Marvel Starts with Asking Questions About Iron Man

Chapter 504: A fight between Superman and a group of Superman

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next moment.

There is a switch on the screen.

But I saw Lana, who had become a superman's mother, standing in front of a strange-looking instrument that no one knew what it was.

Introduction to Superman.

"Resurrection technology is my life's research as a way to ensure our civilization doesn't die out."

"It was never meant to replace another species. Kryptonians are a peaceful species, at least most of us are."

Lana said to Superman while looking at the instrument.

Everyone is still very surprised by this. Was the technology that the Kryptonian consciousness invaded the human body actually invented by Superman's mother?

"I don't know."

A dazed look appeared on Superman's face, "Zetaro, my brother? Have you ever had another marriage?"

It seems that this Zetaro should be Morgan Edge, just like Clark Kent, the other party has two names at the same time.

An Earth name, a Kryptonian name.

The Morgan Edge mentioned by the answering system before should be the name on earth.

As for the origin story of another brother of Superman, the answerers were also very interested, and they all listened with great interest.

It seems that I am looking forward to a wonderful storytelling.

"We're genetically paired, and that's how we bonded on Krypton for thousands of years."

Lana answered Superman's doubts, "And then I met your father, and we fell in love, ending my relationship with Zetaro."

Well, everyone guessed wrong.

The aforementioned Zetaro is actually Morgan Edge's father, not Morgan Edge.

This is also something that can't be helped. The answering system shows some fragmented images.

And some words are indeed prone to misunderstandings when they are out of context.

In addition, everyone's previous speculation about Morgan Edge's identity was also wrong.

It turns out that Superman's extra brother is not the fault of Superman's father, but the fault of Superman's mother.

It can only be said that everyone was misled by the mindset.

After all, there are far more scumbags than scumbags in the world.

"Joel and I have the same view of the future world. I gave birth to you, and then your father and I decided to send you to Earth."

"We want you to live in a future world like that."

"I'm already here." Superman nodded, and then asked a question, "But the sun stone in the flight cabin, why only father's, but not yours?"

"Stolen by Zetaro, I left in revenge."

Well, that does perfectly explain why Clark Kent was only accompanied by his Kryptonian father, and his Kryptonian mother never showed up.

"What worries me the most is that my departure may leave you without a mother."

"I have a mother here, her name is Martha, and she loves me."

"You never knew how much you meant to me, Carl, and the world welcomes you."

The mother and son began to reminisce.

And at the same moment.

In another place similar to the computer room, a man in tights walked in with a female assistant.

Although it has only just appeared, everyone still has an unanimous guess.

That man was probably Morgan Edge.

For no other reason, the man is wearing tights!

According to everyone's consistent experience, normal people will not wear tights.

People who wear tights can basically be divided into two categories, the first is superheroes, and the second is supervillains.

And in this "stop Krypton recovery incident", there is already a superhero, that is, Superman.

Then this tights is probably a super villain.

The man glanced at the scene and found that all the equipment and equipment had been removed, and his face could not help becoming a little ugly.

"I will find them!" The woman beside the man said immediately.

"It's not necessary."

"But they have the Annihilator in their hands."

"I said it's unnecessary! Let's prepare for our arrival!" the man said angrily.


"Kal-El has made his choice, he has chosen humans, not us! My brother is helpless."

After the man said this, he strode out without looking back.

Sure enough, the man was indeed Morgan Edge.

In front of the screen, Clark Kent's eyes widened, trying to remember the appearance of Morgan Edge on the screen.

in order to find their portraits after the fact.

The same goes for Bruce Wayne.

"It would be much more convenient if Natasha was here." Captain America couldn't help sighing.

Black Widow just needs to switch to the writing wheel to take a look, and it is 100% accurate.

And according to everyone's consistent experience, a round of answering is about ten questions, and now it is the fourth question.

That is to say, there is still a long time before the end of the answer.

It is hard to say how much of Clark Kent and Bruce Wayne's memories will remain after the answering questions are over.

on the screen.

The screen switched again.

But I saw Lana adjusting and operating the incomprehensible instrument.

"How is this thing going to work?" asked the Secretary of Defense, Louise Lane's father, looking at Lana.

"It's similar to a computer," Lana replied, "but in this case, it is more inclined to the brain, and the information uploaded in it is a person's consciousness."

"The Annihilator will transmit information, that is, a person's consciousness, into the human brain."

It turned out that the strange instrument in Lana's hand was called the Annihilator, and it was the key that Morgan Edge used to revive Krypton.

Everyone now understands why Superman took the initiative to revive Superman's mother. It turned out to be to learn more about the Annihilator.

for everyone to destroy.

"Will the old consciousness still be there during this transmission?" the Secretary of Defense asked one of the most crucial questions.

"Until the transfer is complete."

"And then it's gone when the new consciousness takes over?"

"How long will this take?"

"A few days, or a few weeks, it depends on the host's will, to see how willing he is to accept a new life."

"Then how do we stop this? How do we stop the transmission from happening?"

"We need to find the affected people and re-procedure elimination."

"Bring them all here? All?"


"But we don't know how many people were affected!"

"There must be other ways."

"This method requires a lot of energy, and we need something that has solar-level energy."

Several people negotiated a plan for sabotage. To summarize, there are two important steps:

Find those who have been invaded by Kryptonian consciousness, and the program to recreate the Annihilator using solar-level energy.

"The Annihilator!"

Clark Kent couldn't help looking at the instrument on the screen and spit out these three words with a solemn expression.

The video has been shown here, and the most crucial tool for Morgan Edge to implement the Krypton recovery plan is the Annihilator.

Even if this important item has been obtained by Superman, it is still very difficult to destroy Morgan Edge's plan.

And now, Clark Kent and Bruce Wayne have seen the exact appearance of the Annihilator clearly.

They made a decision in their hearts involuntarily.

After the answer is over, in addition to looking for Morgan Edge, also pay attention to the Annihilator!

In any case, do your best to kill the Krypton recovery plan in the cradle.

On the screen, a switch appeared at this time.

But I saw it on a lawn.

Morgan Edge stood alone, as if waiting for someone.

Soon, a sonic boom sounded.

However, Superman just fell from the sky and landed heavily on Morgan Edge's side.

"Meet again, Superman!" Morgan Edge looked at Superman with a hint of sarcasm.

"Why do you love them? There must be some reason, right?" Morgan Edge asked again, puzzled.

The two brothers also started a "heart-to-heart" communication and exchange before the official break.

Morgan Edge also talked about his past.

It turned out that when he came to earth, what happened to Clark Kent was completely different.

He was treated like a monster!

Hosted, driven, or even attacked by everyone.

"Morgan Edge is too miserable, isn't it?"

Professor X couldn't help but let out a sigh.

The two brothers are also from Krypton, and the difference is too big.

Clark Kent has loving parents, Morgan Edge has none.

At the beginning, everyone was subconsciously hostile to Morgan Edge, and regarded him as the same villain as Thanos and Steppenwolf.

But now, everyone is beginning to understand and sympathize with Morgan Edge.

There is a reason why this man is black.

Of course, even so, there is no doubt that everyone should stop Morgan Edge or stop Morgan Edge.

on the screen.

Without any surprises, the negotiations between Superman and the Morgan Edge brothers broke down and began to work.

Morgan Edge directly summoned dozens of Kryptonians, chasing after Superman.

A group of superhumans started fighting in the air just like that.

Chi Chi Chi!

Superman flew in front, but dozens of heat rays shot towards Superman from all directions at the same time.

Seeing that all the answerers could not help but secretly sweat for Superman.

That's dozens of heat rays!

Visually, everyone's strength is not necessarily worse than Superman. Can Superman really stop this battle?

Not to mention other people, even Clark Kent in front of the screen also became solemn.

He thought to himself that he could not stop an attack of this level.

But Superman is worthy of being Superman, and he took out the Annihilator at a critical moment.

All the heat rays were led to the Annihilator.

Solar-level energy, as Superman's mother calls it, here!

"No, stop now!"

When Morgan Edge saw this scene, he couldn't help but shouted out to stop those "artificial supermen".

But the next moment.


An enormous energy burst out of the Annihilator in an instant.

Swish swish!

Those "artificial supermen" who were chasing Superman, fell from the sky like rain.

Apparently, Superman has completed the reinvention of the Annihilator program.

Those Kryptonian consciousnesses who had invaded the bodies of the earthlings cut off their connection with the bodies they occupied.

The image on the big screen is frozen here.

The respondents were still very excited, because this video can be said to show how to stop Morgan Edge.

There is no reservation.

Key props, key characters, all have.

Not to mention that when everyone already knows the future in advance, Morgan Edge's plan is basically impossible to succeed again.

Taking a step back, even if everyone really fails to make Morgan Edge's plan succeed again, then everyone can just copy the homework and destroy the plan before the Kryptonian consciousness invades the human body on a large scale.

Therefore, everyone is not too concerned about the plan of Krypton recovery, but is very interested in other less important things.

"Clark, I didn't expect your mother's sun stone to be stolen by her ex-husband. This is too shameless, isn't it?"

Tony Stark immediately couldn't help but be filled with righteous indignation for Clark Kent.

Everyone else felt a little speechless.

This kind of **** in the parents, everyone only thought that it would only appear in those ordinary families on the earth.

Unexpectedly, the same will be staged on Krypton.

"I will find Zetaro, and I will get my mother's sun stone back!" Clark Kent said decisively.

It was fine when he didn't know it before, but now that he knew the truth of the matter, how could Clark Kent be indifferent?

"You can call me at that time. Seriously, I haven't tried anything like beating Kryptonians, it must feel good."

Tony Stark appears more positive than Clark Kent.

Clark Kent also knew what Tony Stark's temperament was, and he didn't pay much attention to it.

"I'm a little bit weird about it."

Magneto opened his mouth at this time and asked a question, "Isn't it saying that the Kryptonians possessed consciousness on the human body, but why did all those people become superhumans?"

"Aren't those people supposed to be just ordinary people with different memories, as if they had changed their souls?"

"This is indeed different from what we imagined. It seems that the consciousness of Kryptonians will cause corresponding changes in the human body." Captain America said on the side.

But it's a bit hard to understand.

What is the body of a Kryptonian?

Compared with the human body, it is no exaggeration to say that it is one heaven and one underground.

Not to mention skills such as flying and heat rays, which require the unique physiological structure of Kryptonians.

It is absolutely not that such a change can take place by occupying a human body.

"So, Krypton's consciousness has invaded the human body. This is just a general statement, a general statement."

Professor X concluded, "This Kryptonian recovery plan must be much more complex than just using the Annihilator to occupy someone else's body."

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