Marvel – The primogenitor of the symbiotes

Chapter 47 – Date of the ball

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After Peter and Sara's conversation, the next day arrived swiftly, following the rhythm of the previous days since they had arrived at the mansion. Sara began the day with a quick breakfast in her room and then headed straight to the mansion's dining hall, where she finished her meal, ensuring enough for both her and Prime.

As they savored their breakfast, Prime and Sara mentally discussed the upcoming investor meeting at Stark Industries the following week. Initially, Sara questioned why Prime had specifically invested in this company, and his response was firm and decisive.

(Stark Industries primarily manufactures weapons. Moreover, Tony Stark, its current leader, seems to be someone brilliant, with a vision far ahead of his time. Of course, that's not the only reason I chose this company among many to invest in, Sara. Humans are greedy and always want something. And if they can't get that something, they go to war. Unfortunately, war is something that will never end, so it will always be profitable)

Prime's words echoed firmly in Sara's mind. Although she already knew this, when coming from an alien, for some reason, they seemed to carry a different sense, although Sara couldn't exactly explain why.

Thus, after breakfast, Prime and Sara, along with some mutants including Jean, Scott, Kitty, and Kurt, boarded the bus heading to school. Like the day before, Sara put on her headphones and watched the landscape pass by the bus window. Meanwhile, various thoughts wandered through Sara's mind.

Some of these thoughts referred to the previous night when Peter asked Sara if she would like to patrol the city with him to help people. Sara declined, of course, as she saw no benefit in it and had no interest in helping strangers just for the sake of it.

Although Sara initially hoped that Peter would look at her differently, he simply said he understood her reasons and seemed to accept her words. In the end, Sara ended up giving her number to Peter, saying he could call her if he was in trouble or felt the situation might get out of control if he acted alone.

Anyway, as soon as the bus arrived at school, Sara got off and started walking towards the building after saying goodbye to Scott, Jean, Kitty, and Kurt. She mentioned she was going to meet her friend, clearly referring to Gwen.

"Good morning" greeted Sara as she approached Gwen.

"Oh, Sara, good morning! You're here early" replied Gwen, with her usual good humor.

Both began to walk towards the school entrance, and upon arrival, they encountered Ned and Peter talking near their lockers. Ironically, Gwen also had her locker next to Sara's, making them neighbors with Peter and Ned. This made Sara seriously question how these two had never spoken before.

"Hey, guys, you're here early" said Gwen as she approached her locker, which was next to Sara's.

Upon hearing the voices, Ned and Peter turned towards the sound, and upon identifying who they were, Ned quickly waved, while Peter was momentarily paralyzed at seeing his love so close. Observing the boy's reaction, Sara simply smiled to herself.

(I don't know whether to say you did a good job or to say you're really wicked) Prime spoke mentally, sighing.

(What? I'm a good soul helping an innocent boy with his years-long crush. You should be applauding me here, you know?)

Of course, it wasn't as if this had been intentionally set up by Sara, but in the end, it happened because she mentioned both, who were already about to leave, and that sparked that conversation.

As the bell rang, the quartet hurried towards the classroom. Time passed quickly, and soon it was time for recess. As they headed to the cafeteria, they talked about various different topics until a common topic was brought up by Gwen, who spoke excitedly.

"By the way, do you guys already have dates for the dance?" exclaimed Gwen, her voice brimming with excitement.

"Now that you mention it, the dance is next week, right?" said Ned as he rubbed his chin.

Sara briefly turned her gaze to Peter. He clearly seemed like he wanted to talk to her, but every time he tried, he simply closed his mouth. It wasn't a matter of lack of courage on Peter's part to ask; it seemed more like he just couldn't find a reason to do so.

"Do you already have a date, Gwen?"

Upon hearing Sara's question, Gwen quickly shook her head from side to side, denying her words. Observing this, Peter clearly seemed more relaxed. Sara noticed when he briefly closed his eyes and took a deep breath before turning to Gwen.

"Gwen!" exclaimed Peter, but his voice was so loud that not only she but everyone around could hear.

"Would you like to go to the dance with me?" Peter asked with determination in his voice.

Even Sara couldn't predict the outcome of this proposal, but to her surprise, Gwen accepted more quickly than she expected, almost as if she had been waiting for it. Prime, who was also observing the situation, just thought there was a reason for it, as he had witnessed this same scene dozens of times before, and in the end, these pairs always ended up becoming couples.

As Sara reflected on this, she didn't notice Ned approaching. However, even after he approached, he remained silent, which left Sara confused because it seemed like he wanted to say something.

"So, Sara... don't you want to..." Ned began, but before he could finish his sentence, Sara abruptly cut him off with her own.

"No way" Sara said, her gaze turning icy.

(Poor guy. By the way, I'm surprised no one has tried to invite you before, since the dance is scheduled for next week)

Initially, Sara wasn't very interested in dances, or rather, she hadn't even planned on going to one.

(A dance, huh? It's been a while since I've been to one. I don't even remember when was the last time, but I'm sure it wasn't a very good memory... What do you think? Want to go to this dance?)

Faced with Prime's words, it was impossible for Sara to refuse. Besides, once Prime mentioned they were bad memories, she longed to replace them with good ones.

(Why not? I think it will be a good experience. Anyway, I want to keep an eye on the couple) Sara thought to herself, turning her gaze to Peter and Gwen.

With these inner thoughts of Sara and Prime, the quartet finally arrived at the cafeteria. In line, Sara and Peter were the first to get their portions and consequently, the first to sit down. Noticing Sara's suspicious look around, Peter quickly approached her and asked.

"I'm just asking as a precaution, but you didn't tell anyone my secret, did you?" Peter asked, clearly nervous.

"Relax, I won't reveal your secret. I told you mine because I trust you. But speaking of which, it seems like Ned already knows, did you tell him?"

Upon hearing Sara's words, Peter briefly turned his gaze to Ned before returning to sit normally. Then, sighing, he spoke.

"Not exactly. He saw me in the suit. In a way, there was no other way to explain the situation, since I was stuck to the ceiling" Peter explained with a sigh.

"So, to summarize, you were caught red-handed... Man, you're in trouble. Not to offend, but he doesn't seem like the type to keep a secret like that"

Peter laughed at Sara's words, because ultimately, they were true. However, he still felt a wave of happiness for having someone who knew his secret. Ned was Peter's best friend, so when he found out, a mixture of relief and worry hit him. But Sara was different; in a way, she was like him.

"I wonder if I should tell him and Gwen too. Honestly, I don't care much if they find out I have powers. It's not like they can get anything from me anyway. I don't even have a family for them to threaten" Sara said, shrugging.

(I'll leave that decision to you. Personally, I don't care much if people find out about us. Anyway, I don't think our secret can last forever)

After Prime's thoughts, Gwen and Ned also joined the table, and soon the group began to eat while talking about various topics, although the main focus was on the dance. Sara pondered over all the things that had happened in the past few months. Honestly, she never imagined her life would change so drastically.

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