Marvel’s Disassembler

Chapter 581 Go home!

A dishonest fellow.

After Xia Zhiye pondered for a while, he said to himself like this, but it happened to be this interesting dishonesty, which seemed inexplicably precious.

After thinking for a while, Xia Zhiye connected Natasha's communication.

The other side quickly connected: I probably already understand the general situation?

The woman's opening sentence meant that she was already waiting for Xia Zhiye's contact.

Tony was able to directly communicate with Nidweal on Earth, so it would be impossible without Natasha's help, so before Xia Zhiye spoke, she asked curiously: What did he tell you?

Guess... Xia Zhiye rolled his eyes: But before that, I still have to know about the current situation. You haven't said before that the Caspian Camp has limited exposure.

Since it is limited, of course it is still within the safety threshold.

Natasha tidied her hair, and then said: At present, no one doubts that there is a behemoth behind the 'Avengers'. In the United States, our people have played a big role , In fact, blinding them is equivalent to blinding the eyes of most people. Therefore, it is basically impossible for anyone to look into the Caspian Sea Camp.

Xia Zhiye could understand what Natasha meant.

The footsteps of the Caspian Battalion have been developing and growing. At first, they made a fortune silently with the secret help of S.H.I.E.L.D. Later, they began to either buy or threaten to make some congressmen obey orders. So far, in this country, Influence cannot be underestimated.

As long as this country can serve as the umbrella of Caspian Battalion, it will be able to prevent most of the 'eyes' who try to invade here and search for the truth.

Attract all eyes to the Avengers itself. Xia Zhiye said: Caspian Camp, it's not time to be exposed.

Natasha nodded: Of course, but...

Xia Zhiye was a little strange: What's wrong?

The Caspian Camp cannot be hidden in the dark forever, and one day, the Caspian Camp will appear in everyone's sight. Natasha looked at Xia Zhiye: It seems that heroes always reveal their masks.

Xia Zhiye nodded: But not now.

Understood. Natasha smiled: How is Nidweal's life?

More interesting than expected,

The crystallization of wisdom of those big and small people is fascinating. Xia Zhiye said with a smile: I even think that the weapons they forged are full of spirituality, and even have souls! This is something that no science, no data, can do. It is not 100% accurate, but it is often better than the calculated results... It is this small some that makes these weapons cloaked in a mysterious veil.

The information you sent back has already entered the laboratory. However, it is obviously not favored by everyone. Either it cannot be produced with the current level of technology, or it is too simple to achieve the desired effect. Natasha gave Xia Zhi Ye broke his head in cold water: Not all technologies are suitable for us. To absorb nutrients, we also need to stop in moderation, otherwise, we will spoil our stomachs.

Xia Zhiye sighed: Then choose the most important one, and I will send back the overall conceptual design of the teleportation array. Even if it can't be reproduced completely, try to get it out as much as possible. If you have it, Our actions will be more convenient.

Tony has already proposed a corresponding plan, but the energy...

Various questions were raised, and the two had a discussion, but the overall aspect was just a discussion.

Doesn't solve any substantive issues.

Many things still need real professionals to do, Xia Zhiye can only be regarded as a half-professional...

When the call ended, it was already two hours later, and Xia Zhiye found that he didn't seem to notice the passage of time.

This is, are you used to this mode? Sighing, Xia Zhiye looked at the starry sky outside the window, quietly dazed...



Another half month passed in a flash, and the weapon that Ai Cui promised Xia Zhiye was ready.

A sword, a pistol, and a sniper rifle!

Overall, there is no redundant ability, but any of these three weapons has excellent energy bearing and expansion capabilities.

It can fully display the power of Xia Zhiye.

After experimenting with the saber and cutting a furnace of Ai Cui, the king of the dwarves resolutely did not allow Xia Zhiye to continue to make similar attempts.

If you like to try, you can go back to Asgard and chop up their rainbow bridge, or break it into pieces, but please let Nidweal go.

Ai Cui almost begged Xia Zhiye to get out of here.

And for such a long time, Xia Zhiye has also obtained a lot of good things, all of which have been invested in the decomposition machine, and the harvest has been countless, and the teleportation array of Nedweal has already established a foundation, and the next step is to build it step by step.

After considering this point, Xia Zhiye resolutely bid farewell to Ai Cui and embarked on a return trip.

Moreover, this time he didn't even delay in Asgard. After arranging the dwarves brought back together, he greeted Thor and returned directly through the teleportation array he left in the room. Earth.



In the quiet room, light suddenly bloomed from the ground, as if a multicolored light curtain was pulled up, and then a figure walked out from the light curtain.

Naturally, it is a summer night.

I still remember the first time I teleported directly back from Asgard. I almost died due to exhaustion of energy... Looking at the teleportation array behind him, Xia Zhiye sighed in admiration. Now he, although such consumption cannot It's a drop in the bucket, but it's completely at a stage where it can be easily dealt with.

The most important thing is that even if the energy in his body cannot keep up with consumption, he still has cosmic energy as a supplement.

The tranquility in the room and the silence outside are silently telling Xia Zhiye that there is no one at home.

But Li Xiaomi should have returned to this city a month before.

Should have gone to work. Xia Zhiye took a look at his body, probably not suitable for the earth... Changed into a set of home clothes, walked out of the room and glanced at the time, it is now three o'clock in the afternoon on the earth about half.

Speaking of which, it seems that I have never actually fought my methods in front of Li Xiaomi.

Xia Zhiye suddenly laughed, picked up the apron and tied it on his body, and walked into the kitchen quietly...

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