Marvel Starts with Asking Questions About Iron Man

Chapter 96: Agreement to restrict superheroes

   Everyone briefly discussed it again, but because of the civil war, the video display is really limited, and there is really no good way to prevent it.

   "Barnes killed the Black Panther's father. It was only the direct cause of the civil war and the fuse of the civil war, but the root cause of the civil war should be the ‘signature’ that the captain said."

   After the discussion about Barnes was almost the same, the black widow spoke again.

  "The captain said that the Avengers had already split since Stark decided to'sign'. Then the question is, what exactly is the signing of Stark?"

   "The captain refused to sign, what is it?"

   The words of the Black Widow made everyone at the scene plunge into contemplation.

   "The general directly ordered Stark to capture Barnes. This is not in line with the established process. Is it because Stark signed it?"

   "Stark signed some kind of agreement, so the general has command over the Avengers?"

  Nick Fury was one-eyed shimmering authentically.

   Everyone around could not help but nod their heads secretly. Judging from the facts that have been shown so far, it is indeed possible that this is the case.

   "We already know that the captain refused to sign the Sokovia agreement. Will this be the agreement that I will sign in the future?"

   Iron Man asked in a deep voice on the side.

   "We don't know at the moment, but we don't rule out this possibility." Captain America nodded after thinking for a moment.

   "The Sokovia Agreement is very likely, and it was a related agreement that was released after the Avengers went there to deal with Ultron."

   "Although we don't know much about Ultron, it is an existence that requires Vision and the Avengers to work together to defeat."

   "What is the ability of Vision, we have just seen it, even he needs to join forces with the Avengers, I can hardly imagine the existence of Ultron at what level."

   "Similarly, the battle that took place in Sokovia, I also can't imagine what level of war it was."

   Nick Fury continued.

   The superhero civil war just now has clearly demonstrated to everyone how terrifying the combat power and destructive power of the power enhancer is.

   That's the situation where the superheroes think about being their own people, and all of them are fighting.

   What level of Sokovia’s battle is, everyone can still imagine it.

   "A war of that level will inevitably attract the attention of the entire United States, and even the world. Under this circumstance, it is reasonable for high-level leaders to issue an agreement to strengthen the management and control capabilities."

   Nick Fury said in a deep voice to everyone.

  As the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., Nick Fury has a very good understanding of related matters, so he can accurately predict how each organization operates and how to respond.

   There is no country that will allow a group of capable people to act arbitrarily without any control.

   That is simply impossible.

  Because every ability enhancer is a huge threat, the top management must be absolutely in control.

   In the beginning, the ability to make a strong noise was not much, and when the whole world was not taken seriously, the situation was better.

   But once the capacity-enhanced people have received high-level attention, corresponding policies will certainly follow.

There is no doubt about this.

  The difference is what the corresponding policy looks like.

  The people at the scene are not fools, and they quickly straightened out what Nick Fury said.

   "So we can conclude that the agreement may be the Sokovia agreement to a certain extent, and even if it is not, it should be some restrictive agreement for superheroes."

   Coleson made a summary.

   There is no objection to this. The agreement, the various terms, are of course restrictive.

   It is always impossible to decentralize superheroes and let them go all the way.

  Iron Man and they obeyed the generals, it is a good illustration of this point, everyone at the scene knows what kind of role a general is.

   "Stark actually signed it, which is really surprising." The black widow couldn't help but glanced at Iron Man.

   With this lawless and arbitrary arrogant temperament, he is the least likely to sign any agreement, right?

   "I don't know what went wrong with me in the parallel world, but I definitely won't sign any agreement!" Iron Man said categorically.

   No matter what agreement it is, as long as you sign it, isn’t it the same as binding yourself?

   fools will do it.

   "Who knows?" Nick Fury said meaningfully.

   [Listen to the question: Air Force One plane was blown up by militants, causing 13 passengers to crash into the sea. Who saved them? 】

  【A, Thor】

  【B, Scarlet Witch Wanda】

  【C, Iron Man Tony Stark】

  【D, Ant-Man Scott Lang】

   [Friendly reminder: Those who answer the question correctly will receive a reward T-800 liquid robot;

   Those who answer the wrong will randomly deduct one of their own attributes, including but not limited to knowledge, experience, skills, possessions, etc...]

   After a few people discussed for a while, a new topic appeared, and everyone temporarily withdrew their minds and focused their attention on the topic.

   But the complexion of many people can't help but change directly.

  Because of Air Force One, it is the exclusive car of the President of the United States!

  Air Force One aircraft was blown up by militants, that means militants attacked the President of the United States!

  The president of a country was attacked by militants on his own plane. This is a major event that cannot be ignored for everyone except Thor.

   Regardless of who is behind the scenes, the opponent is rampant to the point where people and gods are angry.

   "Aircraft? What is this?" Only Thor had a dumbfounded look, and after thinking for a while, he reacted, "Is that your spaceship on Earth?"

   "You can understand this!" Nick Fury nodded, and then solemnly said to everyone, "I am as surprised as you are, but let's ignore the background of this question and analyze the topic."

   "Thirteen passengers fell from the sky to the surface of the sea. At that height, the surface of the sea is no different from hard steel."

   "If they really fall down, they must be a crushed end."

   "The Air Force One was attacked by militants, and the location of the bombing is random, which means that it is impossible to carry out corresponding deployment and control on the sea in advance."

   "In other words, a certain person in the option has the ability to save the thirteen people in the air."

   Nick Fury was the first to talk in front of everyone.

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