Marvel: The Journey

[World War II] – Captain America -Birth Of The Howling Commandos

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After his successful mission,

Captain Rogers was due to receive the Medal of Valor from Senator Brandt. It was a great honor for the captain, who had risked his life time and again to protect his country. However, fate had other plans in store for him that day. As he was about to leave for the ceremony, he received an urgent call from the SSR, informing him that they needed his expertise in debriefing them about HYDRA's various bases.

Without a second thought, Captain Rogers rushed to the SSR headquarters, knowing that his duty to his country came first. His briefing lasted for hours, and he meticulously shared all the information he had gathered about HYDRA's secret bases, their plans, and their nefarious activities.

Meanwhile, Senator Brandt waited anxiously for Captain Rogers' arrival, wondering why the decorated hero was late. But to his chagrin, he soon learned that he had skipped the ceremony altogether. He couldn't help feeling embarrassed and disappointed, as the Captain's absence left a gaping hole in the otherwise grand event.

As the meeting with the SSR came to a close, Captain Rogers felt a sense of relief wash over him. He had finally shared with them all the information he had gathered about HYDRA's secret bases. It was a daunting task, but one that he had to undertake to ensure the safety of his country.

As he was about to leave, Colonel Phillips called him aside and offered him a new mission. "Rogers," he said, "I've been impressed with your skills and your dedication to this cause. I think it's time we took the fight to HYDRA."

The captain's heart skipped a beat. He had always dreamed of leading a team of elite soldiers on a mission to take down HYDRA. "What do you have in mind, sir?" he asked.

Phillips leaned in closer. "We've got a map of all the locations you gave us. We're going to send you and your hand-picked team of soldiers to infiltrate each one of those bases and take them down from the inside."

Captain Rogers nodded in agreement. He knew that this mission was going to be dangerous, but he was ready for it. He was excited to lead his team into battle and finally put an end to HYDRA's evil plans.

He knew exactly who he wanted on his team, and he set out to convince them to join him in the fight against HYDRA.

He made his way to the Whip & Fiddle, a popular hangout for soldiers. As he entered, he scanned the room, searching for his first recruit. And there he was, sitting in the corner, nursing a drink - Bucky Barnes, his childhood friend.

"Hey Bucky," Captain Rogers said, as he made his way over to him. "I need your help. I'm putting together a team to take down HYDRA."

Bucky looked up, a flicker of excitement in his eyes. "Count me in," he said.

The captain's next stop was Dum Dum Dugan, a gruff but skilled fighter. He found him playing a game of darts and wasted no time in making his pitch. "I need someone like you on my team, Dugan. Will you join me?"

Dugan grinned. "You don't have to ask twice, Cap."

Captain Rogers continued his mission, approaching Gabe Jones, James Montgomery Falsworth, Jim Morita, James Howlett, Victor Creed, and Jacques Dernier, one by one. To his delight, they all agreed to join his Howling Commandos, eager to do their part to save the world.

But there was one condition. "We're in," they all said, "but you have to open a tab."

Captain Rogers couldn't help but laugh. "You've got it," he said. "Let's go save the world."

Captain Rogers arrived at Stark's laboratory, eager to check out the equipment he would be using in the upcoming battle. As he made his way through the maze of machinery and gadgets, he noticed a table in the corner of the room, hidden underneath a pile of debris.

Curiosity getting the better of him, Rogers lifted the debris and discovered a collection of shields. He sifted through them, trying to find the perfect one. And then he saw it, gleaming under the harsh lights of the lab - a shield that called out to him.

As he made his way back to the center of the room, shield in hand, he noticed Peggy Carter standing in the doorway. He couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt as he remembered the kiss he had shared with another woman earlier that day.

Before he could say anything, Carter pulled out a gun and fired a shot straight at him. Rogers was caught off guard, but he managed to raise the shield just in time to deflect the bullet.

Carter looked pleased with the results. "Nice shield," she said, before turning and walking away.

Captain Rogers was left standing in the middle of the lab, shield in hand, feeling a mix of emotions. But he knew he had a job to do, and he couldn't let anything get in his way.

He turned to Stark, who was busy tinkering with his equipment. "I've got some ideas for my uniform," he said, holding out a piece of paper.

Stark looked up, intrigued. "Let's hear them," he said.

And so, the two men worked together to perfect Captain Rogers' uniform and equipment.

When they set out on their missions, Captain Rogers and Victor Creed had differing ideas about how to approach their objectives. Rogers believed in restraint and control, even in the heat of battle, while Creed had a reputation for using brutal tactics to get the job done.

Their disagreements came to a head one day when Rogers ordered Creed to tone down his violent ways and exercise more restraint. But Creed, being the headstrong individual that he was, refused to listen and continued to act as he pleased.

As the missions continued, the tension between them grew, with each clash escalating their animosity towards one another. But things came to a head when Rogers caught Creed attempting to harm a child. The sight of it was too much for Rogers, and he snapped.

In a fit of rage, Rogers brutally beat Creed, who fought back with all the strength he could muster. The scene was chaotic, with punches being thrown from both sides, each fighter determined to come out on top.

* BANG * 

* THUMP * 

* THUD * 

Deep within the dense forest, two combatants faced each other with bated breath and raised fists. The first was none other than Cap. His once-pristine costume was now a ragged, tattered thing, and his iconic vibranium shield lay impaled in a nearby tree.

The second fighter was a formidable opponent, Victor. Despite his injuries, the savage beast stood tall and proud, his broken nose already on the mend. With a feral growl, he bared his fearsome fangs at Cap, daring him to make a move.

As the two people glared at each other, the forest around them fell silent, as if holding its breath in anticipation of the impending battle. With fierce determination, Cap launched himself at Victor. But Victor was no slouch either, and he met Cap's attack head-on, their fists colliding in a thunderous clash.

The Howling Commandos, a formidable team of soldiers, stood in stoic silence as they watched the tense standoff between Cap and Victor.

James let out a heavy sigh as he watched his teammates, Steve Rogers and Victor Creed, continue their heated battle, "Can both of you please stop?" he pleaded. "We have a mission to complete."

But neither Rogers nor Creed seemed to be listening. They were too consumed by their anger and their desire to prove themselves to each other. Suddenly, without warning, Creed lunged at Rogers like a wild animal, his razor-sharp claws aimed straight for his throat.

Rogers reacted quickly, dodging the attack and delivering a swift punch to Creed's face, breaking his nose in the process. But Creed was undeterred, spitting out the blood that was now pouring from his mouth, and launching himself back into the fray.

The two men fought with all their might, each one determined to emerge victorious. Blow after blow was exchanged, the sound of flesh hitting flesh echoing through the room.

James stepped forward, his fists clenched and his razor-sharp claws extended. He positioned himself between Steve Rogers and Victor Creed, both of whom were locked in a heated battle, and shouted, "Stand down, now!"

At first, neither man seemed to be listening. They continued to stare each other down, their muscles tense and their tempers flaring. But finally, after a moment of intense silence, they both backed down and walked away.

James let out a deep sigh, relieved that he had been able to diffuse the situation before it had gotten any worse. He retracted his claws and watched as Victor stalked off into the distance. "Stop, Victor! Where are you going?" he called out, hoping to get some kind of answer.

Victor stopped in his tracks and turned to face James with a look of utter disdain. "I'm done taking orders from a kid in a tight costume," he spat. "I will do whatever I want, whenever I want. That kid was going to die anyway."

With that, he turned his back on the team and strode off into the distance, leaving a cloud of tension and frustration in his wake. James watched him go, feeling disappointed and disheartened by the turn of events.

Bucky could see the disappointment etched on James's face, and he reached out to pat his friend's back in a gesture of comfort. 

But there was nothing they could do now except pick up the pieces and try to move on. With a heavy sigh, James turned away from Victor and the rest of the team and set his sights on the mission ahead. There was still a job to do, and they couldn't afford to let anything stand in their way.

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