Marvel’s Hogwarts Wizard

Chapter 256

Chapter 51 Cardcaptor’S World

Chapter 256 Chapter Two Hundred Wizards Chapter 51 Cardcaptor’s World (two more)

“Actually given a new identity again!”

Jerry roughly read the memory in his mind, a look of surprise on his face.

Originally, the last time he went to the world of “The Sorcerer’s Apprentice”, he did not give any identity. He thought it was because his strength was stronger, so the panel felt that there was no need to give an identity.

But now it seems that it is not what he thought.

His identity in this world is that of a transfer student from New York, and his current location is in an island country.

In other words, this new world should be a magical world with an island country as the background.

The magical world with the island country as the background, which world will it be? He had seen a lot of anime of this type in his previous life, but he didn’t know if this world belonged to one of them.

But Stars and Stripes High School, the name sounds a little familiar.

“Let’s go to the school first, it is estimated that there will be some clues by then!”

Based on the previous two experiences, Jerry felt that the location where he appeared and the identity given by the panel must have something to do with the plot of this world.

Therefore, under the current situation, it would be safer to explore according to the identity given by the panel.

After getting out of bed, according to the information given in his memory, he found the school uniform of Star and Stripe High School from the cabinet.

“Shirt, tie and blue suit jacket, this Star and Stripe High School uniform is quite adult!”

Jerry changed his clothes and came to the mirror.

In the summer vacation after graduating from elementary school at the age of eleven, he started his first journey through the small magical world. He stayed in Hogwarts for two full years, in the main world for one year and four months, in the world of “The Sorcerer’s Apprentice”. Stayed for more than three months.

Overall, the actual age of his body has indeed reached fifteen years old.

He has short brown hair, an angular face, sky blue eyes, and a height of about 1.75 meters and a very well-proportioned figure.

At this time, Jerry was still very prominent in appearance.

He picked up his schoolbag and went downstairs, pushed open the door, and a small courtyard appeared in front of him.

The place where he lives is a typical Japanese-style two-story house. The overall area is not large, but there is a small yard at the door. In my memory, he bought it after he came from New York.

“I didn’t expect that the first time I came to the island country, it would be in this way. Fortunately, I was prepared in advance!”

Considering that he may appear in different countries in the future, Jerry learns a lot of languages of other countries in his spare time, and the island language is of course one of them.

However, if you want to say how standard the learning is, then the designation is not possible, but the general communication is not a problem.

Fortunately, given his identity as a foreigner, it is normal for him to speak non-standard.


Seeing a bicycle with a big bar parked in the yard, Jerry was stunned for a moment, but he was relieved quickly.

According to memory, the current time is 1996, and it is actually quite normal to have this style of bicycle.

Without using flying skills or broomsticks, he pushed on the bicycle with great interest, opened the iron gate of the small yard, and rode in the direction of Starstripe High School.

I haven’t figured out the situation in this world yet, so it’s better to pretend to be an ordinary person and keep a low profile.

It’s always right to be cautious. Although it is modern and it seems to be quite peaceful, some things are uncertain, and the modern world is not all that safe.

For example, the world of the Bald Cape Man, with his current strength in the past, is not too powerful.

On the small and fresh street, cherry trees are planted on both sides. The weather in April and May, the petals fluttering in the wind, made Jerry, who was riding a bicycle, inexplicably in a better mood.

Maybe this world is not as dangerous as he thought.

“Okay, everyone is not absent. Today, I will introduce a transfer student, Jerry, come in!”

Hearing Chiyo-sensei’s shouts inside, Jerry pushed open the classroom door and walked in.

“Hello everyone, my name is Jerry Carmen, please give me more advice in the future!”

Jerry smiled and made a brief self-introduction to the class.

“Wow, it’s a foreigner, so handsome!”

“It’s strange that there are transfer students at this time!”

“He looks so gentle!”

Listening to the buzzing discussions of the students below, the head teacher, Teacher Chiyo, coughed:

“Jerry is from New York, everyone should get along well in the future!”

After she finished speaking, she pointed to an empty seat behind the professor and said to Jerry with a smile:

“Jerry-kun, there’s an empty seat behind Momoya-kun, just sit there!”

“Okay, Chiyo-sensei!”

Jerry nodded with a smile, and walked over to the vacant seat Chiyo-sensei pointed to.

“Hey, there’s magic!”

Sure enough, if you follow the arranged memory, you will soon be able to find the magician in this world.

When he just passed by the desk of the classmate named Taoya, he instantly sensed the magic power hidden in his body, and he didn’t seem to be weak.

In other words, the classmate named Taoya sitting in front of him is likely to be a magician in this world.

“Okay, everyone open the textbook and turn to page thirty-five. Today we will learn derivatives…”

Seeing that Jerry was already seated, Chiyo, a beautiful female head teacher in her thirties, started today’s math class.


Jerry snapped his fingers softly and released a scouting spell.

Investigating magic is a branch magic adapted from Jerry’s test magic based on the level of the test magician. It can detect whether there are people or things around with magic power by releasing weak mental power.

“There is one more!”

In addition to the classmate named Taoya sitting in front of him, in the far right corner, there is another classmate who has magic power in his body.

Two magicians in a classroom? It seems that there are quite a lot of magicians in this

“Kinomoto Momoya, Yuecheng Snow Rabbit, you two come up and solve this problem!”

Just as Jerry was thinking about what excuse he was going to use to approach these two magicians after class, and then to see if he could tell the world’s intelligence, the two names called by the head teacher, Chiyo-sensei, suddenly made him stunned.

“Momoya Kinomoto? Snow Rabbit in Yuecheng? This… won’t be the “Variety Sakura Magic Card”!”

If he said the word “Taoya”, he might not have an impression. After all, there are quite a few people calling this name in the island country, and it is not a surprising name.

But if you add the surname “Muzhiben” in front of it, it will be unusual, and there is a “Moon City Snow Rabbit”, basically, as long as you have seen it, you will not be unimpressed.

Although it is a boy, although this is what I watched in elementary school in my previous life, although I did not watch it completely because I watched it on TV, it is like “Sailor Moon”, and it will definitely have a place in your heart.

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