Marvel Starts with Asking Questions About Iron Man

Chapter 122: Hulk Explosive Hammer

The female warrior Sifer and others finally left SHIELD alone.

Although their original intention was to come to the earth to bring Thor back, after understanding Thor's current situation and personal wishes, they also expressed their understanding.

For now, Thor's most important thing is indeed to stay on Earth, regain the qualifications to pick up the hammer, and restore his divine power.

Although Loki is now messing around in Asgard, making Asgard miserable, all this is imaginary.

When Odin wakes up from Odin's sleep, Asgard will surely see the sun again.

Rocky will not be rampant for long.

Bringing Thor back is not as urgent as necessary.

The "Battle of the Destroyer" still caused quite a stir in New York.

This is the first power-enhanced battle that took place in front of the public after Iron Man's battle in the Stark Industry vs. Iron Overlord.

Even in view of the extremely limited exposure of the Iron Man battle, it is not an exaggeration to say that the Battle of the Destroyer was the first battle in the true sense.

The impact can be imagined.

Nick Fury can be said to be very busy. He doesn't know how many reports are to be done every day, and how many bigwigs need to deal with it.

He didn't know how much effort had been spent to deal with all parties.

Of course, the "parties" here do not include ordinary people, mainly Congress, the White House, the military, the World Security Council and other institutions.

Ordinary people?

Just control the fishing boat and it's over, it doesn't cost much at all.

After the mess was settled, it was already a week later.

"Nick Fury, the surveillance drone you want is ready!"

After a lot of bad things, there was finally good news. Nick Fury immediately refreshed and didn't dare to delay, and went to the Stark Tower in person.

It shows the importance of this product.

"Nick Fury, you came right in time!" The **** was not hot, and Tony Stark unceremoniously asked Jarvis to project a few figures. "This is what I dug out during this period of time, ten The Jiebang is most likely to know the backbone of their leader."

"But they are not in the United States, so..."

"So you plan to let me use Skyeye to help you find them?" Nick Fury understood Tony Stark's meaning all at once.

"Yes!" Tony Stark nodded heavily.

"It's no problem." Nick Fury didn't hesitate and agreed directly, "But I ran out of the number of times I got my eyesight, so you can only wait for a while."

"Really, Nick Fury, why do you only have one eye?" Tony Stark spit out.

Nick Fury "..."

Do you think I want?

And the number of times Sky Eye Pass is used has nothing to do with the number of eyes, okay?

Even if I have a hundred eyes, I can only use it once a day!

"Then let's stop talking nonsense, Jarvis, you can tell Nick Fury how to use the drone, Nick Fury, sorry, I have some things to be busy, you can do it yourself."

After Tony Stark "dumped" Nick Fury to Jarvis, he was busy with things that Nick Fury couldn't understand.

For Tony Stark's temperament, Nick Fury had already taken offense and didn't say much.

Begin to listen to Jarvis introducing him and demonstrating those surveillance drones.

"Sir, there is a bad situation."

But not long after the beginning, Coleson suddenly contacted him, "Something has happened in Colombia."

"That big guy is crazy again?" Nick Fury reacted immediately.

Since the earth-shattering battle, Dr. Banner has completely escaped from the control of General Ross and fled to a seclusion in a deep mountain in Colombia.

S.H.I.E.L.D. has always been secretly staring at it.

She even secretly blocked the minions from the military and other organizations for the Hulk. S.H.I.

"Yes, sir, Hulk is now venting his anger on the mountain. We can't let the situation go on like this."

Coleson said to Nick Fury in a deep voice.

The Hulk was just hiding in the mountains and venting, but if he let the opponent run out, it would be endless trouble.

"Understood, I will let the captain pass them." Nick Fury made a decision immediately.

After finishing the call, Nick Fury didn't have any nonsense, and immediately made several consecutive calls and notified the three people, Captain America, Black Widow, and Hawkeye.

They are required to rush to Colombia as quickly as possible to prevent the situation from deteriorating.

"Nick Fury, remember to close the door for me when you leave!"

Nick Fury had just finished the phone call, and Tony Stark had finished dressing. After he said hello to Nick Fury, he began to walk out.

What the purpose is, it goes without saying.

"Stark, just leave this to me." Nick Fury said to Iron Man.

"What are you talking about? I'm Iron Man! I just told the hearing about contracting for world peace some time ago! Let's talk about the captain? Romanov? Are they all right?"

Iron Man said disapprovingly.

"Stark, this is not a combat mission!" Nick Fury corrected Iron Man's point of view, "It's just to prevent Hulk from going out of the mountain."

"Can they prevent it?" Iron Man put down this sentence, did not say anything more, and flew out all of a sudden.

Nick Fury shook his head helplessly, and could only let Iron Man fly away like that.

Colombia is almost four thousand kilometers away from the United States in a straight line, and it takes more than four hours by civilian plane.

For the Iron Man and Kun fighter jets, it only takes more than an hour.

The two sides reached Colombia almost front and back, and met in the deep mountain where Dr. Banner lived in seclusion.

"Stark, I didn't expect you to come too." After seeing Iron Man, Thor was still a little surprised and took the initiative to say hello to Iron Man.

In the battle against the Destroyer, Iron Man left an extremely deep impression on Thor, and his attitude towards Iron Man unknowingly changed.

"Tor? I didn't expect you to be there either." Iron Man told the truth.

Iron Man was by his side when Nick Fury called. He clearly remembered that Nick Fury only let Captain America, Black Widow and Hawkeye come with him.

What Iron Man didn't know was that Thor was actually discussing how to pick up the hammer with Captain America.

As for the rank of the Hulk, the captain of the United States after the information sharing is also very clear, he borrowed the hammer from Thor just in case.

Thor was also very interested in the Hulk, so he came with him.

"I'll meet that big guy and see if he is really that great." Thor said with a smile.

"Stark!" Hawkeye and Iron Man met for the first time, and the other party simply greeted Iron Man.

"You are Hawkeye, Button Clint!" Iron Man stared at Hawkeye for a while, then shook his head slightly, "Your eyes are not sharp at all."

"I've never said that before." Hawkeye Button said indifferently, and then turned around and said with a serious face, "Let's look for the big guy quickly."

"No, I have found it."

Iron Man said suddenly.

When he came to this hidden forest, he had already launched several small drones, allowing Jarvis to control and scan the entire forest.

I don't know how high the efficiency is.

"Stark, how bad is the situation?" Captain America immediately asked on the side when he heard it.

"Everyone will see it with their own eyes later!" Iron Man put down this sentence, then turned around and flew away without saying any more nonsense.

"Stark, don't act without authorization, we need to make a plan!" Captain America shouted at Iron Man from behind.

"I have a plan and adapt to the situation!" Iron Man didn't pause at all, but just put down such a sentence and he flew out of sight.

"Tor, give me a ride!" Captain America said to Thor with a solemn expression.

Thor didn't say much, he held Captain America with one hand, and flew after Iron Man with the other.

"Stark!" Captain America yelled to Iron Man. "Our action this time is just to ensure that the Hulk stays in this mountain, not to show up to provoke him!"

"We'd better not show up until the situation worsens!"

"So passive, that's not my style!" Iron Man didn't follow Captain America's words at all. "We have to find a way to deal with the Hulk now!"

"If we can't stop him here, if he really breaks through the mountains by then, how can we stop him?"

Captain America was taken aback for a moment, but Iron Man's words actually made sense.

According to Nick Fury's order, everyone watched silently, just in case, and would not show up in front of the Hulk, and would not provoke the Hulk.

But this has a premise.

That is, the Hulk will really stay in the mountains from beginning to end.

But what if the Hulk tries to rush out of the mountains?

Who can stop everyone at the scene? What should I do if I can't stop the Hulk from rushing out?

The consequences are really serious.

"Stark, then we can't act recklessly!" Captain America shouted at Iron Man again.

"You never saw it when I was reckless." Iron Man came back directly.


While Iron Man and Captain America were arguing, a loud roar suddenly sounded in the distance.

Like a wild beast.


Then a green shadow in the distance slashed across the sky, and then a fire light exploded. It turned out that the Hulk dropped Iron Man's drone to smash it.

Captain America's spirit condensed slightly, and there was no more time to talk to Iron Man, because the Hulk had already discovered them.

"Tor, split with Stark!" Captain America said to Thor immediately.

Thor also knew that separation was the most reasonable choice in this situation, so he immediately switched a direction and separated from Iron Man.

Boom boom boom!

The sound of several heavy objects hitting the ground spread far away, but it was the Hulk who jumped and headed straight for Iron Man.

In the end, he jumped up to a height of several tens of meters, and hit Iron Man with a fierce punch.

Iron Man jumped away, and the Hulk slammed on the ground like a boulder.


The Hulk looked up at the Iron Man in the sky, yelled at him, and picked up a tree beside him, and shot it at Iron Man as a javelin.

That's an exaggeration.

"It's really rude, Dr. Banner," Iron Man said calmly, and then flew down from the sky towards the Hulk.


But just as he approached the Hulk, the Hulk punched it, and Iron Man was blown into the air like a cannonball.

Several trees in a row were broken by Iron Man.

That's terrible.

"Stark, I said that you will be dismantled by that big guy." The black widow drove a motorbike, walking quickly through the complex mountains and forests like a ghost.

She saw the tragedy of Iron Man and couldn't help but joked in the communication channel.

call out!

At this moment, a bow and arrow suddenly shot from a tree, directly at the Hulk, and hitting the Hulk's chest all at once.


Then the sword exploded, and a large amount of white smoke enveloped the Hulk's head.

It is one of Hawkeye Button's many bows and arrows. The white smoke inside is psychedelic smoke, which can quickly stun people.

But for Hulk...


The Hulk was not affected at all. After a roar, a fierce man stepped tens of meters away and jumped towards the big tree where Patton was hiding.


Button was startled, and a fierce boy jumped from the tree.

At that moment, that tree was smashed by the Hulk in an instant.


The black widow rushed past Button on a motorcycle, shouted at Button, and stretched out a hand.

Button grabbed the black widow's hand and rushed to the motorcycle with great agility. UU reading www.uukanshu. cm


The roar sounded again behind him, and the Hulk rushed over after chasing the motorcycle. On the way, all the trees that got in the way were snapped and flew by the Hulk's palm.

That is called violence.

Seeing that the Hulk was about to catch up with the Black Widows, at that critical moment, a hammer suddenly flew out obliquely and hit the Hulk directly.

Smashed the Hulk a stagger.

Captain America, appeared in time.

Immediately after Captain America stretched out his hand, the hammer flew back to his hand automatically, but it also succeeded in attracting the Hulk's attention.

The Hulk abandoned Black Widow and Button, and rushed towards Captain America again, at an astonishing speed.

In the blink of an eye, he came to the front of Captain America, and slammed it at Captain America.

Captain America crossed the shield in his hand, and the Hulk's fist hit the shield.


In the sound of the metal crash, the Captain America was directly hit by the hammer.

Meiman starts with asking questions about Iron Man https://

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