Marvel:Red X

CHAPTER 4- First Day (2/2)

Chapter Four- First Day (2/2)

After Homeroom ended, I went to two more classes. The classes were pretty simple, nothing too hard. There was also a time where people would try to talk to me and ask me questions. To which I would give a short answer in a polite way. 

Then there were girls who would flirt with me and I would just smile wryly or even sometimes ignore them when I found them basic. You see I like girls but only those who would entertain me, otherwise I would just feel bored.

Sigh. Anyhow, I was walking towards my locker since lunch is about to approach in a couple of minutes. Whilst walking there, I noticed that a few people were on their phones talking about Iron-Man. 

Finally getting to my locker, I put on my combo and opened it. Placing my backpack inside and then closing it. After that, I proceeded to walk to the cafeteria. 

There were a lot of students there which only caused me to grunt inwardly. Again like last time, I felt myself getting stared at. Ignoring this I walked to go get myself food. 

Once I’ve done that, I scanned the cafeteria once more to see if there was a seat open. There were two tables available, the first one was Peter and some other boy which I’m assuming is his friend. 

While the second one was a girl around my age who had platinum blonde hair. The same girl I had for homeroom. I hadn’t seen her in my first two classes, which I can pretty much guess she wasn’t smart. From the detail of her clothes, I could tell she was a rebellious kid, however for some reason I could tell she was a good girl. 

My hypothesis is that she might have family problems, which is very likely since most students or anyone who has problems at home tend to have a ‘rebellious phase’. 

As for her hair, it kinda reminds me of two distinct characters from Marvel. Gwen Stacy and Felicia Hardy. I know some information about Gwen, however I hardly know anything about Felicia. 

Well that isn’t exactly true, hmm there was one time in my past life where I had gone through the internet and found about Felicia Hardy. However I soon closed the web as I saw how dark her story was.

No girl—no one should experience such a cruel fate. I just hope that it hasn't happened already.

I noticed I was standing still for too long so I started walking to her table. There were two other people at her table, which were primarily girls who looked about a year or two older. I just got to her table and now that I look at her this close, I noticed that she was very beautiful, way prettier than Mary Jane. 

Having those thoughts out of my mind, I smiled elegantly and then opened my mouth to speak to her. “Mind if I sit here?” I said. 

Without even looking up, she said “not interested.”

I felt my eyebrows knitting of confusion. “Excuse me?” 

The platinum-blonde girl let out a sigh of exasperation and finally looked right into my eyes. However as she did, her eyes widened and she slumped her shoulders. “’re the new kid, right?”

“Hah yeah, anyways mind if I sit here? I’m getting a lot of stares.” I chuckled nervously. She looked around and noticed the attention she’s gotten. She blushed in shame.

“Yeah yeah, go ahead.” 

As she said that, the two girls who were at her table giggled.

Inwardly sighing, I sat down and placed my plate on the table. 

“Sorry about that, I thought you were…trying to hit on me.” 

I smile understanding her. “It’s fine, I get it.”

“Of course you do.”


“Nothing, anyways name’s Felicia Hardy.” 

My movements stopped and I looked at her. Hmm so she is Felicia Hardy, from her demeanor,  I could tell she hasn’t experienced anything tragic yet. However I shouldn’t really don’t know as since she is known to be a good actress.

“Something wrong?” She said as she noticed that I had stopped eating. I shook my head. “You probably already heard my name in homeroom but I’ll say it again. My name is Alexander Alston, it’s a pleasure to meet such a beautiful girl.”

Felicia Hardy blushed lightly and just nodded her head. 


Feeling confused, I tilted my head. Isn’t that how you normally greet people? 

Felicia coughed nervously. “Anyways, what school were you in before?” She said, trying to start a conversation. 

For a “rebellious” kid, she sure does like to talk. 

“Well, I was homeschooled. This is actually the first time in 10 years that I’ve gone to school.” 

Felicia Hardy raised both her eyebrows. “Damn. That must’ve been boring.” 

I chuckled.

 “I guess.”

Soon lunchtime finished and we went back to class. The nexts classes I had with Peter as well as Mary Jane. And Peter still had that trouble look on his face each time Mary Jane would talk to me. However, Peter still hasn’t said or done anything. 

I was in my last class, and we had just taken our notebook to take notes. I heard Mary Jane who was right next to me gasp. She then looked at me. Already knowing what she was going to say, I made a flicker of my hand and revealed a pen.

“Woah, how did you do that?!” 

Mary Jane looked like a little girl watching in awe at a magic’s performance.





Class ended and everyone went into lockers again. I Placed my notebook inside the locker and closed it for the third time today. I sighed knowing this was going to be normal each day. I then started walking down the halls while rubbing the back of my neck.

“Leave me alone Flash!”

I heard a voice that I knew very well in front of me. I saw Felicia Hardy closing her locker and trying to get away from a blond tall bulky dude. Flash Thompson, the school bully from Midtown High school. I knew who he was, who wouldn’t? He was Peter’s bully from the start. 

“C’mon Felicia!” 

I sighed once more as I made my way to them. I wasn’t the type of person to get into personal relationships, however Felicia is clearly uncomfortable. 

“What seems to be the problem?” I said as I looked at both of them. 


“Oi! Grey eyes mind your own business!” Said Flash as he stood right in front me. He was about 3-4 inches taller than me.

I showed no fear, instead I just chuckled. Which had only caused Flash to flush in anger. “What are you smiling about? I’ll fuck you up!”

“Flash, if you do anything I swear-!” Felicia was interrupted by me putting my hand on her shoulder. 

“Flash, right? I’d suggest walking away unless you’re trying to stir up trouble, which you’re already doing.” I said as I looked at the students who were watching and some recording. “You know, if the school were to find out about what you’re doing right now. Your scholarships will go out the drain. There will be no future for you.”

“You! Who do you think you are? Felicia, I’ll give you another day to think about what I said. You better have an answer tomorrow!” Flash said before stomping away. 

This is what I hate about jocks, they always think they’re entitled to everything. 

“Alexander, I’m so sorry about that,” said Felicia.

“It’s okay. That’s what friends are for.”

“We’re friends?”

“Well, I-“

“Of course! Definitely.” She said flustered.

“Yeah…anyways if you don’t mind me asking what was that about?” I said.

Felicia frowned. “Flash has asked me out so many times, and every single one I’ve said no. I guess this time he got tired of me saying no.” 

“Ah I see. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure that doesn’t happen again.”

“I can take care of myself, you know. I’m not a defenseless little girl.” She said with a pout on her face, which caused me to chuckle inwardly. 

“I know.”


(A/N: Well that wraps up this chapter. I apologize for not posting yesterday since I was watching a boxing fight. Anyways I did a little change into Felicia’s personality. You might’ve seen how she isn’t as flirtatious as in the comics, but we’ll soon get that character when she goes into her alter ego (Black Cat). I want to see what you guys think about this chapter.)


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