Marvel:Red X

CHAPTER 2- The start of a new life

(A/N: There’s gonna be a long time skip, but I’ll try to explain everything that happened in this chapter.)

Chapter Two:


[Ding! Ding! Ding! Power Copy!]

"Ahh Power Copy. Just as the name says, you can copy anyone's powers by just touching them. However there is a time limit, which is basically 1 hour. Pretty simple." Said God as he rubbed his chin. 

The boy chuckled in amusement. He knew there would be a time-limit, there was no way he could actually copy anyone's abilities forever. Still, one hour is fine with him. Besides, power is useless without skill and knowledge.

"Okay, what's next?" Alexander questioned as he took a look at his body one more time. He wasn't sure if his new body would look the same. It was weird having a different body.

"Well, it's time for you to go. Again, I apologize. Hopefully in your next life, you live well." 

"Hmm, question. What happens if I die again?" Said Alexander, causing God to raise one eyebrow.

"Interesting question. To be honest, I don't know." God chuckled nervously, causing Alexander to gulp. God, with a snap of his fingers, he cause everything to go blank.


"Waah!" The cries of a baby could be heard through the hospital room. Inside the room, there was a very beautiful lady in the hospital bed. She had gray hair with a healthy pale skin. The lady had a charming smile on her face. In her arms was a baby. She had just given birth.

Next to the lady was a handsome man, who looked to be the father of the baby and the husband of the lady. He had a tall muscular figure with jet-black hair and slightly tanned skin. He was caressing his wife's hair.

As for the baby, like his father; he had black hair, however there were small strings of gray hair on his front bangs. He had white-milky skin with gray eyes. 

"Oh, my sweet beautiful boy. You look truly wondrous. Honey, have you thought of a new one for our son?" The lady said as she looked at her husband. 

"How about Alexander, like your grandfather's name?" 

The lady smiled tenderly as she looked back at her son with loving eyes.

"Yes, Alexander Alston. Hmm, we both share the same eyes," she said.


Alexander's POV

In front of me, I stare at two people who share the same looks as my parents in my past life. They both share the same names, however they're not the same as my parents from my past. They're personalities are the complete opposite.

Although I don't dislike it. I'm glad I was able to keep my name, body, and family. I wouldn't know what I would have done if had strangers as my parents.


Couple of years later.

Alexander was in the basement seemingly to be building gadgets out of thin air and putting inside what looked like a belt. On the table was a Kevlar black suit with a red X on the left side of his chest. Next to the suit was a black cape that was made out of memory fibers. 

Alexander was now 15 years old. Chronologically he was 25, however he never was able to even get into his teenage years in his past life. So although his mind might be older, he was still a teenager at heart.


A lot had happened throughout his 15 years, starting with him having to drink out of his mother’s breast. Alexander didn’t really have a problem with it since it was completely natural and shouldn’t be seen as remotely sexual. 

Just the thought of seeing her mother like that made him disgusted. Anyhow, in the fifth month, he was able to take his first steps, he then first said his words at just 8 months which really got his parents surprised and extremely happy. 

His parents were also concerned as to how his son was able to walk and talk earlier than any other kids, and so they had taken him to a doctor. 

Into which he told them that it was uncommon to see baby’s talk and walk in less than a year, but that it was natural and they shouldn’t be too worried.

Then there were instances when he was around the age of three where he would go to his father’s books and read about building things. That’s when their parents knew that his son was a genius.

Soon Alexander began reading a bunch of books about how things were built and tried to memorize all of them. For example, memorizing how a gun could be built. This in turn granted him the ability to create a gun out of thin air.

Alexander when he turned 5, he was asked to go to preschool, to socialize with kids his age. This got Alexander to be a bit conflicted, he knew in his past he didn’t particularly like being around kids who still hadn’t developed their brain mechanism. Nonetheless, he agreed to it since his parents asked him to.

However it seemed making friends was harder than he thought. Most kids would keep him out mostly because of his color of his eyes and hair. Alexander already got used to this in his past life, so it didn’t really affect him much.

Sometimes, teachers would approach Alexander and ask him “Hey, why don’t you play with them?” Of course some teachers were clueless about what was truly going on. This would often have Alexander say “No, I don’t think I will.” He would say that with a small smile.

Alexander when he would feel bored, he would prank the entire school and even mess around with kids. 

Soon after getting out of preschool, Alexander had told his parents to keep him out of elementary school and middle school, and since he pretty much knew everything. They had agreed knowing what happened to him in preschool.

Around the age of six, he saw his father in one of the few rooms he hadn’t gone to, punching and kicking. He had asked his father what he was doing, in which his father said he was practicing his martial arts. 

This got the attention of Alexander and had asked his father what martial arts he was doing, and soon learned that his father was doing Muay Thai and Krav Maga. He had asked his father to let train as well, which his father was unsure of but in the end agreed.

Alexander’s parents worked for Stark Industries, which is one of the reasons they had a lot of money. Of course, his father’s side did come from a noble family, as such he was given a hefty amount of money. 

As for his mother, well, he didn’t know much about it. He tried asking her but she would often say “I’ll tell you when you reach 18.” Alexander had a few suspicions and had a couple of guesses about where her mother came from.

That’s beside the point, Alexander was living pretty well. Way better than his former life. Soon as he turned 10, he was able to start training his body properly. Of course with his enhanced body, he was able to grow stronger and faster in just a couple of months. Adding on with his extensive training from his father.

Soon years past and now Alexander was 15 years old. He was around 6’0, having a lean build. He looked quite handsome, having received so many glances thrown at him. 

Alexander was strong, strong enough to carry a 400 pound boulder. His speed was fast enough to challenge cars. 


Present Time.

Alexander packed up his suit, utility belt and gadgets. He then looked back at the table and saw a mask that was red with a big X. 

The stories from his family about them saving people, about them conquering, the stories about them putting fear into bad people. Those stories still lingered inside Alexander. 

Red X, a former anti-hero from the DC universe. He was always Alexander’s favorite, the mystery about him had always got him excited. And so, Alexander had stolen the mantle of Red X.

“Oi! School is about to start!” 

A loud voice spoke from above. Alexander immediately grabbed the mask and placed it inside the bag, he then went to the corner of the basement and opened up a hidden hole. In which he placed his bag inside.

Alexander sighed as he walked back up and saw his parents eating on the kitchen table. As they saw Alexander, they both smiled. This caused him to smile back.

“C’mon, you only have 15 minutes left until the bus comes.” Said his father. 

Alexander then made his way to them and sat down. “Why can’t you just drive me there? Or better yet, buy me a car.”

“Alexander, we talked about this when you said you wanted to skip elementary school and middle school. Now, eat before it gets cold.” Said his father with a smile. Alexander didn’t say anything more and began eating.

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