Marvel: Those Years I Was Undercover in S.H.I.E.L.D

Chapter 32

Chapter 32 Su Che: For S.H.I.E.L.D, You Have To Trust Me

Time to turn back a few minutes!

Looking at the video, Su Che first turned off the video recording, and then spoke very fast as HYDRA to question Steven Mond!

It does not give it any space and opportunity to react.

Nick Fury folded his arms and said nothing, but Hill on the side said, “I thought that some cruel means would be used to make him recognize HYDRA’s identity!”

“I didn’t expect to use this method. I have to say that this method is more suitable in comparison!”

“It’s very Natasha Romanoff’s way of talking!”

Hearing what Hill said, Nick Fury nodded slightly: “No matter what method we use, as long as we can get the information we want, then it’s the best way!”

“As for some Natasha Romanoff styles, it’s normal. After all, Sue, Natasha Romanoff and Barton have been partners for so many years.”

“Naturally familiar with each other’s styles, habits and methods!”

He nodded lightly and looked at Steven Mond, who was a little confused by Su Che’s continuous questioning in the video.

Hill smiled: “It seems that without any room for thinking and reaction, Steven can’t resist, and soon, we will know…”

Before Hill could finish speaking, he heard Steven Mond’s words from the secretary general in the video!

Hearing the three words of the Secretary General, whether it is Nick Fury or Hill, his expression became solemn in an instant!

Who else but Alexander Pierce could the whole S.H.I.E.L.D be called so?

Although I heard Su Che say that Steven Mond is a HYDRA person, there are even more HYDRA hidden in S.H.I.E.L.D, even when his identity is not low.

One person who came to mind in Nick Fury’s mind was Alexander Pierce.

But after hearing Steven Mond mention Pierce in person, Nick Fury’s heart skipped a beat!

“Destroy this video immediately!”

Looking at the video, Nick Fury’s first thought was to destroy it immediately, and he must not let this video except himself and Hill Su Che.

The fourth person knows, after all, once the video leaks out, I am afraid that S.H.I.E.L.D will cause great turmoil in an instant!

More importantly, if what Steven Mund said is true, then he can’t let Alexander Pierce know.

He already knew his true identity!

While talking, Nick Fury took out his mobile phone and directly gave Su Che an order to silence Steven Mond!

Hearing Nick Fury’s order, Maria Hill also knew the seriousness of the matter and immediately came to the computer.

Get ready to delete this video!

But before it was completely deleted, it was blocked by Nick Fury!

Holding his arms and watching the video, Su Che neatly eliminated Steven Mond.

Nick Fury is a little silent!

After a while, he asked Hill, “Do you think what Steven Mond said is true?”

“There should be no falsehood. After all, under Su’s identity as “HYDRA”, under a series of strong questions, Steven has no room to react.”

“That’s why I blurted out this sentence!”

“What’s more, Nick, when you ask me this, then you should have an answer in your heart!”

Faced with Nick Fury’s question, Hill looked solemn, but said seriously: “More importantly, I’m different from you.”

“Nick, I’d rather trust Sue than Alexander Pierce!”

Hearing Hill’s statement, Nick Fury, who has always been moody, clenched his fists in a rare moment.

“Majafak, damn, haunted HYDRA! During the years of my career, I have always doubted everything and never trusted anyone easily!”

“That’s why I’m called the king of agents! But only Alexander Pierce, my old friend for many years, I have absolute trust in him.”

“I’m even willing to use my life to stop that damn bullet for him!”

With that said, Nick Fury watched the video, Su Che opened the door of the interrogation room, and then greeted two people in.

Dispose of Steven Mond’s body!

After thinking for a while, Nick Fury still deleted the video!

“Since there is a problem with the identity of this guy Alexander Pierce, according to his authority, this video cannot be kept as evidence!”

“Then what are you going to do?”

Listening to Nick Fury, there’s something wrong with Alexander Pierce’s identity, not that Alexander Pierce is HYDRA.

Maria Hill knew that Nick Fury still had the last shreds of hope for Pierce!

Even if this has violated his principles!

“Before everything is investigated, it is impossible to determine how many HYDRA people are in the Aegis!”

“We can’t do anything right now until those damn HYDRA folks are out in the sun!”

Hammering the table in front of him hard, Nick Fury’s eyes flashed with a stern look: “Now, the best way is to investigate these things secretly!”

“Absolutely, absolutely can’t let the fourth person know except you and me Su!”

“I can’t see it with my own eyes. The shield built by Mr. Howard and Ms. Peggy was destroyed in my hands!”

With that said, Nick Fury turned his head and looked at Su Che who opened the office door and walked in!

Then he said, “Su, keep everything!”

I heard Nick Fury say this to himself inexplicably.

Su Che was not surprised, but nodded directly: “Don’t worry, I know what to do!”

Su Che knew exactly what Nick Fury meant!

When the enemy is dark and we are clear, the best solution is to remain unchanged and respond to changes!

“Then I’ll go back to the New York SHIELD branch first! I will slowly turn the New York SHIELD branch into my fan!”

“Even if there is a big change, we can still have the power to fight back!”

Hearing Su Che’s words, Nick Fury nodded seriously: “Go!”

Nodding to Nick Fury and Maria Hill, Su Che turned and left!

As soon as he reached the door, he heard Nick Fury suddenly stop himself behind him.

Turning his head in confusion, he heard Nick Fury whisper, “Thank you!”

This hard work seems to be just an attitude similar to praise!

In fact, Su Che could hear how many meanings there was in Nick Fury’s hard work!

Showing a warm smile like a sunshine to Nick Fury, Su Che’s voice is clear and crisp, but he has a strong voice: “Everything, for S.H.I.E.L.D!”

“Everything, for S.H.I.E.L.D!”

Watching Su Che turn and leave, Nick Fury was silent for a moment, then got up and came to the floor-to-ceiling window!

Looking at the sunny scenery outside at the moment, Nick Fury’s heart is full of haze!

After a long time, he breathed a sigh of relief and said slowly, “Everything, for S.H.I.E.L.D!”

(Sorry, this chapter is updated late, I went to fight in the morning, everything has finally been laid, and finally it is our Su Che little big brother’s turn to show off!)

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