Marvel’s Hogwarts Wizard

Chapter 141

Chapter 141 Professor Snape’S Gift

“Thank you, Agent Hill, don’t bother taking the helicopter to see me, I’ll just go back by myself, and I’ll be here on time tomorrow morning!”

On the deck of the aircraft carrier, Jerry rejected Hill’s kindness and flew away on a broomstick.

In fact, the speed of the helicopter is not much faster than his broom, and the location of the aircraft carrier is not too far from New York City.

In the office just now, Jerry and Nick, Fury, have come to an agreement.

Jerry is willing to come and take a special plane tomorrow to go to Mexico to help investigate the secret of Thor’s Hammer.

And Nick and Fury agreed to help Jerry to decipher the program of the twelve robot soldiers in his mirror, and by the way, he also helped him to make a controller that could remotely control the twelve robot soldiers, and repaired a few that were slightly damaged. robot.

In fact, at the beginning, Jerry planned to let Iron Man help with this matter, but later he felt that it was a little overkill, and it was not worth it to waste Iron Man’s favor here.

In addition, it was just in time for S.H.I.E.L.D. to ask him to do something, so I simply handed it over to S.H.I.E.L.D.

As for S.H.I.E.L.D., when it helps him decipher the program, will it move some hands and feet inside?

Don’t think about it, absolutely 100%!

However, Jerry is not worried at all, because he wants these twelve robots that can fly and can launch modern thermal weapons, and he has no intention of using them in this world at all.

At that time, he will bring all these twelve robots to other worlds. No matter what SHIELD does in the robot’s body, it will be of no use.

Seeing Jerry leave, Agent Hill returns to Fury’s office again.

“Director, is it really good to help wizards crack these robot soldiers? He’s a kid after all, and I’m afraid of him.


Director Fury looked at the scattered robot soldiers in the office that Jerry had just poured out of the mirror, and waved his hand.

In his opinion, the magic of wizards is no less lethal than these robot soldiers, especially the magic that shattered Ivan’s armor in one shot in the surveillance camera.

If the wizard really wants to do something bad, there are not many more robot soldiers, and there are many less robot soldiers.

Moreover, during the negotiation, the wizard also said that he did not need money. If he was not willing to meet this condition, he would not go to New Mexico to help.

“By the way, when deciphering and repairing, install a hidden positioning system in every robot soldier!

“Okay, I know the chief!”

As soon as Hill heard it, he understood that the director was still unwilling to give up on the true identity of the wizard, and wanted to locate the wizard’s position through these robots, so as to find out his true identity.

As the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., if he doesn’t know who the wizard really is, Nick will always feel uneasy.

From Nick’s standpoint, it’s not wrong, but from Jerry’s standpoint, in order to protect his family, he won’t let Nick know his identity, at least not yet.

This is how the world is. Sometimes there is no absolute right and wrong, and there is no absolute justice and evil. Most of the time, it is just a matter of different positions.

“By the way, Director, the sorcerer gave you the nickname ‘Braised Egg’, in fact, I think it’s quite vivid!”

Before Hill left the office, he suddenly thought of the meaning of “braised egg” that he had just found on his mobile phone, and made a rare joke.

“spiced corned egg?”

Fury raised his eyebrows inexplicably. He felt that the pronunciation of this word was strange, somewhat like a Chinese pronunciation.

Turn on the computer, search for the meaning of “braised egg” by voice, and soon he sees on the computer, a large boiled egg that has been peeled. Looking at the computer, and then looking at the mirror on the table, Fury smiled helplessly:

“…It’s quite similar…

Two in the morning.

Jerry, who arrived home, put away his broom and looked at the panel. The cooldown of the small world on the panel had already ended. Now he can choose to re-enter the world of “The Sorcerer’s Apprentice”, or re-enter the world of “Harry Potter”. Without any hesitation, Jerry chose the latter.

After a trance, he opened his eyes again, and he had returned to the room at the Leaky Cauldron.

Looking at the pendulum clock and the magic calendar, it is January 1, 1992, at two in the morning.

After staying in the world of “The Sorcerer’s Apprentice” for a week, he also disappeared from this world for a week.

However, there was no change in the furnishings in the room, because he paid all the room charges in one go until the start of the school year, so even if others were not at the bar, the room was still his.

However, there were a lot of gifts and dozens of letters in the room at this time.

The gift is naturally because before he left, he sent Christmas gifts to every school professor and every classmate he knew. These were the corresponding gifts in return.

In the same way, dozens of letters should also be replies from his group of lovely classmates.

Sure enough, Hermione, Harry, Ron, Daphne, Pansy, oh, there is even a little Malfoy’s reply, which is really rare… This is Professor Snape’s reply:

“Merry Christmas, Jerry, this is the first time I have received a gift from a student, a rare blood crown, very good, I have refined it into a bottle of severed limb regeneration, but I hope you will continue to won’t use it!”

“Professor Snape!”

Seeing the reply, Jerry hurriedly found the bottle of broken limb regeneration potion from Snape from the pile of gifts.

The severed limb rejuvenation potion is a relatively rare high-level potion in the entire potion market. As long as he does not die immediately, even if he loses half of his body and drinks the short limb regeneration potion, he can recover in a short time.

Of course, if the damage dealt contains a curse of black magic, it won’t work.

But even so, this potion is one of the most expensive potions in the potions shop.

Jerry didn’t expect that he just gave him a relatively rare blood crown, but Snape actually prepared other rare herbs and made a bottle of severed limb rejuvenation for him by himself.

To be honest, Jerry was really a little moved.

After reading all the letters, Jerry also arranged the gifts one by one and put them into the box space.

Most of the gifts from the classmates were all kinds of magic snacks. Among them, only Hermione, who knew him very well, gave him a magic book, and the gifts from the professors were generally of higher value, usually around ten gold Galleons.

The most valuable is the severed limb regeneration potion given to him by Snape.

It can only be said that Professor Snape really prefers Slytherin students, especially the outstanding ones, and there is really no shortage of Jin Galleon.

And Dumbledore, who Jerry had hoped the most, only gave him two needles for knitting sweaters, although those two needles were enchanted to knit sweaters by themselves.

However, it was of no use to him!

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