MARVEL: start with limitless technique

Chapter 13- Friends with Steve Rogers

 In the first alley, I entered after leaving the cinema, I saw Steve waiting with a trash can lid in his hand. 

Although it was surprising to see that he was preparing for battle here with this weak body instead of running away from the bad guy coming after him, even though it was surprising, I expected it. 

"Who are you waiting for?"

"Uh, nobody?"

"The noisy brat from the cinema is on his way to the hospital right now. If you're waiting for him, don't waste your time."

Steve thought for a while, then realized that I was taking care of the brat and thanked me. 

"No need to thank me. My name is Michael."

"My name is Steve Rogers. Nice to meet you, Michael..."

"I don't use last names, just say, Michael."

After a simple introduction, I realized that the task was not completed as the task screens in the corner of my field of vision had not disappeared and I continued talking to him to better commit me to his memory. Besides, it would be awkward to tell a person my name and stand in front of him without saying anything. Maybe this awkwardness will make me more solid in his mind... oh anyway.

I pointed with my finger at the metal trash can lid that Steve continued to hold before continuing to speak.

"I guess you like shields."

Steve put the lid back on the trash bin before answering me.

"Shields are good, you know, used to protect people, not kill them."

"You sound like a real soldier. You must be in the army."

"Uh, actually."

"I've been thinking a lot lately that maybe I should join the army. It makes me feel indebted to know that some people there are risking their lives for me."

I must have hit the nail on the head with my words because not only did the mission assist screens disappear, but Steve also lost his earlier timidity and said in a more excited tone that he felt the same way I did. 

Steve in these years seems like an easily manipulated kind of Naruto.

"Wow, Steve you seem to have found a way to communicate with people other than getting beaten up."

At the sound of the voice coming from the other end of the street, I turned around and looked at the man wearing military clothes that were obviously new. The first second I turned around and saw the man, I had a hard time remembering who he was, but the next second I saw the image of a computer screen in front of my eyes.

The scene on the computer screen was the scene I was in right now. Bucky comes into the alley and he sees Steve getting beaten up by someone but he keeps standing and he helps Steve.

I could barely remember Bucky's name until just now and suddenly my memory came back. As a result, I even remembered Bucky's alternate names from other movies. 

"My name is Bucky Barnes."

"Nice to meet you Bucky, my name is Michael... just Michael."

While I was lost in thought, Bucky came up to me and held out his hand and I came to my senses and shook it back.

Steve pulled me aside and looked at Bucky's military attire in amazement. 

"Do you have your duty station yet?"

"Sergeant James Barnes of the 107th. We leave for England in the morning."

After these words, there was a silence that did not last long. Steve was looking down with a sad expression and after a while, he said that he had to go. 

Just then I intervened and offered to buy them breakfast. The task of meeting Steve had already earned me the ability to speak hundreds of languages and another 10,000 dollars. 

"I'm sorry, Michael, but we have to get ready for the expo tonight."

"No problem, I will also be attending the expo tonight. I'm new to this city and I have some questions about this city. If you can spare a little time, I would like to ask you some questions while I'm serving you breakfast."

"Ow ow ow wait a minute. You can be friends with Steve and a stranger in our city, but we can't go to the expo together."

Before I could open my mouth, Steve asked why I couldn't go. 

"Dude, come on. We're going on a double date tonight. I already promised the girls."

"What no."

"Hey hey hey hey Steve I don't want to be the reason you lose the chance of meeting the love of your life. Well, I didn't ask you to go to the expo with me in the first place, but I'd love to bring a girl with me and join you if that's okay with you guys."

After those words, even though Steve didn't seem to want to, Bucky and I agreed and we decided to meet at the entrance of the fair in the evening. Since I already had enough money in my pocket, all I had to do was to find a girl at the entrance of the fair, tell her everything, and ask her to pretend to be my girlfriend in exchange for some money.

Afterward, I treated Steve and Bucky to a sumptuous breakfast, and after we had our breakfast and dispersed, I walked around with nothing to do for a while, just collecting the system's new rewards. 

At one point, while hiding in a dirty toilet on the street, I drank the colored syrup, the new reward of the system, and waited there for a while, feeling the information injected into my head. 

When I came out of that dirty toilet again, I had more foreign language knowledge than a person coming out of the best university in the world. 

When I saw how compatible this award was with the lies I had made up before, I wondered for a while whether the system chooses its awards randomly or whether it chooses them according to me. 

By the way, it was almost an hour before the start of the fair. Since I was some kind of fugitive criminal, I decided to take this opportunity to buy myself a sword.

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