Marvel Starts with Asking Questions About Iron Man

Chapter 72: Paperclip plan

   "Jarvis, highlight the globe."

   After thinking about it for a while, Iron Man began to give orders to Jarvis.

   After Jarvis highlighted the digital model of the globe in accordance with the requirements of Iron Man, Iron Man continued to observe and think for a while, and then gave Jarvis one order after another.

   "Remove the aisle, throw away everything!"

   "What do you want to find, sir?"

   "I want to discover... correct this statement, I want to rediscover a new element!"

   "Remove the landscape, there are bushes and trees!"

   "Parking lot, exit, entrance!"

   "Using the pavilion as a framework to build protons and neutrons."


   With Jarvis's operations, the digital model in front of Iron Man has been constantly changing accordingly.

   In the end, an atomic model appeared in front of Iron Man's eyes.

  Iron Man looked at the gleaming atomic group with a three-dimensional aesthetic, and he was really surprised and delighted. The new element was successfully synthesized!

   "You have been dead for twenty years, and you still have to teach me."

  Thinking about this new element was only discovered on the basis of his own son Howard left behind, Iron Man couldn't help sighing, "Thank you, dad!"

   "Congratulations sir, the new element you synthesized should be able to replace the palladium element." Jarvis's voice sounded, "It's just a pity that it can't be synthesized now."

  Of course not now. Synthesis elements require a lot of professional equipment, and those things are not currently available in the Stark Tower.

   "I'm getting ready for a big renovation, guys, it's time to sweat a little!"

  Iron Man clapped his hands, vigorously and authentically.

   Within the next few days, Iron Man began to be extremely busy again. He purchased a lot of related equipment and transformed his room into a precision laboratory.

   began to synthesize new elements.


   Sanqu Wing Building.

   Director's Office.

  Nick Fury stood upright in the hall, with his hands on his back, with his one eye, looking forward.

  If there are other people here, I will definitely think Nick Fury's behavior is very strange, because Nick Fury's eyes are on the wall at the moment.

   A wall, what to see.

   It's just the Captain America sitting in the office, but he doesn't think it is any strange, because he knows that Nick Fury is looking at Bucky through the sky.

   A moment later, Nick Fury withdrew his gaze.

   "Nick Fury, how is it?"

   Captain America hurriedly couldn't help but asked.

   "Captain, I found Bucky." Nick Fury nodded, which made Captain America breathe a sigh of relief.

   "Where is he?" Captain America asked immediately.

   "Captain, the situation is a bit complicated." Nick Fury paced slowly, walked to his seat and sat down, "Bucky is now staying in a military-level base, and the defense is quite tight."

   "The location of that base is a bit secretive, and my sky-eye connection time is also limited. Therefore, based on the information I have observed so far, I cannot effectively pinpoint the location of that base."

   "This will require continuous observation over the next few days."

   "Nick Fury, is there anything I need to do?" Captain America did not be polite with Nick Fury, but looked at Nick Fury and asked.

   "In fact, there are."

   Nick Fury was even less polite with Captain America.

   "Investigate that bald commander?"

   "Besides, there are." Nick Fury took out a file and put it in front of Captain America.

   "Paperclip plan?"

   With a trace of doubt, Captain America opened the file, and his face became ugly.

  "S.H.I.E.L.D. has absorbed the scientists of Hydra? This is ridiculous! No wonder Hydra hasn't perished until now, it is you S.H.I.

   In the voice of Captain America, there was no mercy to criticize.

   When Hydra was destroyed, S.H.I.E.L.D. thought that it was a pity that the scientists and some technicians of Hydra were wasted, so they all recruited to S.H.I.E.L.D.

   Let those people work for SHIELD.

   When there were no problems before, everyone would naturally not think too much, but now that Nick Fury knows that Hydra still exists, the original Hydra personnel who were recruited in this plan at the time are naturally the first target of suspicion.

   "Captain, now I don't know how far Hydra has penetrated SHIELD. Because of this, I dare not easily use SHIELD resources to investigate this matter."

   "So, this matter is up to you."

   Nick Fury said solemnly to Captain America.

   "I can't do this alone." Captain America did not refuse, but told Nick Fury about the current difficulties.

   "I will use the fastest speed to re-recruit a group of clean and basic teams, and you will be at your disposal."

   "In addition, after Stark has solved the problem of palladium poisoning, I will also seek certain technical support from him."

  Nick Fury obviously had the overall plan long ago.

Hearing this, Captain America didn’t say much. Instead, he started to read the paperclip In the next few days, Nick Fury kept his promise and used it every day. The eyes of the sky went to observe the secret base where Bucky was.

   Gradually, the base has been almost touched.

   Some garrison forces, internal structure, surrounding environment, etc., have all observed a rough idea.

   It's just a pity that when the Winter Soldier was not performing a mission, he was in a dormant state. During this period, except for some technicians to check the status of the Winter Soldier, no one else had come.

   The plan to use Tianyantong to monitor the secret base to find the person behind the Winter Soldier is unworkable.

   After all, the time of using Tianyantong is too short each time.

   This thing still has to rely on the old way.


   Finally, Nick Fury called his most loyal henchman, the Black Widow, and handed over this important task to the Black Widow.

   It should be credible that Black Widow will fight Hydra with Captain America in the future.

   "These are some clues I have sorted out. I want you to use the fastest speed to find out where this base is."

   Nick Fury gave some of the information he had observed these days to the Black Widow, "If you have any findings, you can report it to me directly, or contact the captain."

   "Where is this place?" The Black Widow glanced at the information Nick Fury had handed over, and asked sternly.

  Looking at Nick Fury's appearance, the Black Widow knew that this place must be extraordinary.

   "This is the base where the Winter Soldier hides." After thinking about it for a while, Nick Fury chose to tell the black widow the truth.

   "Understood, sir!" The black widow left in a hurry.

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