Marvel’s Disassembler

Chapter 627: Before Domamu

When the voice fell, there was already a circle in front of Xia Zhiye.

Such a scene at the wedding scene immediately attracted the attention of countless people.

The focal point of the entire wedding also cast their attention on this place in an instant. Everyone, including the witness Tony, looked at the portal in front of Xia Zhiye.

Obviously, this sudden scene made people a little confused.

Xia Zhiye cast her helpless eyes on Li Xiaomi: There are surprises everywhere in life?

Hurry up and do your work. Li Xiaomi said angrily, I hope you can come back in time to make trouble in the bridal chamber.

Xia Zhiye shook his head and said, It doesn't seem to be popular with them...

While talking, he nodded to Tony, what kind of character is Tony? Instantly understood, he said with a smile, Then, the impromptu magic has begun, please watch carefully...

When talking, without waiting for others to look carefully, Xia Zhiye got into the circle and disappeared.

Big transformation into a living person!!!

All of a sudden, there were countless applause!


Where did he go?

Report, someone here uses superpowers to perform magic tricks!

Peter asked Tony in a low voice, Is that like... Karma Taj's magic?

Tony shook his head: No matter what happened, he has a way to solve it.



The place where Summer Night entered was Peter's wedding, and the place where it came out was already on a lively street.

It was night here, and the strange scene around caught his attention, and then he turned his head and saw Stephen, the scarlet cloak he was wearing looked very familiar.

When he saw Xia Zhiye, Stephen reached out to greet him, including the cloak and waved...God knows how a cloak can do such a thing.

What happened? Xia Zhiye looked around the scene.

There's obviously been quite a bit of chaos going on around, and the whole world has gone grotesque.

Powerful energy filled every minute and every inch of the surrounding space, which made Xia Zhiye frown instantly. Although everything seemed to be wrapped by a familiar but unfamiliar force, the overall atmosphere But extremely weird.

Then before Stephen could speak, he realized something: The Time Stone?

Stephen reached out and took off the time gem on his chest, and handed it to Xia Zhiye: I think, you should know how to do it.

Xia Zhiye was silent, and after a while he asked: Can I say that I don't know? In fact, I was attending a wedding, and I was suddenly dragged to this place by you, and then...well, in mid-air What are those 'eggs' connected to the wire? It doesn't look like a good idea!

Dormammu. Stephen still kept the action of handing the time gem to Xia Zhiye: I think you will be familiar with it.

Xia Zhiye tilted his head and looked at him.

Stephen said nothing.

After a long time, Xia Zhiye discovered that everything around him seemed to have been frozen at this moment, and there would be no waves caused by the actions of the two of them. Obviously, this also came from the power of the time gem.

Then, before that, I probably need to confirm two things...

Xia Zhiye rubbed his swollen temples: First thing, what about Gu Yi?

Dead. Stephen said so naturally.

Xia Zhiye didn't change his expression too much: The second thing, why me?

I don't know. Stephen said, But... it can only be you!


There are very few things in this world that must use the word only, because there is nothing that only certain people can do.

Even if there is, it is probably just an additional meaning added to something by humans themselves.

But Stephen said so, it is obvious that there may be some inevitability after this incident.

Gu Yi must have seen something, that's why there was the previous meeting.

Xia Zhiye's only regret is that he was not able to see Gu Yi for the last time.

Sighing softly, he reached out to take the time gem, turned his head, and looked at the entrance of that wonderful space in midair.

Inside is an unimaginably powerful life form, completely separated from the human form and existing on the dark side of this world.

Xia Zhiye thought for a while, he participated in a wedding well, and in the end he had to face such an enemy out of nowhere. Should things in this world become so bizarre?

What happens if you don't accept it?

Xia Zhiye suddenly thought of this question, but it didn't seem necessary to ask.

Because, he has accepted!

While spreading the Crow God's wings, his body easily penetrated the gap in the space, and the weirdness that came into view was filled with nerve endings.

He looked for Dormammu in between, but found it not difficult.

The deep eyes, like the undulating face, revealed the depth and evil, destruction and devouring!

Xia Zhiye looked at him, and he also looked at Xia Zhiye.

In the next second, endless attacks suddenly descended from the sky!

But when it was about to fall on Xia Zhiye, these attacks were blocked by a wonderful force!

No attack could touch Xia Zhiye's skin, let alone hurt him.

With one hand in his pocket, he walked up to Domamu with a helpless pace and said, Actually, I don't know why you have to come to Earth to do things. But since you are here If it has already come to me, then it has to be resolved. I don’t know why this matter must be done by me, but since it must be done by me, then I will do it well.”


There was a hint of anger in Dormammu's voice.

It was like seeing an ant that dared to resist.

Xia Zhiye looked up at him, and while he was thinking, he suddenly stretched out his hand, and in his palm, there were six gemstones flickering and hovering.

All kinds of rays of light alternated in front of his eyes, but even now he still couldn't disassemble even one of them.

What the hell do you guys want me to do?

The six gems hovered quietly, and suddenly the orange light of the soul gem turned into a sharp sword, heading straight for Xia Zhiye's head.

Xia Zhiye never dodged, the light instantly penetrated Xia Zhiye's brain, but never came out. At the same time, countless pictures appeared in front of Xia Zhiye!

Crash, destroy, wail!

The bleak scenes are like the wheel of the doomsday, played out in Xia Zhiye's mind one after another.

The world is withering, everything is breaking, and everything ceases to exist!

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