Marvel Starts with Asking Questions About Iron Man

Chapter 146: Stark can die without worry

"Wow!" The Black Widow couldn't help but exclaimed first, "Blew up your house, Stark, no matter who the other party is, it seems that he hates you to the bone."

"Genius always has enemies." Tony Stark looked calm and proud, "Do you know why? Because they are not as good as me! They can only use this kind of indiscriminate means to deal with I!"

"But as always, they can't deal with me either!"

"Pierce, Kilian, and Ivan Vanke are all our'old acquaintances'. Who is this Helmut Zemo?" Captain America glanced at the options and couldn't help but face everyone on the scene. Asked.

But seeing everyone, you look at me, I look at you, no one knows who this Zemo is.

"No matter who he is, since he appears in the options, then the future may be my enemy!" Tony Stark said with a serious face.

He had already made a decision in his mind, and when he returned, he would check Helmut Zemo to see if he could find out anything.

Tony Stark has gone through so many answers to the questions, and he has a deep understanding of this, even if it is some of the distracting items in the question, he can't ignore it.

That is also of great reference significance.

"Leave this Zemo alone, look at the others." Then Tony Stark put away his mind and began to analyze.

"Pierce, the top leader of Hydra we know so far, and the high-level leaders of this evil organization want to kill me. It is not strange."

This is really not a weird thing, let alone a superhero like Tony Stark may collide and conflict with Hydra in the future.

Even if the other party's well water has not been violating the river, the other party still has an insight plan.

No one would be surprised if such an evil organization wanted to kill Stark for some reason.

"It's not just Pierce." Black Widow interrupted Tony Stark. "Killian and Ivan Vanke are also possible!"

"One is the actual controller of the Ten Commandments Gang, who kidnapped Miss Pepper in the future, and the other has a fateful grudge with you and will plot to murder you in the future!"

"Compared to Pierce, they are even more likely."

"I don't think it will be Pierce." Captain America began to express his own opinions, and his tone was quite positive.

"Hydra is an organization that can't get on the stage. It's an organization that can only hide in the shadows like a mouse."

"They dare not show their true colors in front of the world!"

"If they want to kill Stark, they will choose relatively low-key methods, such as assassination."

"Send a helicopter to blow up all Stark's buildings. This is too high-profile and too eye-catching. This is not the style of Hydra."

"It's not even the style of any large-scale, organized, disciplined, and very professional spy organization."

"It's more like the style of those rough terrorists."

Everyone agrees with Captain America's words.

After all, Tony Stark is a pivotal figure in the entire United States. If this kind of person dies, it will surely shake the world.

The military, the FBI, and other large and small institutions will investigate this matter, and Hydra will cause countless troubles.

The risk of exposure is greatly increased.

This is indeed not the style of Hydra.

Sending out assassination agents like the Winter Soldier to silently kill the target person is the way to kill someone with the identity of Tony Stark.

"Yes, I also think Pierce can be ruled out." Tony Stark nodded solemnly. He also agreed with Captain America on this matter.

"Killian?" Then, Tony Star turned his attention to another option. "He is the actual controller of the Ten Commandments. He has caused countless killings and chaos around the world, and even the president dared to kidnap him. ."

"If it were him, sending a helicopter to blow up my villa, I wouldn't be surprised."

"As the captain said, blowing up your villa, this does look like the lawless terrorist style of the Ten Commandments Gang." Hawkeye Button nodded and agreed.

"Ivan Vanke, what about him?" Thor asked aside.

"Ivan Vanke really wants to kill me, but I think it's not his style to send a helicopter to blow up my villa."

After Tony Stark pondered for a moment, he said with a serious face.

"In the future, Ivan Vanke will have an assassination against me. Through a series of methods, he controlled dozens of armors and used those armors to bomb me indiscriminately."

"This assassination was demonstrated by the answering system, and it has not yet happened in the future."

"In real life, Ivan Vanke also assassinated me in Morocco."

"In that assassination, Ivan Vanke made a simple exoskeleton device that could even confront Iron Man for a short time."

"These two assassinations are the style of Ivan Vanke!"

"Ivan Vanke really wants to kill me, but it's not just as simple as killing me! What he wants is to defeat me and defeat me!"

"In short, he wants to replace me!"

"He wants to use his technology to defeat Iron Man and trample Iron Man under his feet in full view, instead of just killing Tony Stark."

If Ivan Vanke just wanted to kill Tony Stark, there would be too many opportunities.

Don’t mention anything else, just say that in the Moroccan arena, he himself got into the arena with Tony Stark. Isn’t it easier to find a chance to knock Tony Stark down?

Need to run to the track to pretend to be forced?

One whip and one whip looks pretty cool, but for the goal of killing Tony Stark, didn't it deliberately make yourself difficult?

Because this is exactly what Ivan Vanke wanted.

He wanted to kill Iron Man, not Tony Stark!

He thought Tony Stark was a thief who stole the honor that should have belonged to the Vanke family, so Ivan Vanke had to take it back in this way.

"I also heard about that assassination." The black widow nodded, "According to my analysis of Ivan Vanke's behavior, flying a helicopter to bomb your villa does not belong to his style."

"If it were him, it should be a steel armor, not a helicopter!"

Ivan Vanke was also happily eliminated by everyone.

"So now we still have two'candidates', Killian and Zemo, Stark, how to choose, you can figure it out."

Captain America said to Tony Stark on the side.

This question is related to Tony Stark, and everyone acquiesces to Tony Stark's answer.

"I don't understand Zemo at all, I have never heard of it."

"But Kilian is very in line with the requirements in all aspects. It is impossible for me to give up an option that meets the requirements and choose an option that I don't understand at all."

"I choose B, Aldrich Lian!" Tony Stark immediately said his answer to the big screen.

This question is actually not difficult, and you can get the answer after a little thought.

【correct answer! 】

The system immediately gave feedback, and it did not exceed everyone's expectations, so Kylian was chosen.

[Congratulations to the answerer Tony Stark for getting a reward of Huangquan fruit! 】

Immediately afterwards, Tony Stark had a peculiar shape in his hands, which looked the same as the shocking fruit that Black Widow got last time.

"This fruit has the same style as the fruit I got before." The Black Widow also immediately noticed this. "Will this be a series?"

"It's possible that Huangquan Fruit, Shocking Fruit, and there may be some fruits that contain other magical abilities." Captain America echoed, and he also agreed with the speculation of hanging a widow.

"Stark, what's the use of this fruit?" Thor's eyes gleamed, with incomparable curiosity and expectation.

The shocking fruit of the Black Widow made the Black Widow from an ordinary person into an ability enhancer who can knock over a car with one punch.

So what effect does this fruit that looks like the same series as the Zhenzhen Fruit?

"Please wait a minute." Tony Stark made a pause to everyone first, took a bite of the yellow spring fruit and swallowed it, "This thing is really unpalatable! No wonder Romanov has such an expression. ."


After throwing the remaining completely useless fruit on the ground, Tony Stark shrugged and said to everyone.

"In simple terms, eating this fruit is equivalent to one more life. Yes, this fruit can bring the dead to life."


Everyone at the scene couldn't help taking a breath.

To resurrect the dead, this yellow spring fruit is too bad for the sky, right?

"So, in order to prevent you from snatching the fruit from my hands, I will eat the fruit first, don't you mind?" Tony Stark said to everyone next.

You have eaten all the food, and mind a ghost!

It's too late to mind!

Everyone at the scene couldn't help but slander.

"However, apart from resurrecting the dead, this fruit has no other effect." Tony Stark then introduced to everyone.

"Well, it's not without any effect. He can also make people acquire some weird abilities, but the premise is that they have to die once."

Captain America: "..."

Hawkeye Button: "..."

Thor: "..."

Dr. Banner: "..."

Black Widow: "..."

Everyone is speechless, no one can just die just because they want to gain those abilities.

But even so, even if no ability is available, the ability to resurrect the dead is still abnormal and defying enough.

"First, the healing potion, and then the yellow spring fruit. Doesn't this mean that Stark can snap his fingers twice?" The black widow then looked at Tony Stark and joked.

"No, since I knew Thanos as a threat in advance, I will prepare in advance!"

"At that time, I will definitely develop a powerful armor to defeat him, there is no need to snap my fingers at all!"

Tony Stark said arrogantly as always.

[After answering the question, now start to play the answer analysis! 】

With the sound of this system, corresponding images began to appear on the big screen.


The first woman who appeared was standing in front of Tony Stark's house and knocking there.

"This woman?"

Tony Stark in front of the screen suddenly felt that this woman was very familiar, and she must have seen it somewhere.

But where on earth I saw it, Tony Stark really couldn't remember for a while, because Tony Stark had dealt with too many women in his life.

"Passing among a hundred flowers" is just an exaggerated description for others, but for Tony Stark, it is a truth that can no longer be real.

He hasn't remembered yet, that woman was the female scientist who had communicated with him in-depth at the Swiss Science Exchange and asked him to release Kilian pigeons: Maya Hansen.


on the screen.

Tony Stark's electric door opened and Maya Hansen strode in.

However, a beam of light was immediately projected from a scanner at the door and hit Maya Hansen's body.

Entering Tony Stark's house actually has to go through a security check, which is an exaggeration.

But the more exaggerated is still to come. Tony Stark walked out in full armor, wearing battle armor, and the first sentence asked: "You are not a mandalin? Are you? Are you?"

This made everyone at the scene feel strange for a while.

Tony Stark is so ready, does he already know that Mandalin is going to attack him?

Otherwise, who would set up security procedures at the door of the house, stay at home and wear armor.

"You don't remember, why didn't I feel surprised at all?" Maya Hansen's voice sounded, and she said with a faint sarcasm on her face.

"Don't worry, I don't even remember what I ate for breakfast!" Tony Stark said seriously to Maya Hansen.

"I want to say something to you It's better not to be here, it's a very important thing." Maya Hansen's face also became serious.

"Under normal circumstances, I would not refuse, but now, I already have an official girlfriend." Playboy was offered to offer, but refused, which is beyond everyone's expectations.

It seems that this **** is not as unbearable as the rumors, at least he has a bottom line.

But then Tony Stark was slapped in the face. He just wanted to introduce his girlfriend to Maya Hansen, and he rudely threw down a few bags on the second floor.

At first glance, I knew it was a quarrel, and the female ticket was going to run away from home.

"Tony, is there a guest at home?"

Then, a woman's voice came out.

Everyone at the scene recognized it, and that was the voice of Little Pepper.

Immediately afterwards, the figure of Little Pepper appeared in everyone's sight and came to Tony Stark.

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