Marvel’s Disassembler

Chapter 52 I agree!

The content of the meeting was very simple. After summarizing the known information, I learned that Schmidt's brain was broken, and he planned to blow up half of the world to create a perfect explosion art.

It is also known that the headquarters of Hydra is in the Alps... So there is only one thing that can be done in the end, stop Schmidt.

However, a battle plan proposed by Steve caused controversy.

This is a breakthrough plan, because considering Hydra's headquarters is five hundred feet below the Alps, the chances of trying to break through from the front are almost nil.

Attacking can never be the first choice.

So, Steve's battle plan was a feint!

Steve and Xia Zhiye broke through alone, attracting the attention of the Hydra troops from the front, and they had to be caught in a planned way.

There are two main points in this step of the battle plan. The first point is to break through the gate of Hydra headquarters, and the second point... is to be captured intact.

Only when these two points are completed can the next plan be implemented.

However, just after this step was proposed, it was strongly opposed by Agent Carter.

This kind of plan is too dangerous! There is no way you can guarantee that you can enter the Hydra base alive!!!!

Rarely has she been so excited, but at this time she stood up directly.

Steve looked at Agent Carter in amazement.

Colonel Phillips looked at Agent Carter, then at Xia Zhiye, and rubbed his eyebrows with a headache: Xia, what do you think?

All eyes were on Xia Zhiye.

Xia Zhiye turned the pen in his hand and asked, What about the time? How much time does Schmidt leave us?

Less than... 24 hours!

Colonel Phillips spoke slowly.

Howard, Agent Carter, watch Summer Night together.

Xia Zhiye was silent for two seconds, but grinned: I... agree!



The countdown to destroying the world is less than twenty-four hours away. Xia Zhiye is sitting in the room at this time, holding a pen and paper, but he doesn't know what to write.

Originally, he thought that he would need a lot of courage to agree with Steve's plan.

As a result, I didn't expect it, and it was easy to say it.


At that moment, it seemed that he didn't think about it.

Or how about... men are fickle?

Xia Zhiye laughed at himself, a person who had a dream at first until the end of World War II.

But you want to stop the villain from destroying the world?

Is it for Dr. Erskine? Or for Agent Carter, or for Colonel Phillips?

After Xia Zhiye thought about it carefully, he found that... although there are all of them, more of them are his own decisions.

After all... it's useless to escape!

Unless the summer night can run to the other side of the earth within twenty-four hours.

In fact, even this is useless. If Schmidt is really successful, can he live on the other half of the earth?

As a person on the Hydra must-kill list, Xia Zhiye didn't think this guy would let him off easily.

So it's still the same sentence... Life and death are bearish, if you don't agree, just do it!

After accompanying Agent Carter to complete the simple mission that time, Xia Zhiye has already had such a realization.

Not the slightest fear, fear, apprehension, anxiety!

Didn't even feel the urge to urinate!

Is this growth? But what if I die...what?

Xia Zhiye sat in the room silent for a while, and then wrote two letters.

One was for Colonel Phillips and one... was for Agent Carter.

Putting the two letters in the drawer, the summer night stood up,

Putting on the gear and ready to go, opening the door only to find Agent Carter standing at the door.

Come in and sit?

Xia Zhiye was silent for a while, and for the first time, he took the initiative to issue an invitation.



The roar of the motorcycle resounded between the trees, and Xia Zhiye and Steve were rushing towards the headquarters of Hydra.

Twenty-four hours is far from being as long as I imagined. After all the plans were discussed, it took most of the time just to get here.

Maybe it's less than an hour away from the last moment?


Summer Night shouted loudly.

Steve looked at Summer Night.

Are we considered a suicide attack??

Steve hesitated and replied, Instructor, if you don't call me a man, I will definitely like you more!

I'm not interested in men!!!!

As soon as these words were finished, a patrol of Hydra had already appeared around.

Unlike ordinary Hydra soldiers, around the headquarters, all the soldiers were equipped with sophisticated weapons.

Fortunately, the motorcycles of Summer Night and Steve are not ordinary cars, and the products produced by Stark Industries are naturally high-quality products.

These two motorcycles are equipped with steel cables, machine guns, flamethrowers, and even self-exploding devices!

Coupled with the skillful cooperation between Xia Zhiye and Steve, these patrolling soldiers had not had time to organize an effective interception attack, and all of them had already crashed and died.

However this is just the beginning!

It was about to reach the door of Hydra headquarters, and the Hydra soldiers rushed out from all corners. The two of them could almost be described as 'hard to move'!

Xia Zhiye and Steve looked at each other and made a gesture, Xia Zhiye turned the car abruptly and rushed in the other direction.

At least half of the people immediately pursued the summer night, and light blue rays of light staggered in the air.

Xia Zhiye knew that as long as he was hit by these things... even once, he would have to finish the game!

Hoo! Come on!

Xia Zhiye gritted his teeth and pressed it on the console of the motorcycle, and suddenly his body lay on the motorcycle. He took out two pistols from the space of the disassembler with both hands and shot at the rear.

His shooting skills are top-notch and he can't miss a shot!

The people behind the Hydra fell one after another, but some people flanked from both sides, using the trees as cover, so that Xia Zhiye could not aim and shoot in a wide range.

Do you underestimate me?

Xia Zhiye mastered the direction of the motorcycle again and fired a shot between the trees!

The action of shooting is very special. The moment the bullet flew out, Xia Zhiye's hand suddenly slammed violently!

If you look at this scene through slow-motion playback, you can clearly see that the trajectory of the bullet flew out in a very subtle arc, bypassing many barriers, and penetrating the head of a Hydra soldier!

Arc Shot!

Before Xia Night's rifle shooting skills were improved to the intermediate level, Xia Night always thought that this was something that was deduced in the movie.

But when his rifle shooting skills were improved to the intermediate level...he knew that, it turned out that he could also master this skill!

This is also the moment of surprise when Xia Zhiye's rifle shooting skills were improved to the intermediate level...

But unfortunately, on the battlefield, such an ability is actually useless.

What's more, most of Xia Night's executions were beheading missions.

There are very few opportunities to use a rifle.

Until now, his pistol shooting skills had also reached the intermediate level, and in this battle, his unique skill of pressing the bottom of the box was finally on the stage for the first time!

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