Marvel: Those Years I Was Undercover in S.H.I.E.L.D

Chapter 132

Chapter 132 Tony: Damn, You Guys Are Too Bullying

“Boss, we are back!”

Inside Su Che’s office!

Look at the superhero in the room in front of you.

Susan and Carl just nodded to everyone, and then stood directly in front of Su Che!

“Boss, everything you told us has been done, and now the place has begun to mess up, we just need to wait and reap the benefits of the fisherman!

Watch Su Che, Susan will report!

“Boss, the man has been brought back, when are you going to meet him?”

After Susan’s voice fell, Carl also said!

“The matter over there and the person who brought it back will be put aside for now. Susan, Carl, the two of you will immediately call back all the brothers in the intelligence team and the action team.

“No matter what mission they are on at the moment or they are resting, within three hours, they must return to the New York God Building and wait for orders!”

“Wait until everyone is back, Carl, with your team, and get everyone out of the thirteen streets around the Stark Industrial Building!”

“No matter how many people there are, no matter what their status, within two days, everyone must be evacuated!

“Susan, you brought the brother of the intelligence team to assist Carl in this matter. As for where to evacuate these people, you can decide for yourself!”

Hearing Su Che’s order, Susan and Carl nodded immediately!

Again, for Su Che’s order, whether it is reasonable or unreasonable, Susan and Carl will unconditionally obey!

“Okay, you two have worked hard, go back and rest, everything will be done after dawn!”

Facing Su Che’s words, Susan and Karl smiled and turned to leave!

Well, no way, there are too many people in the boss’ office, even if Natasha Romanoff or Tony, or Dr. Banner and Steve, are all SHIELD people.

But there are some things that can’t be said in front of them!

Susan and Carl trust their boss Su Che unconditionally, but for these people, even Natasha Romanoff, they will not report 100% trust!

After watching the two leave, Natasha Romanoff looked at Su Che helplessly and said, “These guys are really your fans. Except for you, these two guys don’t trust anyone”!”

“Tsk, I think they won’t even obey the orders of our SHIELD headquarters at this moment. Although some of them don’t conform to the SHIELD rules.

“But I think I should know why Nick put these people in your hands!”

“I know from a young age that these people under Susan and Carl, I am afraid they are only one of you!”

Having said this, Natasha Romanoff suddenly looked at Su Che with some relief: “There are so many diehards, no wonder Nick is going to hand over the Aegis to you in the future!

It seems that this sentence is complimenting Su Che.

In fact, Natasha Romanoff is using these words to remind others that Su Che will be the successor of Aegis in the future, appointed by Nick Fury.

So these people just follow Su Che’s orders to be in line with the rules!

At least it’s telling them that they can’t say these things out and let other people in headquarters know!

Otherwise, once those people in headquarters know about it, even if it is impossible to treat Su Che like a real brother, it will cause any substantial harm.

But there will always be some gossip!

Listening to the deeper meaning of Natasha Romanoff’s words, Dr. Banner, who has always remained silent, smiled: “Don’t worry Natasha Romanoff, Su is a friend of those of us here.

“No one is willing to betray their friends, let alone sue their friends behind their backs! 99

“Besides, those of us were personally pulled by Su to the Aegis Building in New York, so we will naturally stand on Su’s side!”

“We can’t just follow their words just because the Trident Building is the headquarters! 99

Listening to Dr. Banner’s words, Tony Stark on the side also folded his arms and laughed: “Natasha Romanoff, if it weren’t for Su, do you really think Aegis is qualified to let us all join?”

“If Sue wasn’t sitting here, then even if that Nick Fury came in person, we wouldn’t care about the so-called Aegis, let alone join it!”

“Yeah, Tony’s right! 39

Steve leaned on the sofa, looked at everyone and smiled: “Seriously, who can sit here, who is not a proud person.”

“Being able to gather these proud people together, waiting to obey orders, is not the identity of Aegis, but our relationship with Su!

“Friends help each other, that’s what it’s supposed to be in the first place, right!”

Hearing Steve say that, Tony and Dr. Banner also nodded.

If it wasn’t for Su Che, maybe Tony should be in the Stark Industrial Building or his new villa at the moment.

Dr. Banner should be hiding in a remote little village that no one knows about.

Instead of the current situation, one comes to the New York Aegis Building every day, and the other hides in the New York Aegis Building laboratory to conduct various researches!

“Okay, I’m thinking too much, but Sue, why did you evacuate the thirteen blocks around Tony’s Stark Industrial Building? Is there any way to say it? 99

Hearing Natasha Romanoff’s question, Su Che has not answered yet, and Tony Stark on the side is constantly nodding: “That’s right, that’s exactly what I want to ask! 99

“Man, what’s going on? Tell me so I can get Pepper and the Stark Industries out of here!”

Watching Tony and Natasha Romanoff, and Steve and Banner all looking at him.

Su Che thought for a while, then tapped the table lightly.

The next moment, the holographic projection of New York appeared in front of everyone!

Look at the lines above that represent the signs and buildings of the various areas.

Su Che smiled at the crowd: “As you can see, if the battlefield chooses New York once aliens want to invade the earth, then we must prepare the location of the battlefield in advance!

“As for why it is New York, it can only be said that I am in charge of the New York SHIELD branch. So I have to do some defensive ideas that should be there. As for other locations, this is not the scope of my responsibility!”

“But once it’s here, those aliens will definitely choose the most suitable location for them!”

“And looking at the whole of New York, the most central location is the Stark Industrial Building! So..”

Before Su Che finished speaking, Steve, who is very experienced in combat, looked at the holographic projection in front of him and nodded: “If (Zhao’s Zhao) set up points according to the battlefield, then the Stark Industrial Building, that tall and Ugly buildings are indeed the most suitable locations for defensive counterattacks!”

“If aliens really come to attack, then as long as we occupy the favorable commanding heights of the Stark Industrial Building, then centering on it will definitely have a great advantage!

Natasha Romanoff and Dr. Banner still trust the words of Steve and Su Che.

At least they know that when it comes to vision, Su Che and Steve are top notch!

As for Tony Stark, he glanced at Steve speechlessly.

What is a tall and ugly building library?

Stark Industrial Building, is that the most iconic building?

Cut, the old popsicle has no aesthetic vision at all!

After a while, Tony Stark suddenly turned his head to Natasha Romanoff and Dr. Banner and asked: “Man, do you also think, Stark Industrial Building, the shape of the building is really ugly? I always feel hungry, this should not be the point! “

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