MARVEL: start with limitless technique

Chapter 27- Fight the Curses

 After I successfully controlled the core in my heart and pulled all the cursed energies from my body into my heart, I opened my eyes.

There were no monsters in the area within a meter of my body, while hundreds of monsters were staring at me outside that meter, squeezing each other. After slowly standing up and staring at the glowing eyes in the darkness for a while, one of them let out a big growl, pushed its surroundings away, opened its mouth, and tried to swallow me in one fell swoop.

After surrounding my right hand with cursed energy, I punched the monster that was trying to eat me, all the while activating my breathing technique to increase the power of my fist.

With the combination of the two powers and the potions for all-round enhancement and physical strengthening from the previous missions, the power in my fist had become quite frightening. Even though it was not as powerless as the baby curses that had just taken shape after leaving my body that tried to eat me, it ended up the same as them.

The curses that surrounded me took a few steps back when they saw their friends being torn to pieces and finally allowed me to see the room I was in again.

During this time I felt a strange sensation inside me and tried to focus on it.

After a while, I started to hear strange noises in my head. I can feel them, they are all very curious about me, they think that they will be much stronger when they eat me, but at the same time they think that I am not food and that is why they are afraid.

As my senses became clearer and clearer, I could feel that there were curses outside the room too. As soon as I could feel the presence of hundreds of them flying in the air, looking for something to eat, I decided that I had to kill them before they flew away.

The first thing that came to my mind as the quickest way to kill them all was the technique I had just learned. I allowed a small amount of cursed energy to disperse into a ball-shaped area in front of my hand, and then I covered the space in this area with my cursed energy and let the space empty.

I could now feel what I could do as the de-densified space began to glow like a blue ball of light.

I raised my hand and threw this blue energy towards the ceiling of the room, allowing the energy to attract things around it. As the blue continued to charge, the gravity under my foot slowly reversed.

After putting my foot on the ceiling, I filled both fists with the cursed energy and went into full concentration breathing.

The next second I was jumping around like a lawn mower in the grass and started destroying all the curses.

While I was killing the curses, I was also trying to use black flash as mentioned in the anime.

Although they clearly explained how to use the black flash in the anime, it was a little difficult to keep the interval of 0.00001 seconds. But after I got it right the first time, I picked up the pace and started using black flash one after another.

Probably because I had strengthened myself with the breathing technique, using black flash was not as difficult for me as it was for them.

As I continued to run across the ceiling of the house to meet the curses, the ceiling began to break into pieces and rise toward the sky.

When I reached the level of the roof of the house, I detached myself from my cursed technique and landed neatly on the roof.

I closed my eyes and thought about what I could use to kill them as I looked at the huge black ball of hundreds of curses gathered together by Blue. And just then the knight in armor, normally an ornament standing in front of the door of the house, passed by me.

I immediately reached out my hand and grabbed the sword from the armored knight's waist and thanked the armored knight as he retreated into the blue with the broken pieces of the house.

Excitedly, I grabbed the sword with both hands and pulled it to my side, bending my legs and getting closer to the ground. This was the first time I was going to use real sun breath.

I probably took in enough oxygen at once to sustain several people at once for several hours. I jumped up into the sky, spewing some flames out of my mouth as the muscles in my whole body tightened like I was doping.

Holding the sword to my left and preparing to use the fourth form of sun breath, I looked at the growing black ball.

As I used the blue's pull field on myself with twice the force to increase my speed, I realized something. The cursed energy in my body was almost completely gone.

Now I could either kill them all or I would have to chase them without cursed energy, and I don't know if the sun breath alone is effective against curses.

As I twirled my sword with my body, I used the last of my cursed energy to increase the working efficiency of the blue and at the same time charged my sword with cursed energy.

As soon as the ring of flame was complete, I triggered the black flash. As the resulting heat burned even me, I quickly fell to the ground and looked up at the sky.

There was no curse left in the sky and ashes were falling everywhere.

I started to feel dizzy, probably because my cursed energy was used up, but I got up from the ground and looked at the results of the destruction I had caused. Not a single tree was left standing in the immediate vicinity, not to mention the rose garden.

Feeling that I was still holding something in my hand, I looked down at my hand then I threw the sword, with only the handle remaining, to the ground.


When I heard someone shouting at me, I looked in the direction of the sound and when I realized that the source of the sound was a car that was overturned on its side and even a little crushed, I ran over there.

I got to the car and Jarvis, who was sitting in the driver's seat, told me to help Howard and that's when I saw the unconscious Howard in the back seat.

After I broke the window and got Howard out, I did the same for Jarvis. Howard had been hit on the head, but the blow didn't look very deep at first glance.

Jarvis said he could take care of things here and asked me to carry Howard to the hospital.

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