MARVEL: start with limitless technique

first mission complete

 [ You have 1 new mission ] 

[ Mission location : 0 meters ] 

[ Mission time : 72 minutes and 12 seconds later ] 

[ Mission info : After the duty shift change, when the soldier responsible for guarding the prisons walks by, move your lips in a way that says "Hail Hydra". And make sure he sees you.] 

[ Mission reward : newbie traveler gift pack ] 

Each text disappeared again a few seconds after it appeared, but the mission time and mission information continued to appear as small information boxes in the corner of my field of vision. In addition, the mission location turned into a map and was placed in the left corner of my field of view as if I were in a game.

The last reward information box disappeared after a few seconds. 

I was glad to see that there were no penalties in the missions, but then a detail caught my attention. 

Hail Hydra? It's not easy to forget the greeting of the evil organization that appears in many movies of the production company of a movie I recently watched. 

The cars I saw around, the clothes people were wearing, the military uniforms from the second world war, and the Nazis. 

I think I understand... Heh, I'm in the Marvel universe, it's exciting.

------- about an hour later

Ahh, I feel so good right now. I've transmigrated to Marvel, which was probably in the late 1900s, and I have a system. 

I want to share this good news...

"Hey, Man! I got a system. You don't, do you? Haha, loser!"

"*German sounds presumed to be profanity*"

"Oh, you're a Nazi too. God save you, brother."

"What a surprise" *slow clapping sound*

I thought it was just me and the old man in the other cell since the soldier who had been standing over us about five minutes earlier had come out. But obviously, I was wrong. 

A few seconds later a soldier walked past the cell dragging a wooden chair. When he came between our cells, he put the chair on the floor and sat down. 

The interesting thing was that the mission countdown was reaching three minutes and above the man's head hung the words [ mission target ]. 

"Tell me more about this system, I'm very interested."

"Oh, I've been looking for you."

The soldier looked at me with a smile when he heard what I said and didn't say anything. He was probably thinking about the reward he would get for exposing me because he heard me confess that I was a Nazi. 

"I forgot what your name was hahah"

"You can call me Heimer for short."

"Oh haha yes heimer was your name. Anyway, I have a message for you."

The soldier approached the bars of the cell with a mocking face and smiled at me and told me that he was listening to me. And I did what the mission said, but the soldier said after my lip expressions. 

"Hahahaha, you're trying so hard to call me Hi Hitler?"

Shit. I moved my mouth as if I wanted to say Hail Hydra more distinctly so the soldier would understand and at the same time, I covered my mouth with my hands so the guy in the other cell couldn't read my mouth. 

Again the soldier didn't understand what I was saying, so he raised one arm in the air and shouted hi Hitler. 

I kept saying Hail Hydra to him until the mission countdown in the corner of my field of vision was down to the last minute, but he didn't understand and kept shouting Hi Hitler with me. 

I realized I was about to fail the first mission when another soldier came into the room and called for a change of guard to the soldier who was still making fun of me. Now there was only one thing to do. 

"Hail Hydra!" 

At the sound of my shout, the eyes of the man who was making fun of me widened wide and without hesitation, he drew his gun and shot the other soldier and then the prisoner in the head. 

"There you go, hi Hiyler hi Hiyler... Now we have to take care of a ton of business because of your stupidity. Do you fucking like it?"

"You idiot!"

The man looked like he wanted to curse more, but before he had a chance to say anything else, other soldiers came through the door. 

"Hey, help! This guy is crazy and he's going to kill everyone! Save me!"

The man looked at me with murderous intent out of the corner of his reddened eyes and I immediately hid behind the toilet bowl.

After a while, when I didn't hear anything, I poked my head out from behind the toilet bowl and looked at the man and saw him on the floor, foaming at the mouth as he turned his head back to me and continued to look at me with the same eyes.

"Huh! I almost died."

As I was thanking the soldiers for saving me, who kept pointing their guns at me, suddenly the soldiers split in two and a stern-faced commander came in. 

"What happened here, sergeant!"

"We don't know, sir. When we came into the room because of the gunshots, soldier Tommy kept pointing his gun at us for a while and then he fell down and died."

At the soldier's testimony, the commander with a stern expression pushed the soldiers out of the way and came with quick steps to the man lying dead. After forcibly opening his mouth, he saw that one of his teeth was missing, closed his mouth, and looked straight at me. 

"What happened here?"

"I won't tell you if you're going to keep a free American citizen like me in fucking Nazi hell for some bullshit reason."

I have to get out of here somehow.


"A...actually, it went like this. Huff... That filthy Nazi agent lying on the floor suddenly started laughing at the top of his lungs screa...ming hi Hitler huff... and then when he saw our other brave protector enter the room he went crazy and shot them both. Hufff... Just as he was about to kill me, the almighty God of America protected me and the soldiers... came in and stopped him. Oh I'm asthmatic"

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