Marvel Starts with Asking Questions About Iron Man

Chapter 173: Annihilation of mankind is for world peace!

"It makes sense!" Hawkeye Button shrugged, and said nothing more.

This question asks why Ultron wants to eliminate all mankind, so when everyone considers the four options, it is true that they cannot be preconceived to substitute themselves, but it is reasonable to substitute Ultron into it.

Hawkeye Button made such a mistake.

He subconsciously substituted himself instead of Ultron.

"Stark is right. If it is from Ultron's perspective, option B is completely possible." Black Widow nodded aside, "So we have no way to exclude B for the time being."

"That's right!" Tony Stark spread his hands, but the conversation turned sharply, "But I think A may be eliminated."

Without waiting for everyone to ask questions, Tony Stark began to speak his own analysis methodically in front of everyone.

"Everyone remember that Ultron took control of the entire financial system in an instant, causing Crow to add billions of dollars to his personal account, right?"

"I have been thinking about how this thing was done afterwards. This is theoretically impossible."

"Even if the hardware conditions are met, so that Altron has enough computing power, how big is the entire financial system?"

"There are countless networks, countless programs, countless firewalls, but Ultron cracked them all in a flash!"

"This terrible computing power means Ultron can do whatever he wants on the Internet, which means he can control any program!"

"Everyone, even the entire financial system is like this. Can you imagine what kind of virus can infect Ultron?"

Tony Stark's remarks can be said to be a direct question to the point.

Not to mention that a virus comparable to the level of the entire financial system cannot exist at all. It is completely a fantasy.

Even if it took a hundred steps back, a virus of that level really appeared, but it was vulnerable to Ultron.

Controlled instantly by the opponent.

Ultron's computing power is terrifying to such a sensational level.

"Also, everyone has seen the image that created the illusion. Dr. Banner is worried that Jarvis will not be able to defeat Ultron's calculation matrix."

"The facts are also true. At that time, there was only the Ultron calculation matrix in the Vision, but Jarvis still did not defeat it, but coexisted with Ultron's calculation matrix in a way."

"This is how Vision was born."

"Everyone, this is Ultron's computing power! Although I don't want to admit it, Jarvis is obviously far behind Ultron."

"In terms of Ultron's terrible computing power, it is far beyond the level of the current era."

"I don't think there are any viruses that can infect such a program, because if such a virus does appear, it means that all programs in the world will be vulnerable!"

"The entire network will be poisoned!"

"Everyone, how likely do you think such a virus exists?"

Everyone at the scene couldn't help but shook their heads. How could this level of virus exist? Even science fiction movies dare not set such a plot.

After all, such a virus is too nonsense.

"OK." Nick Fury spread his hands. "Stark is right. It seems that we can indeed rule out the A option. Now there are only two options B and D. What is it for maintaining world peace? , Or under the orders of Thanos?"

"There is a problem with the concept of Ultron. The elimination of mankind is regarded as a means to maintain world peace. This possibility is logical."

"The Tyrant has invaded the earth many times, and he instructed Ultron to destroy humans. This seems to be completely possible."

"At present, it seems that these two options are possible. Guys, has anyone of you thought of something?"

After a brief analysis, Nick Fury looked at everyone on the scene.

But seeing other people also showed a thoughtful look, staring straight at these two options, temporarily unable to make any judgments.

Only Loki, with a meaningful and playful smile on his face: "Really? Are you really thinking about it? These two options are not obvious things? Yes, you are just mortal. Wisdom!"

"Loki, you seem to know something." The Black Widow turned her head and stared at Loki intently.

"Yes, I already know the answer, do you want to hear my opinion?" Loki showed a smug smile on his face, "Then guess I will tell you?"

In the first few questions, Loki needed to obtain information from everyone, but now it is completely reversed. This is really a matter of feng shui.

"I will." The Black Widow said to Loki in a very determined tone.

"Why?" Rocky almost couldn't help laughing. "Why would I do that kind of thing?"

"Because if you tell us information now, we will also share information with you in the future." Black Widow said to Loki, "You will need it."

"Do you think I really need you?" Rocky is not used to this feeling of being dominated by others.

"Yes, you need it!" The black widow nodded her head emphatically, "Without our help, you answered two consecutive questions incorrectly, didn't you?"

The corners of Loki's mouth twitched slightly, although he didn't want to admit it, it was an indisputable fact.

"You have only one person, but we have five. This is the first time you have participated in answering questions, but each of us has participated several times. We have far more relevant information than you."

"Whether you admit it or not, your need for us is far greater than our need for you."

"Rocky, this is a very rare opportunity for you, and I will seize it if it is me."

Nick Fury, a scheming guy, also echoed the black widow on one side, and said confidently to Loki.

"Fine! You won!" Rocky groaned and spread his hands, "I can tell you the information this time, but when it's my turn to answer the question, you also need to tell me the information I want to know."

"Of course!" Nick Fury nodded with a look of course.

"The D option is obviously impossible."

Immediately after, Loki expressed his thoughts to everyone, "Midgard is the territory of my father Odin. Where can Thanos have such courage to exterminate the humans on Midgard? Borrow him. He doesn't dare to do this if he doesn't have the guts!"

The angle of Rocky's consideration of the problem was really not considered by everyone, but after a lot of contemplation, they still raised some doubts.

"Loki, I know that Odin is the father of the gods, the lord of the Nine Realms, and the major galaxies, but the universe is so big, even if there are some existences who are not afraid of Odin, it is not a strange thing, right?"

Captain America spoke to Loki in a straight face.

"You may make sense, but Thanos is not that kind of person." Rocky said to Captain America very confidently.

"How do you know this?" Tony Stark asked sharply from the side immediately.

"Why do you think I came to you to **** the Rubik's Cube of the universe?" Loki's words made everyone on the scene startled slightly and their expressions changed slightly.

In the past, everyone had speculated that the man behind the battle of New York was Thanos, but now, Rocky's words clearly confirm this to everyone.

Loki came to grab the Cosmos Rubik's Cube, and it was indeed Thanos behind the scenes!

"It's really Thanos!" Captain America's complexion suddenly became extremely serious. "That way, you can see the true energy of the universe's Rubik's Cube, and give you the people of the Zetarian fleet, it's really Thanos."

"You know a lot." Rocky's face was slightly surprised, and he paid more attention to the answering system.

"So, I understand Thanos, why do you think Thanos wants me to invade New York? That was just a cautious test of my father!"

"Thanksgiving has this thought for a long time, but he has not dared to act until I, the prince of Asgard, appeared, dare to really put this idea into practice."

"Thanksgiving is a coward, a coward! A villain who is afraid of my father's name and only dares to make small moves behind his back!"

Loki then spoke to everyone with a disdainful face.

Everyone at the scene felt a little weird, and Thanos’s image in everyone’s eyes was always the kind of invincible universe hegemon, which made everyone breathless.

It was the first time to hear someone belittle Thanos.

"But in the future, Thanos has indeed invaded the earth." After the Black Widow pondered for a while, she raised such a question.

"What are you talking about? Thanos invades Midgard? That's impossible!" Rocky shook his head when he heard that, "With my father, Thanos doesn't have the guts."

"Could it be... Thanos collected six infinite gems at that time?"

Tony Stark guessed and said, "The only time Thanos that we know has appeared on Earth was the final battle. He had already collected six infinite gems at that time."

"He collected six infinite gems?" Rocky's face showed a look of surprise again.

If that's the case, it makes sense that the other party dared to provoke Odin.

So the question is, at what stage is Thanos in the Ultron period?

Of course everyone can be sure that Thanos did not collect six Infinite Gems at that time, after all, Ultron had one in his hand.

But you can't say that Thanos dared to provoke Odin when he gathered six of them, and he dared not dare to gather five or four of them.

It would be too far-fetched to judge this way.

"It seems that the information Loki provided to us is no longer needed." Hawkeye Barton shook his head slightly.

"Although it didn't help us rule out the D option,...thank you for your information, Loki." Nick Fury shrugged to Loki.

At least Loki helped everyone determine that the black hand in the Battle of New York was Thanos, which was actually a big gain.

"No, I haven't finished talking yet." Loki spoke again, "Thanksgiving may become a little bolder because of the infinite gems. He dares to provoke my father and king, and can wipe out all mankind. This kind of thing is not Thanos’ style."

"The tyrant has always been adhering to the concept of killing half and keeping half!"

"He invaded everywhere in the universe and destroyed many planets, but he has always killed only half of the lives!"

Loki's words immediately brightened everyone's eyes on the scene. If this is the case, then the D option can be eliminated without a doubt.

"Kill half and leave half?" Tony Stark couldn't help but curled his lips first, "What is this? False kindness? Used to comfort his blood-stained heart?"

"Thanos is a lunatic, what are lunatics thinking, how would we know?" The black widow shrugged, then she glanced at the big screen, "So the answer to this question is B?"

Everyone at the scene suddenly felt Wei Wei was a bit speechless.

"Doesn't it feel too ironic and absurd to destroy all mankind for the sake of world peace?" Nick Fury couldn't help but vomit.

"No, Nick Fury." Tony Stark shook his head and said to Nick Fury with a serious face, "I said before that you can't use human logic to look at problems."

"In my opinion, option B is just the most logical and reasonable option."

"Stark, we listen with great respect." Nick Fury shrugged and made a gesture of invitation to Tony Stark.

Tony Stark continued to talk freely while everyone was watching.

"According to Option B, Ultron was created for the purpose of maintaining world peace, so logically speaking, does the maintenance of world peace have any direct relationship with the survival of all mankind?"

Everyone at the scene was immediately stunned by Tony Stark's questions, and subconsciously wanted to refute, but couldn't say anything to refute it at all.

Because everyone stroked them carefully, they really couldn't find a direct connection between peace and the survival of mankind.

"Peace means no war. If Ultron is created for the purpose of maintaining world peace, then the elimination of war is the ultimate purpose of Ultron."

"Excuse me, does this purpose contradict the elimination of all mankind?"

"Even if all mankind is eliminated, this purpose can be better implemented, because all wars on the earth are caused by humans."

"If all mankind is wiped out, there will never be war, and the earth will usher in eternal peace."

The scene fell into a brief silence, and everyone was speechless by Tony Stark.

"Based on human thinking, everyone naturally tacitly agrees in their hearts that the premise of peace is that all mankind is still alive. If all human beings are dead, even though there is no war, it is not called peace."

"Because people are dead, everything is meaningless."

"But for robots? No war, there is peace! This is the logic of robots!"

"That's why I said that option B makes the most sense."

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