to suppress. 35

“So when she was dormant in the life capsule, I used Ability to guide her into a deep sleep state, and stimulated the best memory in her memory.

“You know, the human body has great potential.

“In this state, she will fall into a beautiful dream, and her soul will emit special spiritual power to repair her broken spiritual consciousness.

“Wake up until mental awareness is restored. 35

“I originally thought that her best memory would be her childhood, but I didn’t expect…” Speaking of which, Professor X paused.

And Chen Tian also understood what he meant.

No one thought that the most beautiful memory of Edith Leis was the moment when she was saved by Chen Tian.

Then in the deep sleep dream, her beautiful dream must be related to Chen Tian, such as two people falling in love, getting married, and spending many years together…


Thinking of this, Chen Tian felt a little pain in the ass.

He doesn’t mind if he is liked by a beautiful woman, or a beautiful woman.

After all, as long as a man likes beautiful women, unless he is abnormal.

But making Chen Tian the bearer of a memory is not what he wants.

At this time, Professor X asked: “West, have you read those research materials recently, did you gain anything?”

Chen Tian nodded, not intending to hide: “There are some gains, but they are all theoretical. Next, I want to do some experiments to make some guesses.”

Over the decades, X-Men has destroyed dozens of Mutant laboratories, or private research institutes in File size, and obtained various materials.

Some of these experimental data were obtained by dissecting Mutant, some were just simple stimulation experiments, and some were derived from Mutant’s ability.

Many experimental contents are helpful to Chen Tian, and many speculations or theories are even more whimsical, but not impossible.

So next, Chen Tian is going to start some formal experiments to verify some of his inferences.

Professor X pondered slightly: “The experiment is okay, because research is a process of demonstration, and you can use the laboratory at the base.”

“But West, you have to remember that you must not step over the moral bottom line.

“In this world, in the beginning, there are no absolute good people and no absolute bad people, and often the difference between good and bad is just a matter of position.

“And with some people, they abandoned the bottom line in their hearts again and again, and finally they became bad people in the true sense.

For West, Professor X is very optimistic, and his expectations for him even exceed Scott and Storm.

So I don’t want him to go down the wrong road at a young age.

Facing Professor X’s warning, Chen Tian nodded: “Professor, rest assured, I understand what you mean.”

After leaving Professor X, Chen Tian went to the data room. He still had some conjectures and doubts in his heart, and he was going to take a look at those documents.

And this is one night.

It was not until the next morning that Chen Tian came out of the underground base yawning.


As soon as Chen Tian stepped out of the elevator, a young girl shouting dearly sounded beside him, and he suddenly woke up and reached out his hand in an instant.


Eddie Lace who rushed over was held down by Chen Tian on her forehead and stopped one meter away.

Looking at the beautiful girl, Chen Tian had some headaches: “Itidi Lace, you should be clear in your heart, we just got in touch that night.

“If you have a good impression of me because I saved you, I understand, and I am very happy to be liked by such a beautiful girl.

“But your feelings for me now are because of the dreams you had when you were sleeping during this time, the truth is that our feelings are not that deep.

“So you can stop calling me ‘darling’ as soon as we meet, it’s stressing me out.”

Facing Chen Tian’s ‘rejection’, Edith Lace nodded generously: “I know, you and I have only known Darling for a few hours in the outside world.”5

“And I also know that what happened in the dream is fake, but that doesn’t prevent me from liking you.

“Darling, I really like you. If there is a reason, it is no reason. I like you anyway.”

After speaking, the girl looked at Chen Tian with a smile on her face, her eyes contained a strong feeling of liking, and she looked generous.


Like is like.


Chen Tian didn’t expect that one day, he would be blocked by a young girl with the same words.

He remembered that he had said to Clarice earlier that being nice to someone doesn’t need a reason.


Facing the firm-willed and persistent-eyed Edith, Chen Tian sighed in his heart, and then calmly said: “Etite, liking a person is indeed a matter of one person.

“But if two people want to be together, they belong to two people.

“I admit, you’re beautiful and thank you so much for liking me so much, but your current love is stressing me out.

“Because I don’t know you at all.”

“I don’t know your character, I don’t know your hobbies, and I don’t have time with you.”

“So I think, we can now maintain a certain distance, like above friends.

“In the future, if I think you are very good and I like you, then I can feel at ease and accept your feelings with joy. 99

“do you think it’s okay?”

Chen Tian didn’t reject her explicitly, which made Edith very happy, so she responded without thinking: “No problem, Darling! 39


That’s good.

The girl was very talkative and reasonable, which made Chen Tian heave a sigh of relief.

“By the way, can you stop calling me Darling first, just call my name.

“No problem, Darling!”


Edith Leisi put her hands behind her back, looked at the speechless Chen Tian, and said enthusiastically: “Darling, let’s go have breakfast together.”5

“Okay.” Chen Tian nodded with some headache.

Walking on the campus side by side with Chen Tian with her hands behind her back, At the moment, Edith Lace was very happy, and even her steps became brisk.

Occasionally turning her head to take a look at the handsome profile face, the young girl couldn’t help showing a fiery look in her eyes, and then her eyes flickered, restraining her emotions.

The two came to the cafeteria like friends, each brought some food, and came to the corner where Chen Tian often sat.

But the strange thing is that today Clarice, this made Chen Tian slightly relieved.

Otherwise, he was really afraid that Clarice and Edith Lace would fight.

Although the black-haired girl has always been well-behaved and quiet, Chen Tian could feel her special affection for him.

As for monogamy, love only one?

Don’t be funny, Chen Tian, who has experienced life and death, doesn’t care about this at all.

In his view, capable men throughout the ages will have many women, which is the instinct of human beings to transmit high-quality genes to the next generation deep in the DNA.

For Chen Tian, the woman he likes must stay by his side, or should he let other men go?

After breakfast, Chen Tian flew above the sea of clouds again, basking in the sun to improve his strength.

In the afternoon, when Chen Tian was still basking in the sun above the sea of clouds, a car stopped outside the school gate.

The door opened, and an old man in a decent suit with a serious look and neatly combed white hair stepped out of the car.

Arriving outside the school, thinking of the rumors about this school in the outside world, the old man showed a hint of fear in his eyes, then took a deep breath and rang the doorbell.

After a while, a middle-aged man appeared and stood in the door: “Hello, this is Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters, what’s the matter with you?”

The white-haired old man said politely, “Hello, I’m here to find my young master, his name is West.”

The middle-aged doorman showed a warm smile on his face, opened the door and said, “Please come in first.”

The appearance of the old man surprised Storm at the reception, and also brought bad news.

West’s family is dead!

P: The update is complete, continue to towel tomorrow.

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