Marvel: Those Years I Was Undercover in S.H.I.E.L.D

Chapter 129

Chapter 129 Natasha Romanoff: Comfortable, This Is Life!

Handing the Skrulls to Su Che seems to have no real meaning!

But in fact, from the time Aegis received the Skrulls until now, very few people know the existence of the Skrulls!

And the person who manages aliens like the Skrulls, only the BOSS of Aegis has this qualification!

Now, there is another Su Che!

For Nick Fury’s words, Maria Hill just glanced at him, but didn’t say anything.

As a result, Su Che will be in charge of SHIELD after Nick Fury, which is something everyone in SHIELD – knows.

As long as Su Che didn’t suddenly lose his life, as long as Su Che didn’t suddenly choose to quit Aegis, or found out that Su Che was HYDRA’s undercover agent.

Then no one can shake Su Che’s status in Aegis!

Including even if some people are reluctant, but there is no way to prevent Su Che from becoming Nick Fury’s successor!

Second, and more importantly, between Aegis and HYDRA, a cruel choice is bound to happen in the future!

It is foreseeable that although Aegis will eventually win, Nick Fury, as the BOSS of Aegis, is the one who is placed in Aegis to supervise Nick Fury by the World Security Council.

You don’t have to think about it, you and Nick Fury can’t continue to be in charge of Aegis!

It may be cruel, but this is the reality!

Someone has to carry this black pot!

So since this is the case, it is reasonable for Nick Fury to distribute the rights belonging to the SHIELD BOSS to Su Che in advance!

After all, when Nick Fury transferred Su Che to the New York SHIELD branch and became the controller of the New York SHIELD branch, he had this plan!

So now, just a little bit earlier!

Su Che knew of Nick Fury’s plans.

However, Su Che did not refuse.

In fact, after the battle with HYDRA in the later period, the strength of Aegis is indeed greatly reduced.

And in the same way, the World Security Council has also imposed a lot of restrictions, so that the power controlled by Nick Fury’s Aegis has shrunk a lot!

If it was the heyday of SHIELD, there might still be the agreement registered by superhero, but it will never end in that result!

Well, after Steve Rogers left, he was wanted.

Definitely, prepare yourself for the fact that Winter Soldier killed Tony’s father!

This is a minefield, once it is not handled properly, maybe it will follow the original plot, Tony and Steve will collapse directly!

Well.. Captain America makes sense, after all, that’s his best friend and wouldn’t want to abandon Winter Soldier!

But wouldn’t it make more sense for Tony to take revenge?

After all, no matter who it is, it is understandable to avenge the parents!

Forget it, let’s get this out of the way as soon as possible!

Thinking of this, Su Che pondered!

In the evening, inside Su Che’s villa!

“I don’t know what mission that guy Barton is going to perform, it has been almost a month without any contact!

Natasha Romanoff said casually while serving Su Che a dish!

It just seemed like he was talking casually, but his eyes were on Su Che with a smile!

“The Aegis Dark Matter Research Base is in that valley!

In the face of Natasha Romanoff’s bewildering words, Su Che did not hide anything: “I asked Nick, and he transferred Barton to the dark matter research base to see the Tesseract that is doing research! 35

“May I know?”

Hearing Su Che’s explanation, Natasha Romanoff nodded: “Then Laura..”

“She can’t know!

In the face of Natasha Romanoff’s question, Su Che shook his head: “Na, even if Laura used to be a member of our Aegis, she has already removed her identity as Mockin GBird, so she is just an ordinary person!

“It doesn’t matter what you say, because I have raised your level to eight, so you are qualified to know!”

“But not Laura!”

Hearing Su Che say this, Natasha Romanoff nodded in approval.

But soon, he raised his head and looked at Su Che: “You mean, my current level is eighth? Why didn’t I know? And no one notified me! 35

“Didn’t you check your account?”

Seeing Natasha Romanoff’s surprised expression, Su Che spread his hands helplessly and said, “Sister, didn’t you realize that since three months ago, your account has a lot of extra wages and subsidies every month?”

“Who has nothing to do to check that! Anyway, this is a paid vacation for me, and I have been off for several months.

“Besides, the money is enough, and the food you eat is the best ingredients provided by SHIELD, and the house you live in is the villa area of ​​SHIELD in New York. Even the car is the choice in the Warehouse after I came to SHIELD in New York. The latest sports car. There is also a free gas card! 95

“At most, I just buy clothes, and even if I buy clothes, you ask the finance to reimburse me!”

・・・ Flowers 0・・・

“How comfortable life is now, and there is no place to spend money, so who would go to check their account balance? 39

Having said that, Natasha Romanoff put down her chopsticks, looked at Su Che curiously and asked, “Sister, how much money is in my account?

“I’ve never seen you care so much about money before!”

But looking at Natasha Romanoff’s glittering eyes, Su Che thought for a while, and then said, “Not counting the balance in your previous account, just the salary and task allowance for the past three months.”

“Saving for a few months. You can’t afford an apartment in Manhattan, but you can buy an apartment in Queens or Brooklyn!”

“You must know that I have used my status to raise you to the highest level. Even if you have been on leave for several months and have not given a single mission, the mission subsidy is not a lot, and it is my highest Top quests for you! 35


Hearing Su Che say this, Natasha Romanoff reached out and kissed Su Che’s face.

Seeing that Su Che was dodged, and then looked at himself helplessly.

Natasha Romanoff giggled: “That’s right, it’s not in vain to let my sister love you so much all these years!

“Paid vacation, the highest task subsidy, and being able to sleep until you wake up naturally every day is life! 35

Seeing the bright smile on Natasha Romanoff’s face, Su Che will also smile.

Well, late game kills can’t make Natasha Romanoff go to that damn Vomir Star.

When watching a movie in a previous life, Su Che felt heartbroken when he saw that Natasha Romanoff finally chose to jump off a cliff in order to obtain the Soul Gem.

What’s more, in this life, I have been partnered with Natasha Romanoff and Barton for so many years!

Feelings have long been unmatched by ordinary people!

If I saw the widow sister jumping down in front of me, I’m afraid I would immediately Rage throw the Red Skull down!

It is precisely because of this that Natasha Romanoff likes paid vacations and uses her identity to give her vacations.

What she likes, she will help her get what she wants!

This has nothing to do with the relationship between men and women, after so many years, they have become a family!

Even if his identity is the undercover of the spear.

But the human heart is not a stone, how could it not be warm?

So looking at Natasha Romanoff’s bright smile at the moment, Su Che is also a little happy.

Well, Barton at the moment is a little unhappy.

After all, that goddamn blue Tesseract seems to be in turmoil again! Eight.


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