Marvel Starts with Asking Questions About Iron Man

Chapter 507: Powerful godslayer, ravages Thor, the **** of thunder with one hand

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on the screen.

The screen continues to move.

"In the end what happened?"

Thor begins to ask Sif for details.

"I've been following a lot of people, and I followed him here." Sif began to brief Thor, "but it's a trap."

"Who is this crazy person?"

"Godslayer! Here he is, he will kill all the gods! His next target is Asgard!" Sif said nervously to Thor.

At this time, a switch appeared on the screen.

But I saw it outside a quiet and harmonious seaside town.

A man with gray skin, looking very weird, and shrouded in a robe, quietly appeared in the darkness.

The man looked at the town in front of him, and couldn't help showing a cold look on his face.

Then the man took out a long sword and slammed it **** the ground.

With the long sword as the center, the boundless darkness began to spread away, shrouding the town ahead.

And in that darkness, countless monsters began to appear.

"God Slayer Geer!"

"Is this guy the God Slayer Geer?"

Professor X said in a very positive tone.

There is basically no doubt about this.

It's just that the image of the God Slayer has to be said to be somewhat different from what everyone expected. This is a very, very thin person, and even looks very weak.

And, there is another very interesting point.

"Why does this guy look like a young Bruce? It's exactly the same!"

Clark Kent couldn't help but said in surprise, with a very strange look on his face.


And this kind of thing?

The answerers at the scene couldn't help but look at Bruce Wayne.

Bruce Wayne couldn't help but spread his hands: "I wasn't so thin back then, okay?"

He is also a superhero who fights criminals anyway. How could he have the strength to be so thin?

Of course, the face is really strikingly similar.

on the screen.

The roars and exclamations of the monsters sounded, and the monsters released by the God Slayer began to wreak havoc in Asgard.

A dazzling light flashed at the critical moment, but it was the Valkyrie who descended from the sky on a Pegasus and bravely fought against those monsters.

Valkyrie's combat power is still as strong as ever, and this is the person who fought Hela with Thor anyway.

It's just a pity that there are too many monsters on the scene, and the Valkyrie is also a little powerless.


At this critical moment, a colorful light descended from the sky, and the figures of Thor and the Stone Man also appeared.

But seeing Thor's axe swinging, the dazzling thunder light burst out, it was like destroying the dead, and the monsters were all killed by life and life.

As soon as Thor shot, he knew if there was any.

It can only be said that Thor is worthy of Thor, and his strength is not comparable to that of the Valkyries.

"Thor! It's Thor!"

"Thor is here!"

There was a burst of cheers at the scene, and all the Asgardians were all excited.

"Take Sif to the infirmary!"

Thor gave casual orders to the Asgardians at the scene.

"Hey, who did you mess with this time?"

The voice of the Valkyrie sounded, and she asked Thor with her head outstretched.

"It wasn't my fault, I never saw these things, no matter who they were," Thor told the truth.

"Welcome back!"

The Valkyrie said, and then she and Thor fought side by side to fight against those monsters.

However, when he was facing the enemy, Thor suddenly saw lightning flashes in a corner of the battlefield, accompanied by bursts of cheers.

Others came out to help against the enemy.

It can be seen that he is a very powerful person who is very popular in Asgard.

"Who is this new guy?"

Thor couldn't help but stretched his head and asked.

"You will like this new guy." The Valkyrie smiled mysteriously.

There is no doubt that the "new guy" must be Jane Foster, the goddess of Thor.

This image has been clearly shown for everyone. Thor doesn't know the goddess of Thor at all, and the time point is as everyone expected, after the end of the final battle and Thor's interstellar wandering.

So the question is, how did the goddess of Thor become the goddess of thunder?

For this, you can say that you are still very, very curious.

Moreover, the weapon used by the female Thor was actually a Thor hammer, which made everyone even more confused. Where did the other Thor hammer come from?

on the screen.


Thor also felt confused when he saw his hammer flying around, and kept yelling at his hammer.

But at this moment, the hammer didn't pay any attention to Thor at all, just flying around on the battlefield, smashing those monsters to the fullest.

In the end, it flew directly into the hands of a woman in armor and a helmet.

The Goddess of Thor is here!

At this time, everyone finally understood where the hammer in the female Thor's hand came from. It turned out that the hammer was actually the one that was crushed by Hela.

Because the hammer in the hand of the goddess of thunder is full of cracks.

When Thor's hammer was crushed, there was no weapon. In the end, in order to fight against Thanos, he had to build a storm axe. ,

Unexpectedly, the broken hammer fell into Jane Foster's hands.

However, although the hammer looks broken, its power is undiminished.

No, it is more powerful!

However, she saw the female Thor swayed forward with shaking hands, and the fragments on the Thor's hammer were launched in all directions, and several monsters were blasted at the same time.

Finally, it flew back again and formed a complete hammer.

This operation can be said to make all the answerers stunned.

"Thor's hammer can still be used like this?"

Captain America looked stunned.

"Isn't this Diana's magic knife thousand blades!"

Clark Kent said with a smile.

At this moment, the broken version of the Thor's Hammer in the hands of the female Thor is exactly the same as the Thousand Blades of the Magic Knife.

"Hello, excuse me, that's my hammer, you idiot!"

on the screen.

Thor ran directly to the goddess of thunder and went over, "I am its owner!"

But the goddess Thor ignored Thor and continued to wield the Thor's hammer against the enemy.

"Okay little girl, stop making trouble, take off your mask!" Thor also chopped down a few monsters with a few axes and walked to the goddess of Thor.

The goddess of Thor thought at this moment, the helmet on her head disappeared, and a very familiar face appeared in front of everyone.

It was Jane Foster.

"Jane?" Thor's voice suddenly rose a few octaves, as if he had seen a ghost.

But at this time, Thor didn't have time to reminisce with Jane Foster for the time being, because Gore the God Slayer came to the scene in person.

Thor naturally didn't talk nonsense, he flew up directly, and started a battle with the **** slayer Geer.

It can only be said that the God Slayer deserves to be the guy who became the God Slayer. He easily blocked Thor, and even suppressed Thor to the point where he couldn't breathe.

"Is that the sword of the necromancer? It's a real bull, I've only seen it in the classics!"

During the battle, Thor also recognized the sword in the hands of the Godslayer.

However, the battle between the two sides was ultimately fruitless, because the goddess Thor, Thor, and Valkyrie surrounded the godslayer at the same time.

The God Slayer Geer did not fight to the death with everyone, but escaped directly into the darkness and disappeared.

However, when they were evacuating, Gol the God Slayer also took away all the children of Asgard.

And the image ends here.

"So the purpose of the God Slayer is those children of Asgard?"

Professor X's face became very dignified, and he couldn't accept anything like taking action on children.

"Yeah, what is he doing with those children? What use are those children who have no power to restrain chickens?"

Captain America also frowned.

"No matter why the **** slayer catches those children, it's definitely not a good thing." Magneto looked disgusted.

Even he can't do such a thing to a child.

"After the answer is over, we must warn Thor that the God Slayer is too dangerous." Captain America said so solemnly again.

This video can be said to show the strength of the God Slayer in all directions, whether it is from the side or the front.

From the side view, the **** slayer has no idea how many gods have been slaughtered, and countless people have been killed to send out a distress signal.

Killing even an Asgardian female warrior like Sif was frightened by the God Slayer.

From a positive point of view, the specific combat power of the God Slayer itself is also clearly displayed.

He can summon a lot of "dark monsters". Not to mention, just looking at those monsters is enough to cause headaches, and it is impossible to deal with them without a certain strength.

In addition, the God Slayer himself also has the powerful strength to single-handedly take on Thor!

This person must not be underestimated.

"God slayer is okay too."

Tony Stark, as always, didn't take anyone in his eyes, "He just didn't meet me. If he meets me, the myth of his slaughtering gods will definitely end."

In Tony Stark's view, what is the Godslayer?

Those dark monsters?

Benny's armored army crushed in an instant.

The slayer itself?

How long can it last in front of Benny's perfect armor?

In addition to Professor X and Magneto, the answerers at the scene still know Tony Stark's temperament very well. Even if Tony Stark degrades the God Slayer to a lower level, everyone will not be underestimated.

"Sword of the Necromancer!"

Magneto paid attention to this sword, "Does any of you know this sword?"

However, they saw that the answerers at the scene all shook their heads. They had never heard of the sword of the necromancer before.

But this sword has never even been seen by Thor, it has only been seen in the classics, and it is obviously an incomparable divine weapon.

[Please listen to the question: The motherland has many abilities such as super hearing, super vision, steel body, flight, heat rays, etc., and can hardly find any weaknesses. In the action of killing the motherland, the hero nemesis butcher chose which breakthrough Start? 】

[A. The perspective of the motherland cannot see through the zinc element]

[B. People from the motherland are more keen on fans and popularity]

[C, the motherland has a son]

[D. People from the motherland prefer to drink milk]

[Friendly reminder: Those who answer the question correctly will receive the bonus skill Hundred Styles of Demon Burning;

Those who answer the question incorrectly will randomly deduct one of their own attributes, including but not limited to knowledge, experience, skills, possessions, etc...]

Everyone was discussing in high spirits, and the system prompt sound suddenly sounded.

The latest issue appeared on the big screen.


The answerers were all confused when they saw this name, because they had never seen this name before.

This is the first time it appears in the title.

"Super hearing, super vision, man of steel, flight, heat rays... This, isn't this another superman?"

Bruce Wayne said in surprise.

"Clarke, are you sure that none of you Kryptonians will ever come to Earth but you? Well, maybe you and Morgan Edge?"

Tony Stark stared at Clark Kent and asked. UU reading www.

The ability of this guy called the motherland is highly similar to Clark Kent, it is exactly the same!

"Could it be that the motherland is Morgan Edge's nickname? Just like Clark Kent, isn't his nickname called Superman?"

Magneto made a reasonable guess.

"The native may not be Morgan Edge, but I think he may be another Kryptonian."

After pondering for a while, Captain America made such a guess, "Didn't Morgan Edge create some 'artificial Kryptonians?'"

"Or, other Kryptonians other than Morgan Edge. Since there is a Morgan Edge that Clark doesn't know about, it shouldn't be too strange that there are other Kryptonians that Clark doesn't know. matter."

Professor X's theory is also very reasonable.

"Could it be that there are other Kryptonians on Earth?" Clark Kent couldn't help but fell into contemplation.

All the answerers at the scene subconsciously regarded the motherland as a Kryptonian.

"OK, the motherland came here first, but who is this butcher? Has anyone heard of it?" Tony Stark asked, looking at Clark Kent and Bruce Wayne beside him.

Dare to attack Kryptonians, this old iron is very brave!

Moreover, he dares to use the nickname "Hero Nemesis". If this man named Butcher is not pretending to be forceful, then he is really a great old man.

"Hero Buster", specializing in superheroes!

To a certain extent, it is similar to the "God Slayer".

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