Marvel: The Amazing World

Chapter 142

Clark didn't pursue Diana relentlessly. He was afraid that this naughty child would violently beat him. Then he wouldn't be able to beat him, and it wouldn't be appropriate to be beaten. If his old mother-in-law couldn't see through it, he would be in big trouble!

The wine was half drunk, and the soldiers who were drinking happily were singing ancient songs, primitive and open-minded.


I am my mother's wild daughter I am my mother's wild daughter

Running barefoot

Cursing the sharp stones that cut my feet

I am my mother's wild daughter

I will never cut my hair short

I will never stop singing


The soldiers drank and sang and danced enthusiastically around the bonfire. Their healthy wheat-colored skin had a hazy beauty under the light of the bonfire. In the distance, several knights galloped wildly, moving at high speeds. The adrenaline surged at such high speeds, making people excited and releasing their passion!

Diana joins in, and eventually even Clark and Light are drawn into the group.

Light and Clark rode the same horse together and ran wildly under the night. Diana also galloped wildly. Under the sea breeze, the waves beat against the rocks on the coast, and there were waves of lonely sounds, like the ringing of a ring. Clark seemed to recall something under the night. Unknowingly, his legs tightly clamped the horse underneath him!

The spirit horse knew what was going on, and ran even more crazily, galloping towards the seaside, disappearing into the green waves like lightning. When Diana saw Clark speeding, she also put more force on the horse's belly and chased after Clark.

The two horses galloped across the island like shooting stars and arrived at the shore in the blink of an eye.

Seeing that there was no road ahead, Guang still didn't feel that Clark wanted to stop, so he couldn't help but look back. But when she saw Clark's eyes filled with unnamed confusion and a little sadness, her heart seemed to be pricked, and she had to turn back silently, leaning tightly against Clark's chest, listening. Clark's majestic heartbeat seemed to want to transfer his own body temperature to him.

Just as the road ahead reached the shore, Clark exhaled loudly. The freezing temperature instantly caused the nearby shore to freeze into ice. The spirit horse did not slow down and stepped straight onto the ice.

"tread! Step~!"

The two ran towards the end of the sea, seemingly chasing something. On the slightly bumpy horseback, Clark couldn't help but think about everything in his past life. The sound of wearing the ring evoked the civilization in his blood, although this There are also flowers in the world, but the flowers are not flowers, and the fog is not fog. There is only a resemblance in appearance, but no local accent!

The endless loneliness is like a black hole, trying to suck Clark in. Clark, who has always regarded himself as a strong man, is now like a helpless chicken. Like a child, fragile.

Until after experiencing countless small islands, Clark could no longer bear this feeling of powerlessness. With a wave of his hand, endless magic surged like the sea, and space 1 shattered like a mirror.

Clark manipulated The horse took off and jumped to the high platform. Then Clark soared into the sky, flew into the air, and waved his fist in front of a skyscraper.


A huge force bombarded the wall, and the aftermath spread quickly to the surroundings, containing huge energy to destroy everything that resisted it. At the same time, it was accompanied by a huge roar that distorted everything! Suddenly, everything around There were debris everywhere, broken walls, deep pits one after another, and collapsed buildings one after another, spreading like spider webs on the ground. Countless water pipes burst, forming streams in the blink of an eye. , and finally gathered in the ditch nearby.

At this time, Clark's body burst out with amazing energy, arcs filled his body, and even the surrounding air was burned to high temperatures. If you look closely, the nearby ground was already a little scorched.

In a few seconds After ten hot gazes, Clark, who felt a little relieved, looked at the light spots slowly falling above his head. Clark opened his hand (Wang Li's) and felt the light spots lying quietly in the palm of his hand, giving him a sense of relief. A trace of warmth warmed his somewhat lonely heart again.

Suddenly, bursts of sacred praises sounded in Clark's ears

"'Queen of Light, glorify all nations."

Clark seemed to have received something. He lowered his head and looked at himself. His whole body had long been covered with dust. Where was his original high-spirited look? He looked like a beggar. Wisdom seemed to have returned to him. He took a long breath. In one breath, Clark returned to his original polite appearance. After giving himself a clean up, Clark quickly flew back to the light...

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