Marvel: Those Years I Was Undercover in S.H.I.E.L.D

Chapter 147

Chapter 147 Hey, Can You Guys Stop Being So Superstitious About Su Che?

Inside the Quinfighter!

“Natasha Romanoff, do you think Sue will come to help us in the end? 35

Tony Stark stood in the cabin, looked at Natasha Romanoff in the Quinn fighter, and then asked, “You know from the beginning, when Sue brought us together, he said that he didn’t want to be what superhero!99

“I don’t doubt Su’s judgment. He said there will be another group of people attacking the aerospace carrier, so there must be.”

“But after solving this matter, will he come to help us fight those aliens together? I doubt it!”

“After all, what happened this time must be hidden from everyone, and the whole world will know about it!”

“And Su, doesn’t like to expose himself to the world!”

Hearing Tony Stark’s question, others also looked at Natasha Romanoff curiously!

If there is one of these people who knows Su Che the most, it must be Natasha Romanoff!

Seeing that everyone turned their attention to himself, after Natasha Romanoff set the automatic flight.

He turned his head to face the crowd and said, “Do you think we can win this time?

“Definitely win!

Facing Natasha Romanoff’s rhetorical question, Thor carried Mjolnir and said carelessly!

“Actually, I also think that this time we will win!”

After hearing Thor’s words, Steve, who had been silent, couldn’t help but say: “Although this is our first time against aliens, we don’t know their Ability, their strength!”

“But I don’t know if you found out, from beginning to end, everything is under Su’s control!”

“He can even judge the next steps of those people in advance, so as to deal with it. The most extreme thing is that before we go to the Aegis headquarters, the place to fight the aliens is designated as Stark Industries in advance!

“If Su was not our partner, and if we didn’t know, Su was not an alien. Then I would think that the person who planned everything was Su’”!”

“Does it feel scary just thinking about it?”

Listening to Steve’s description, think back to the orders Su Che has given these days.

Even Tony couldn’t help but pinch his teeth: “It’s really… terrifying computing power, no wonder he can recruit all of us, and let us know each other tacitly. No wonder he can take over Aegis in the future! 55

“But fortunately, he is our friend!

“Yes, this is what we should be most grateful for!”

Facing Tony’s words, Steve said seriously: “So, since Su can think of everything, it means that he has already prepared, and I guess even how this event ends is in his plan!

“Since we have such a partner, why should we worry about losing?”

“Look just now, when Su knew that Barton took Dr. Erik to the top floor of the Stark Industrial Building and wanted to open a space channel to connect with aliens.”

“Have you ever been a little nervous? No, so I think we’ve won this time!”

“Because Su is on our side!”

Facing Steve’s words, everyone nodded. Immediately, he turned his attention to Natasha Romanoff again!

After all, the question was asked by Natasha Romanoff!

If just now, everyone wanted Su Che to fight side by side with them, because they trusted Su Che as a partner!

So now, especially after Steve’s analysis, everyone hopes that Su Che will be able to participate in this battle!

As long as Su Che appeared, even against millions of aliens, they felt that this time they had won!

Mmmm, it’s so amazing!

So now everyone turned to Natasha Romanoff, hoping to know from Natasha Romanoff whether Su Che would come!

“Actually, I can’t guarantee whether Su will come this time, but I only believe that once we are in danger, he will definitely come!”

“I think you all know how much he values ​​us, so how could he possibly see us seriously injured or even dead?”

“So, even if we win, he will immediately appear by our side when we encounter extreme danger!

After speaking, Natasha Romanoff turned around and continued to control the Quinjet to fly in the direction of Stark Industries!

There’s one thing Natasha Romanoff didn’t say, and that is that even if the whole world will watch him get hurt, even dead.

So Su will never let this happen!

It’s the emotion of being together for so many years, Natasha Romanoff believes it!

After all, two people who have no family and live alone in this world, after all these years of getting along, they have long regarded each other as family!

This has nothing to do with the relationship between men and women, um, it is the relationship between sisters and brothers!

Hearing Natasha Romanoff’s words, everyone was instantly full of confidence!

Excuse me, aren’t they aliens?

What’s the big deal?

You have aliens, and we have Su!

At the same time, below the Stark Industrial Building!

“””Empty, you have to go thirteen blocks away to buy a cup of coffee!”

After handing the coffee to Susan, Linna looked at Susan and asked, “Sister Susan, what are we going to do next?”


Looking up at the Stark Industrial Building, Susan took a sip of coffee and said, “The task given to us by Mr. Su is that if a suspicious person enters the Stark Industrial Building, we will report the situation to him immediately!

“So our mission has been completed, and we can retreat now! I don’t want to involve us in the fight for a while!”

“Huh? Is this retreat?

Hearing Susan’s order, Linna asked curiously, “Aren’t we staying here to help Boss Su and the others?”

“Definitely not (Zhao Wang is good)! 35

Raising her hand and rubbing Linna’s little head, Susan said earnestly, “Remember, those of us obey the orders of Boss Su unconditionally! 35

“We do what he asks us to do, and what he doesn’t need us to do, we don’t need to do anything superfluous!35

“Otherwise, not only will this not help our brother, but it will bring him unnecessary trouble!”

Speaking of this, Susan said with some emotion: “That’s why I said that the raw melon eggs who are not in the Eagle’s Nest always like to understand and change according to their own ideas!”5

“If it wasn’t for your brother who asked me to take care of you before he died, as a sister and family who grew up with him, I would have no way to refuse this request! 39

“Sister, I will not pick you up from the Eagle’s Nest in advance!

“You, there is still a lot to learn!”

After rubbing Linna’s little head, Susan turned and walked towards the car!

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