Marvel’s Hogwarts Wizard

Chapter 165

Chapter 161 Sourcing And Returns

After waving to part, Jerry was just about to go to the subway entrance when he met Daphne and his father, the director of the key office of the Magic Department, so he had to stop and say hello politely.

Just after saying goodbye to Daphne and his daughter, he met Malfoy and his son again in a blink of an eye.

At this time, Jerry can only sigh, sometimes being too famous is not good. When people see you take the initiative to greet you, you can’t ignore them. In this way, it takes half a day to get out of the station.

In the end, he had to speed up, pick up a place with few people, and quickly rushed into the subway entrance to avoid encountering acquaintances again.

During the summer vacation, he would definitely not go to the orphanage, or like Christmas, he would rent a room in the Leaky Cauldron for a month or two.

There is a salary, not bad for this amount of money.

At this time, the benefits of earning wages are reflected.

At this time, if he was using money from hunting eight-eyed giant spiders or other money that couldn’t be put in the clear, he wouldn’t be able to rent a hotel at the Leaky Cauldron Bar.

Because he didn’t return to the orphanage to live in the summer vacation, the school must know.

When he was at school, Snape asked him why he didn’t go back to the orphanage or stay at the school during the Christmas holidays, but chose to spend it alone at the Leaky Cauldron.

It means that the school knows that he did not return to the orphanage and stayed in the Leaky Cauldron.

And Jerry’s answer was that going back to the orphanage wouldn’t make him feel happy. The reason he stayed at the Leaky Cauldron was because he wanted to make some low-level potions and work-study to earn some tuition so that he could pay back the school’s bursary.

Jerry didn’t know that it was his answer that made Snape feel that he was a strong and self-respecting kid and gave up the idea of sponsoring him.

Just two days before the holiday, Snape went to Jerry specifically and asked him if he would like to spend the summer vacation at Spider End Alley. Jerry almost agreed at the time.

Because that meant that he would have a lot of time to ask Snape to teach him magic. Although Snape usually gave him a small stove, because of the fact that the course itself was quite heavy, the time to open the small stove was not very long.

The key is that after spending two months with Snape, those who are not in the right relationship will have to go up a notch.

However, after thinking about it in the end, he still gave up, because from the current point of view, it is more cost-effective to go to the world of “The Sorcerer’s Apprentice” for two and a half months.

After all, as long as you learn the sealing technique, the hidden danger of Voldemort is no longer a threat.

And the magic of dragon training, or the ability to control magical beasts, will be extremely useful in the future!

As for spending a pleasant summer vacation with Snape, this can be reserved for next time, and there will be time in the future.

Diagon Alley, Leaky Cauldron.

Jerry puts a bag of Galleons at the table of Boss Tom:

“Open room, one and a half months!”

“Okay, Mr. Carmen, I’ll prepare the best room for you!”

Tom looked at the bag full of Jin Galleon, rubbed his hands, and a chrysanthemum-like smile burst out on the old face.

No hotel owner would reject a big client who owns a hotel.

After opening the room, leaving the empty suitcase in the room, Jerry went to Diagon Alley again.

After receiving another two months’ salary, plus the bonus from the last competition, he will need to replenish his supplies before returning this time.

The first is the potion, all kinds of potions that can be bought in the market and that may play a role in the future, he has to buy some to prepare.

Next, he’s going to buy a few owls to keep in the box space.

The magical ability of an owl is that as long as you name it, it can accurately find the other party, no matter where the other party is hiding, unless the other party uses magic that can block the owl’s tracking.

Jerry doesn’t need owls to deliver letters, after all, this method is far less convenient than a phone, but he needs the function of owls to find people. Just like if he owned an owl when Tony Stark was kidnapped before, he could write a letter to Tony Stark, and then follow the owl to fly, and naturally he could find the location of the kidnapped Tony.

Finally, he needs to buy some high-end alchemy-made magic items, such as a double-sided mirror worth three hundred gold Galleons.

The double-sided mirror can be generally understood as a video calling tool similar to a mobile phone.

Just pick up one mirror and call the other mirror, the other mirror will respond, and two wizards thousands of miles away can use the two mirrors to make a video call.

Even if the magic of apparition is used well enough, you can use the magic connection of the mirror to teleport directly to the location of the other mirror.

Speaking of which, the function of this double-sided mirror video call is really not as convenient as a mobile phone, but it is a magical product, and there is no way to track it with normal technological means.

This is what Jerry values most.

After buying all the necessary items, Jerry returned to his room, and when he returned to the room, he deliberately explained to the bar owner Tom.

It means that the room is open for a month and a half, but he doesn’t necessarily come to stay every day. Maybe he travels outside and lives in a Muggle hotel, or visits a classmate’s house and so on.

So if you clean the room and find that others are not there, don’t worry.

The owner Tom said that there is no problem at all, as long as the money is paid, he doesn’t care that the client will stay for a few days.

And there are so many weird wizards in the Leaky Cauldron, which is nothing.

After solving the possible problems, he checked that nothing was left, especially after Crookshanks did not fall, Jerry returned to the room and began to return to the main world.

As soon as you close your eyes, the surrounding environment returns from the wooden room of the Leaky Cauldron in London to the modern room of New York. New York time, Tuesday, two in the morning.

After returning, Jerry did not stop in the room, but jumped directly into the box space.

At this time, the space in the box has been expanded to three times the original size with Jerry’s continuous In addition to the very conspicuous villa, you can also see a fire dragon that is already the size of a small elephant , it was Norber, a two-month-old Norwegian spiny-backed dragon.

Crookshanks was lying on Norbert’s back at this time, and the dragon and the cat were all asleep at this time.

And not far from them, you can see a black and bony Thestral with bat wings, it is leisurely eating a piece of **** raw meat fed to him by Sun Long.

This Thestral was the one that Jerry abducted from the Forbidden Forest’s Thestral tribe, the one with the best relationship with him.

Not far away is a wall built with mimetic magic. Inside the wall are many ordinary animals that Jerry caught from the Forbidden Forest, which is also the source of Norbert’s happiness.

After coming to the box space to say hello to Sun Long, Jerry began to practice meditation again.

Nightly meditation practice, unless special circumstances, otherwise he will not be interrupted.

Magic is the foundation. If the magic is insufficient, no matter how powerful the magic can be, it cannot be released. Besides, meditation is related to longevity. He cannot slack off on this alone.

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