Marvel’s Hogwarts Wizard

Chapter 219

Chapter 215 New Defence Against The Dark Arts Profes

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Due to the lack of time, the four of them briefly reacted to the situation just now with the Weisslai couple, and then hurriedly carried their luggage onto the train without waiting for them to inquire in detail.

At this time, it was less than two minutes before the departure time.

Walking on the aisle of the carriage, the four found that the carriage was basically full, and they didn’t find an empty carriage until they got to the front of the carriage.

But it can’t be considered empty, because there is already a person sitting there at this time.

It was an unfamiliar adult wizard. He was wearing a tattered wizard robe with a few patches on it. At this time, he was sleeping by the car window.

For some reason, although the strange wizard fell asleep, he gave off a sickly feeling, as if he had no strength at all.

Although he looked very young, his light brown hair was already a little gray.

“Sit here? Seems like there isn’t enough space!”

The carriage has two rows of seats. Generally, it is just right for four people. If there are more than one, it is not impossible to sit, but it will be a little crowded.

“Squeeze, who made us come late!”

Hermione was the first to sit by the window opposite the wizard, followed by Ron, but before he could sit down, he heard Hermione say in an expressionless voice:

“You sit across the street! I’m going to discuss new term magic with Jerry on the way!”

“Well, I don’t want to learn next semester’s magic before school.”

Ron heard the words and immediately sat opposite the strange wizard.

And Jerry had to sit next to Hermione.

Since the wizard was an adult and slept by the window, he occupied a relatively large position. After Ron sat down, there was almost no space there.

So, Harry had to sit next to Jerry.

However, it was still a bit crowded for three people to sit in two seats, which made Jerry and Hermione have to stick a little tighter.

The little wizards who just got in the car are almost all wearing their own clothes, and haven’t put on wizard robes, and in the current weather, it is impossible to wear that thick, so if they are too close, it will inevitably be a little embarrassing.

The embarrassment here is of course not referring to Harry, the embarrassment of the two men, mainly Hermione sitting in the innermost position.

“Damn puberty!”

Feeling that his body started to become restless again instinctively, Jerry quickly turned on “Refreshing and Refreshing”, forcibly controlled his body to calm down.

And Hermione, who was sitting in the innermost position, turned her head to look out the window, a hint of pride appeared on her reddish face.

Hermione will be thirteen years old in twenty days. Generally girls enter puberty at ten years old, boys are twelve years old, and foreign girls may be even earlier, so Hermione at this time will naturally be of this age. Girls should have some thoughts.

“Will it squeeze you a bit, or I’ll go to other carriages to see if there are any vacancies!”

Jerry, afraid of Hermione’s embarrassment, whispered.

Hermione replied without thinking:

“It’s okay, I’m fine!”

At eleven o’clock in the morning, with the sound of a whistle, the Hogwarts Express began to start slowly, gradually leaving the station and heading for the mysterious Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry again.


“Who do you think he is? Why is there an adult wizard on the train? I heard George say that this train does not accept any passengers except the grandma who sells snacks. It is a student car!”

Ron looked curiously at the strange wizard who was still sleeping and asked everyone.

“He should be our new Defence Against the Dark Arts professor this semester!”

Jerry retracted his body and replied, trying not to touch Hermione.

“How do you know he’s our Defence Against the Dark Arts professor this semester?”

A look of surprise appeared on Ron’s face.

He admitted that Jerry was very powerful, even more powerful than he imagined, but he couldn’t tell at a glance that he was the new Defence Against the Dark Arts professor.

Did Jerry learn divination and prophecy in advance during the summer vacation?

“It’s written on his box, Professor R.J. Lupin!”

Hermione pointed to the box above the strange wizard’s head and explained to Jerry.

“That doesn’t mean he’s teaching us Defense Against the Dark Arts!”

“Ron, do you remember the newspaper you read the other day?”

Harry reminded.

Ron suddenly realized:

“Then it’s very likely that he’s actually our new Defence Against the Dark Arts professor, but can he really teach us like this? Why do I feel like he’s not even better than Professor Quirrell!”

A few days ago, the Daily Prophet had an official report that the great writer Gilderoy Lockhart, verified by the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic, was convicted of multiple crimes, and all his property had been confiscated and sent to Azkaban, where he was detained for ten years. year.

And the report also mentioned that Hogwarts had publicly dismissed the other party as the new Defence Against the Dark Arts professor after learning of Lockhart’s conviction.

And re-recruited a new senior wizard from the wizarding world to serve as a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts.

Now, there’s a new professor on the train that they don’t know at all. It’s not teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts, what else?

“A wizard’s ability is not based on his body, but his magical ability. I think he should be a very powerful wizard!”

Jerry gave his opinion.

Remus John This is a character who was in the same class as Harry’s father and Professor Snape. He has experienced a wizarding war and is a core member of the Order of the Phoenix.

In terms of real strength, he may be slightly inferior to Snape, but he is definitely above the first-class level in the wizarding world, at least a lot better than the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic.

Unexpectedly, the wizard who will come to teach next year will enter Hogwarts a year early because of his reasons.

However, it is also understandable that in such a short period of time, it was not so easy for Dumbledore to find a wizard who was willing to serve as a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts.

You know, there is a legend circulating in the wizarding world, including Hogwarts schools.

That is the position of professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts. It was cursed by the Dark Lord, whoever is unlucky.

Although everyone doesn’t believe such nonsense rumors on the surface, if they are really invited, they will inevitably beat drums in their hearts.

Moreover, Lupin seems to have had a bad time in the wizarding world because of his identity as a werewolf. At this time, it seems reasonable to ask him to come over as a professor in advance.

The train galloped all the way, over Muggle fields and towns, gradually into the dense forest far away from the people, and finally stopped in front of the small Hogsmeade platform when it was just dark.

Just like last year, Hagrid was still holding the magic lamp and calling the first-year wizards to gather and go to the Black Lake ferry to the castle.

The four Jerry, who are now in second grade, walked out of Hogsmeade Station, rode in a carriage pulled by Thestrals, and came to the castle’s auditorium ahead of schedule with a large number of wizards from second to seventh grade.

This year, they are no longer freshmen.


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