Marvel: The Social Link System

Chapter 31: Hermit V

As the month of November rolls by, the temperature has gone colder in New York. Duncan spent less of his time in his room, and more time in Kamar-Taj to study.

In the darkness of the night, Duncan sat on one of the tables of the library of Kamar-Taj, seemingly immersed in reading books. Stacks of books surrounded him, including books that explained illusion magic, destruction magic, conjuration magic, and just theoretical knowledge of the mystic arts.

But, the boy didn’t focus on one of those books; he focused his attention on one specific book in his hand.

It was the book of Cagliostro—the book that studied the concept of time.

Using Google Translate as a helper to read, the boy was seemingly immersed in it, intrigued by the theories and facts that were proposed by the author of the book.

Suddenly, a voice came from the entrance of the library.

"You need to rest, Duncan. You’ve been here for hours," the voice said. The boy turned towards the source of the voice to see the Ancient One, hands on her back, watching him quietly.

"I was getting to the good parts." Duncan stated casually. "But some pages were ripped straight out of the book. I assume those pages are in Kaecilius' hands right now."

"Indeed." The Ancient One nodded, walking closer to Duncan. "What made you interested in the book? The knowledge inside it? The power to control time?"

"I mean, it’s the study of time, so it’s quite interesting." Duncan shrugged. "But, without the eye, I can’t really do anything with the knowledge except do some forbidden rituals."

"So you are interested." The Ancient One hummed. "Has the concept of immortality lured you to read it?"

"A friend of mine once said that there is no true immortality in the world." Duncan stated. "Because at the end of the day, the universe will end, and death will bring you to her realm. Whatever spell you cast on yourself, it doesn’t matter."

"I’m sure your friend is listening to you right now." The Ancient One smiled weakly.

"What do you think of immortality then?" Duncan asked back. "You, the Ancient One, whatever tricks you’ve done to yourself that you could live this long, I’m sure you have some thoughts."

The ancient one just hummed. She sat in front of Duncan, placing her hands on the table.

"Death is what makes life meaningful," she said. "Because you know your time is limited, you cherish the time you have, no matter how short or long it is."

"You’ve lived for so long, but said that death is what makes life meaningful?" Duncan raised his brow.

"A life dedicated to serving myself has passed decades ago," she answered calmly. "I’m living on borrowed time, to protect humanity against the forces of evil."

"What makes you think that other people can’t do what you do?" Duncan pointed out. "You’ve been sorcerer supreme for how long? Are you saying that the students that you’ve taught so far aren't capable of taking the mantle?"

The Ancient One chuckled. "Do you want my honest opinion?"

"I would like to hear it."

"Then, yes." she said casually. "I’ve never seen a capable student that could take the title of sorcerer supreme."

"Why? Because you saw it in your visions when you used the eye?" Duncan asked.

"The next sorcerer supreme is supposed to be the best of us," she said. "And I have to make sure that he will surely be the best of us."

"Is that why you did the thing that you told people not to do—use the dark dimension to prolong your life? To make sure that the next sorcerer supreme is competent?"

The Ancient One smiled. "I’m curious how you get to that conclusion."

"I’m not blind, master." Duncan answered. "I asked Wong if there’s a book that studies immortality, and the only thing he said was that there’s no such book except this one. The only one here who has lived a significantly long life is you. Unless you have another method of obtaining immortality, then please tell me, because I’m curious about it."

She just chuckled. "Excellent deduction, as always. Yes, I siphon the energy of the dark dimension, specifically the aspect of its timelessness, so that I could live longer."

"To make sure that the next sorcerer supreme is competent?" Duncan repeated.

"Among other things." she said. She showed Duncan the eye of Agamotto. "My long life, and the eye’s ability allowed me to protect the earth efficiently. But, alas, each disaster that I've averted breeds more of them."

"Isn’t that hypocrisy in the eyes of your students?" Duncan pointed out.

"Sometimes, for the greater good, hypocrisy is necessary," said the Ancient One. "For the continuation of our reality, sacrifices must be made, and rules will be broken if needed."

Duncan just hummed, staring at the eye of Agamotto.

"Do you know who Cagliostro is?" The Ancient One asked.

"I assume he’s a really good sorcerer, and once studied here, as he has access to the eye."

"You’re correct." The Ancient One nodded. "Cagliostro is only one of his aliases. He once ruled a territory near here, and came to Kamar-Taj to study the mystic arts. Here, he studied diligently, and at some point, he became obsessed with immortality, so he studied time and how to harvest the power of it."

"And by the looks of it, he succeeded." Duncan hummed.

"Not quite." The Ancient One said. "While he may have discovered how to prolong his life, he wasn’t truly immortal. He wanted to be as powerful as he could, so that he could live forever. He studied the darkhold for some time before the sorcerers finally stopped him."

"Sounds like quite an interesting life."

"He stole many identities," she said. "Among them is Cagliostro."

"So Cagliostro isn’t his real name?"

"For him, it doesn’t matter," she continued. "As long as he’s alive, in his eyes, Cagliostro is his real name."

Duncan just hummed, looking at the Eye of Agamotto.

"You’ve asked me such deep and personal questions, Duncan; now it’s my turn." The Ancient One said. "You came here a month ago, asking me to teach you magic. Why? Why do you want to study the mystic arts? As you may have noticed, this place is nothing more than a gathering of broken men and women looking for a reason to live."

"Same as everybody else." the boy answered. "To find purpose."

"Have you found it?" The Ancient One asked curiously.

"A month is barely enough time to find purpose, master."

"Yet a month is plenty of time for you to be more skilled in the arts than every apprentice and novice here. And you’re certainly more powerful than a lot of the masters here if you use your gift."

Duncan raised his brow. "What are you saying?"

"I’m planning on bestowing the title of master on you at the end of the year." She stated. "Of course, if you pass the test."

Duncan chuckled. "Does that mean I’ll be a magic policeman?"

"I’ll prefer for you not to call it that." The Ancient One sighed. "But yes. Of course, given your status as a high school student, your responsibilities will be reduced."

"So I would have the title but not the responsibilities?"

"Not exactly," she said. "If one of the masters of the sanctum were found unable to be able to protect their designated sanctum anymore, then you would be the top candidate to replace them."

Duncan raised his brow. "Yeah, no. If that happens, I would have to stay in the sanctum, right?"

"Yes." The Ancient One nodded. "Think about it, Duncan."

"No. That's the answer." Duncan insisted. 

"You told me you were here to find a purpose." she continued. "Maybe you’ll find one serving as a master of the sanctum."

"Look, I’ll take on the mission responsibilities; just not a glorified security officer of the sanctums." he continued. "You won’t change my mind."

"Well, it appears that the conversation will have to be terminated for the day," she said, seemingly giving up. "Then, as part of your test, you’ll depart with Wong on your first mission."

"That’s quick." Duncan whistled. "To where?"

"To a swamp, to meet someone; I think I mentioned his name to you a few weeks ago," she simply replied as she stood up and walked away from Duncan. "I suggest you get ready; it’s going to be quite a tiring journey for you."

"Alright." The boy nodded as the sounds of breaking chains could be heard in his head, a sign of ranking up.

"Oh, and Duncan." she continued. "I would ask you not to say anything about what you’ve discovered today. Unlike you, I fear that a lot of my pupils won't understand the path that I’ve chosen."

"I understand, master."

As the Ancient One left, Duncan decided to summon Apocryphon to check what the book had given him.

He turned to the page of the hermit, and once he saw what was in the new rank, he couldn’t help but raise his brow, intrigued by what had appeared.



Hermit - [V] The Palace of the Damned: You are able to enter someone’s consciousness, gathering secrets quietly.

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