Marvel Starts with Asking Questions About Iron Man

Chapter 141: US team: the new 1st generation of Batman

"Bucky's situation is very complicated. Although he was a killer controlled by Hydra before, it is very likely that he broke away from Hydra later."

Captain America introduced to everyone with a serious face.

"If Bucky were the killer of the Hydra, there would definitely not be so many people who would choose to help me and Bucky in the heroic civil war."

"What's more, didn't Stark also said before that Bucky will also participate in the final battle in the future and fight against Thanos with everyone."

Everyone still agreed with Captain America's remarks.

If Bucky Barnes were still the Winter Soldier, how could Hawkeye Button, Sam Wilson, and other abilities enhancers choose to help Captain America?

Maybe Sam Wilson, Ant-Man Scott Lang, and Scarlet Witch are not known to everyone at the moment, and they are not worthy of reference, but Hawkeye Button is actually enough.

He and the Black Widow just staged a good show of "fighting to die", and their personal qualities have been revealed to everyone.

Everyone really doesn't believe that Hawkeye Button will help a heinous Hydra killer.

Not to mention, this matter is also endorsed by Captain America.

Who is Captain America?

That is the spiritual model since World War II until now!

The Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes will leave Hydra in the future and "be a human again". This is still very possible, and everyone is still willing to believe this.

"Bucky Barnes is a member of the Roaring Commando. He used to be a comrade-in-arms and partner of the captain. If he had left the Hydra at that time, the captain just needed to ask someone for help."

"Barnes is definitely the captain's first choice!" The Black Widow said in a very affirmative tone.

The only thing that is not clear now is whether Bucky Barnes has escaped from Hydra at that time.

"So I have reviewed the four options roughly, and there is no way to exclude any of them for the time being." Tony Stark shrugged aside, "Let's analyze them one by one."

"Look at A first." Tony Stark placed his gaze on A, and just thought about it for a while before he made a choice.

"I think it won't be me!"

"First of all, the first point is that I don't think I can get along with the captain. It is unlikely that I will be good friends in the future."

"I agree with this point." Captain America nodded with deep approval.

Since he came back to life and came into contact with Tony Stark, he really couldn't understand him anywhere.

Although he admired and recognized some aspects of the other party, such as carrying a nuclear bomb and flying into a wormhole, Tony Stark's character really made him dare not flatter him.

It is difficult for the US team to imagine that in the future, he will become good friends and partners with such a guy.

Of course, this is just the feeling of both the US team and Iron Man at present, nothing more, no one can say what will happen in the future.

At first, they disliked each other, but then they could trust life and death.

Even the possibility is not low. Many film and television works of the duo's template use this kind of routine. Stark's attitude towards the US team during the Civil War can also be referred to.

"We finally reached an agreement on something."

Tony Stark shrugged, "The first point is just an incidental mention, and the second point is the most important point. The captain is trying to find out the contents of the USB flash drive!"

"Maybe the U disk was encrypted by some technical means, and the captain couldn't crack it, so he chose to ask a Hydra person."

"But if the captain really comes to me, do you think this kind of thing is still possible? What kind of USB flash drive I can't crack?"

"Does this kind of USB flash drive exist in the world?"

Tony Stark shrugged, glanced at the crowd proudly and confidently and said.

Although it was as arrogant and loud as ever, no one raised any objections.

After all, this is indeed the case. So far, the only one that everyone knows is likely to surpass Tony Stark in this respect, and there is only Ultron.

In addition, Jarvis is the most advanced artificial intelligence in the world.

The systems of S.H.I.E.L.D., the Ministry of Defense, and other organizations have all been cracked by Tony Stark using Jarvis. It's just a U disk, and it's really unlikely that Stark can't crack it.

"And you all look at me, who am I? Playboy, millionaire, super genius, I have so many identities, but I don’t have the identity of an agent!"

Tony Stark shrugged immediately, "Forcing questions like Hydra, that's what agents can do! The captain won't find me."

"Stark can indeed be ruled out temporarily." Captain America also nodded, agreeing with Tony Stark's opinion.

Then he lowered his gaze slightly, "Sam Wilson, I don't understand for the time being, but Barton Clint, I think I can rule it out, too."

"Nick Fury told me before he died, don't trust anyone. I was wanted and hunted down by SHIELD."

"So at that time, I shouldn't easily contact S.H.I.E.L.D. agents."

Everyone at the scene nodded slightly, and Captain America's words still made sense.

In that case, don't say it was Button Clint. No one in S.H.I.E.L.D. could be contacted.

This is the basic quality of being a well-trained fighter.

"Then the answer lies between Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes. How much do we know about these two people?"

Hawkeye Button glanced at the old people who had participated in answering questions before and asked.

"Sam Wilson, a veteran of the Air Force. He used to be a paratrooper. He helped the captain in many operations, Bucky Barnes. Everyone should know it. I don't need to say more."

Black Widow briefly introduced them to everyone.

"Neither of these people are from SHIELD, and they are likely to get help from the captain." Hawkeye Button nodded.

"So the key now is to see if we can be sure that Bucky Barnes is not a Hydra at that time. If we can be sure, the answer to this question will come out."

The black widow concluded.

Compared with Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes, Bucky Barnes is the most likely to be.

Once it is determined that Bucky Barnes was not a Hydra at the time, the answer is undoubtedly Bucky Barnes.

If it is determined that Bucky Barnes is from the Hydra, then the answer is Sam Wilson.

Of course, it may not be certain. If this happens, you can only do another analysis.

"But... It's a pity that Bucky Barnes was actually a Hydra back then."

After everyone at the scene pondered, Tony Stark clarified his thoughts first and made a judgment.

He had seen the video of "Nick Fury's Murder" with his own eyes at the time, and he had more details than others on the scene, so he was the first to react.

"Yes, Bucky should have been the Winter Soldier at the time." Captain America also nodded, agreeing with Tony Stark's opinion.

Immediately afterwards, Captain America explained some of the basis of the judgment to everyone.

"Barton said before that the person who pretended to be a Hydra in the Stark Tower and defrauded the scepter happened before preventing the insight plan operation."

"At the time, I pretended to be a Hydra person and deceived Sitwell, but this matter will soon be revealed. I have a high probability of being beaten into a criminal by Hydra and wanted for it."

"But during the killing of Nick Fury, I was free to enter and exit S.H.I.E.L.D., and I could even sit in Pierce's office and be questioned by Pierce."

"At that time, I was not a criminal of SHIELD at all!"

"This shows that Nick Fury was killed before I defrauded the scepter!"

"In other words, this incident happened before the operation to destroy the insight plan! In the operation to destroy the insight plan, Bucky also stopped us as the Winter Soldier."

"So at that time, Bucky was still the Winter Soldier."

The logic is not too complicated. Captain America explained it to everyone, and everyone understood it all at once.

"So option D can also be ruled out, and the answer to this question is out!" Thor said with a smile.

Frankly speaking, this question is actually relatively simple.

"Sam Wilson, he is not a member of S.H.I.E.L.D., but a veteran. He has all the abilities that Captain America needs. There is no doubt about this question." Hawkeye Button also nodded.

"So the captain was wanted by Pierce first, and then he was wanted a second time?" Dr. Banner couldn't help but muttered.

How does this kind of thing feel weird?

"Director Fury suspended his death due to some unavoidable reason, which led to the captain being wanted."

"But then Director Fury will definitely regain his identity and return to S.H.I.E.L.D.E.L.D., at that time the captain should also return to S.H.I.E.L.D.

The black widow explained to Dr. Banner.

The old people who answered the question had no objection to this, and the development of the matter should indeed be like this.

Nick Fury regained his identity as the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. after suspended animation, until later in the "Wakanda" incident, it turned into ashes and disappeared into ashes.

Some of the story lines before and after, everyone has also sorted out a bit more clearly through this question.

"This question is about me, so let me answer it." Captain America said to everyone at this time.

Everyone naturally has no objections.

"I choose B, Falcon Sam Wilson!" Captain America immediately said his answer to the big screen.

【correct answer! 】

The result is not what everyone expected, the answer is correct.

[Congratulations to answerer Steve Rogers for winning a Batman chariot of any version! 】

Following this prompt from the system, in front of Captain America, a Batman chariot with extremely cool style and extremely cool style appeared in front of Captain America.

Look at the look of that tank, it is exactly the same as the tank in the Nolan version of the Batman trilogy, and it can be said to be the same as the Batman cape award that Captain America received last time.

"Cool! This thing looks so cool!" Thor couldn't help his eyes gleaming authentically.

When he first saw this tank, he liked it.

"Flashy." Tony Stark gave such an evaluation.

In fact, frankly speaking, the performance of the Batman chariot is still very good. In addition to some of the weapons on it, the more important thing is that the Batman chariot can also travel in very complicated road conditions.

In the original movie, Batman drove this chariot around the roof without being affected in any way.

What are the roadblocks in the conventional sense, it is impossible to stop the Batman chariot.

In addition, this chariot can also "split" into a lighter and more flexible motorcycle, which can meet more complex actual situations and combat needs.

In some actions, it can play an important role.

But in the eyes of Tony Stark, the Batman chariot is really nothing, and Tony Stark has no interest in research.

If he wants to, he can build a tank that is countless times more advanced than that in minutes.

"First, the Batman cape, and now the Batman chariot, the captain has become the Batman of New York City." The black widow couldn't help but smile.

"I like this tank, it's really good!" Captain America also nodded in satisfaction.

[After answering the question, now start to play the answer analysis! 】

With this prompt, new images began to appear on the big screen.


Dawn is very much.

In some dim light, a man was running along the bridge.

Although it was only a profile, but several people who had seen Sam Wilson before also recognized that the man was Sam Wilson.

Immediately after the lens is switched.

But I saw that Sam Wilson, who had just finished his morning run, was resting in a room, breathing heavily, and took out a bottle of sports drink from the refrigerator.

But before there was time to drink, there was a knock on the door outside. UU reading www.uukANASHU. com

Sam Wilson groaned for a moment, walked over and opened the door, and the two figures were greeted by the eyes. It was indeed the gray-headed Captain America and the Black Widow.

It was the kind of real gray-headed face, not an adjective. The clothes and faces of the two were all covered with dust.

Obviously there has been a big battle.

"I'm sorry to come here suddenly, but we need a place to hide." Captain America didn't talk nonsense with Sam Wilson, and directly stated his purpose.

"Everyone we know wants to kill us!" the black widow on one side added.

This brief conversation verifies everyone's speculation that Captain America is most likely wanted by S.H.I.E.L.D. at this time.

"Not everyone!"

Sam Wilson said with a straight face, and then invited Captain America and Black Widow into the house.

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