Marvel Starts with Asking Questions About Iron Man

Chapter 124: Hulk: God cannot be too weak

"Captain, what do you mean, the earth will be invaded by the overlord of the universe in the future? Is this the news that the answering system once predicted to you?"

Dr. Banner asked, staring at Captain America a little strangely.

The earth now has no power enhancers except an Iron Man. At first hearing that the future universe overlord will invade the earth many times, Dr. Banner also needs to digest it.

"It sounds like the earth is in the future, it is really troubled." Hawkeye Button shrugged aside.

"Dr. Banner, this is why we make you value the answering system." Captain America nodded to Dr. Banner.

"So what is the infinite gem?" Dr. Banner asked after digesting it for a while.

Thor simply explained to Dr. Banner what the infinite gem is, and he was taken aback by Dr. Banner.

"If Thanos is like what you said, I think he should be able to kill Hulk. Hulk is indeed a monster on Earth, but that is the overlord of the universe!"

Dr. Banner immediately said to everyone.

"Throwing away everything else, just looking at the power comparison simply and roughly, Thanos does have this possibility." Tony Stark, who has not spoken, said at this time, "But! I remembered one thing."

Without waiting for everyone to ask questions, Tony Stark continued, "In the final battle, when the captain assembled the'Earth Alliance' to fight Thanos, the Hulk also participated in the battle."

"So, Hulk died in Thanos' hands in that battle?" Thor's eyes lit up and he couldn't help but ask.

"Do not rule out this possibility." Tony Stark nodded, "When Hulk was playing, he was wearing a bandage on his right arm. He was injured! He played with the injury."

"Is Hulk actually injured?"

When Dr. Banner heard these words, he was very surprised, because Hulk has always been able to heal himself.

Even if it is injured, it can heal automatically.

Once Dr. Banner tried to commit suicide, but he burst himself with a shot, shot himself out of a hole, but instantly inspired Hulk.

Hulk used his powerful self-healing ability to expel the bullet, and healed the wound, but he didn't suffer any injuries.

In the future, Hulk will be bandaged!

Even his self-healing ability doesn't work anymore.

It is really hard for Dr. Banner to imagine who exactly caused such damage to Hulk.

"Hulk was wounded and went to battle against the Allied Forces of Thanos? So, isn't it more likely that he will die in Thanos' hands?"

The black widow said to everyone.

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but nodded.

But it's just such a possibility, but the battle between the two armies is a very complicated matter. Without knowing the specific circumstances, no one can be sure that this is the result.

Can only draw a more likely conclusion, nothing more.

"Then look at b again, Rocky?" Captain America immediately turned his gaze to Thor, "Tor, you are most familiar with Rocky, you also know the strength of Hulk, you think Rocky can Can you kill Hulk?"

"It's hard to say." Thor shook his head after some meditation, "Hulk can withstand the thunder and lightning summoned by the hammer. Loki's attack should not hurt Hulk, but Loki's magic is more powerful. ."

"Dr. Banner, can you stop the magic?" Captain America then looked at Dr. Banner again and asked seriously.

"Captain, I must first be clear. Banner is Banner, Hulk is Hulk, and the question is Hulk. This is different."

Dr. Banner first corrected Captain America's statement, and then began to say, "Hulk has not suffered a magical attack. I can't give a definite answer."

"But what I can tell you is that Hulk's body is indestructible, and attacks such as bullets and cannonballs can't even break Hulk's skin."

"Hulk's self-healing ability is also very strong. He can heal himself after being injured, so you ask me if Hulk can withstand magical means. I can only say that it is possible!"

Not only Dr. Banner, so far, all the people on the scene who know Hulk about Hulk have learned nothing about the magical attack on Hulk.

So for the b option Rocky, there is no way for others to exclude it.

"B is to be determined, let's look at the c option, the generation of Ant-Man Hank Pim." Black Widow proposed.

"So Hank Pim is the first generation of Ant-Man, and Scott Lang is the second generation of Ant-Man?" Thor interjected.

"There may be three generations, who knows? It doesn't matter anyway." The black widow shrugged, "The important thing is, does Ant-Man have the ability to kill Hulk?"


Dr. Banner looked at Tony Stark questioningly, because this was the only person he was familiar with at the scene.

Of course, Captain America, Dr. Banner, has also heard of the other party's name, but the other party is from the last era after all.

In addition, Tony Stark is also a scientist, so Dr. Banner is subconsciously close to Tony Stark.

"A person as small as an ant?" Dr. Banner guessed incredulously.

"He is a person who can freely change his size." Tony Stark explained to Dr. Banner, "He can turn himself into an ant-sized battle, which is impossible to guard against."

"However, although others have become smaller, their strength will not decrease, and they can even bring one here. Tony Stark glanced at the Black Widow with a teasing look.

In the image of the heroic civil war, the black widow’s opponent is Ant-Man, who was knocked down to the ground by the smaller Ant-Man at that time.

Ant-Man’s fighting method is a completely beyond conventional fighting method. If you encounter it for the first time, you may really be caught off guard.

"A person becomes as big as an ant, but the strength does not decrease, which is equivalent to the increase in pressure! It is impressive! Normal people may be really difficult to deal with, but I think Hulk shouldn't be a problem."

Dr. Banner shook his head, "Hulk can even stop bullets!"

After Ant-Man has become smaller, the pressure has increased, and the destructive power has also increased sharply, far beyond ordinary people's conventional attacks, but how is it better than bullets?

Obviously it is not comparable.

"By the way, Ant-Man can not only become smaller, it should also become bigger!" Captain America added a reminder.

"So Ant-Man can also become a giant?" Dr. Banner was a little surprised, "How big can he become? Can he become as big as a tall building?"

"We don't know this." Captain America shook his head. "We haven't seen Ant-Man grow bigger. This is just our speculation."

"A very reasonable guess." After a little thought, Dr. Banner nodded.

He is a scientist, and he naturally possesses a certain ability of logical analysis. Since he can go from being small to being restored to his original state, he should naturally also be able to grow bigger.

"Then the question is, if Ant-Man really becomes a giant, can he kill Hulk?" Hawkeye said solemnly, holding his arms.

"I don't think it can." Captain America shook his head. "Everyone knows the speed of Hulk. It's very, very fast, and its jumping ability is amazing."

"And once Ant-Man becomes huge, his flexibility must be greatly reduced. I don't think he can kill Hulk in that situation."

"It won't hurt Hulk to become smaller, and it won't hurt Hulk to become bigger, so Ant-Man can be ruled out?" Hawkeye shrugged.

"No, we overlooked one point. What if Ant-Man becomes very, very small?" Black Widow said with a serious face.

"Stark, your armor was almost taken down by Ant-Man!" Now it was Black Widow's turn to look at Tony Stark teasingly.

This is also the image of a superhero in the civil war. Ant-Man has become small to a certain size, and he went straight down the gap and got into the armor of Iron Man!

"Your words are too exaggerated. I will correct you. I expelled Ant-Man in the first place. He didn't affect me at all!"

Tony Stark first corrected the black widow's "inappropriate" term seriously.

And Captain America, who also saw the corresponding screen, also reacted immediately, "What if Ant-Man is small enough to get into Hulk's body?"

"For example, follow Hulk's ears and get into Hulk's brain?" Tony Stark added solemnly.

"That's disgusting~" Dr. Banner was speechless, but then nodded, "But if you use this method, you might be able to kill Hulk."

"So our current analysis only excludes General Rose as an option?" Thor spread his hands slightly.

"When this kind of problem arises, we must have missed some key information that is sufficient for screening and judgment." Tony Stark said empirically, "So, think about it again, whether we have missed something. what."

Following Tony Stark's words, everyone began to spin their brains quickly.

Think about all the possible related information, and some people are still scrutinizing the topic and thinking about it.

"'Carefully planned'!" Dr. Banner's eyes lit up immediately, and he grasped the key information in the question.

"That's right!" Tony Stark nodded his head, he also grasped this keenly, and was about to speak, but was preempted by Dr. Banner.

"'Kill' and'Carefully planned to kill' are two different concepts!" Tony Stark said in an interface.

The words of Dr. Banner and Tony Stark made everyone's eyes light up.

"Carefully planned", this is indeed a screening condition.

"If this is the case, Thanos can also be ruled out." Tony Stark continued his analysis.

"The final battle is not a war carefully planned by Thanos to deal with the Hulk. Don't you have any opinions on this?"

Of course there are no comments.

No matter how powerful the Hulk is, no one thinks that the Hulk can be so powerful.

In order to get rid of him, a cosmic overlord did not hesitate to plan an invasion of the earth to the extent that he even used six infinite gems, which is too exaggerated.

"Since the final battle was not meticulously planned by Thanos to deal with the Hulk, then he has no chance, because Thanos died in my hands in that battle!"

"So Thanos can be ruled out without a doubt!" Tony Stark concluded.

"Then for the same reason, this legendary Rocky invasion of New York should not have been carefully planned and specifically designed to deal with the Hulk."

Hawkeye Button interrupted.

"We already know the reason for Rocky's invasion of New York, and it has nothing to do with Hulk." Thor explained to Hawkeye Button.

"However, it is possible that because of this war, Rocky and Hulk have had some inexplicable grievances!"

"Possibly, Hulk blasted Loki and made Loki hold his grudge! Or, Hulk killed Loki some important person, and so on."

"So after leading to Rocky, he carefully planned an action and killed Hulk!"

"The same is true for Hank Pim. In the future, Hulk may also be on his death list for some reason."

"Therefore, Hank Pim planned an action carefully and killed it."

"The clues given by these two are really too few, we can't analyze it."

Hawkeye Button then proceeded to tell everyone clearly.

"Dr. Banner, this question is about you. Why don't you answer it." Tony Stark said to Dr. Banner at this time.

"Shall I answer?" Dr. Banner looked at everyone and saw that everyone had no objections, and after a little indulgent, he agreed.

"Then I'm welcome." Dr. Banner said, then looked at everyone and asked, "There are still Rocky and Hank Pim that can't be ruled out, but this Rocky is really the one in the myths and legends. base?"

"There are some deviations but it's roughly correct." The black widow nodded, "Loki is indeed a **** from Asgard."

"So, there really are gods in this world?" Hawkeye Button said unexpectedly.

On their way to Columbia, Black Widow and Captain America introduced Thor to them, but Hawkeye Button didn't believe it.

After all, if you are really a god, you still need the wings of earth technology to fly?

"If Loki is a god, then the **** shouldn't be very weak. If he and Hank Pim choose one, I choose Loki."

After some thoughts, Dr. Banner made a choice.

He said his answer to the screen, "I choose b, Loki, the **** of cunning and trickery."

For his own answer, Dr. Banner still has a certain degree of certainty.

After all, this is a comparison between a **** and a person. Any fool knows how to choose, right?


wrong answer!

Such a prompt came from the system unexpectedly.

Star catcher

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