Marvel’s Hogwarts Wizard

Chapter 272

Chapter 267 Magician’S House


“That’s it, sir, I have been practicing Taoism since I was a child. Although I can’t say that I am proficient in all aspects of Taoism, I know most of the basics. If you don’t mind, I would like to communicate with you.”

After Li Xiaolang finished speaking, his face turned red.

Because of the word “communication”, it seems a little too exalted.

Jerry pretended to be stunned when he heard the words, and then smiled:

“Of course, I always think that whether it is magic or Taoism, there should be more communication. In this era, there are fewer and fewer magicians and Taoist priests, because there is less communication between everyone.

So I never mind to share the knowledge I have learned with like-minded people. I have thousands of magic books, and as long as the little wolf classmates are willing, they can come to exchange and learn. ”

“Brother Jerry also gave away a magic book about housework magic!”

At this time, Sakura raised her hand, confirming Jerry’s words.

“I didn’t expect him to be such a generous person!”

Li Xiaolang was still thinking about it just now, but just took out some basic knowledge of Taoism to exchange. At this time, when he heard Jerry’s words, he suddenly felt a little ashamed. The other party was willing to give everything, but he still had selfishness.

“Then when are we?”

At this time, Li Xiaolang has decided to put aside those old-fashioned rules, just like each other, sincerely communicate and learn, and make progress together.

“In this way, after school every day, or on weekends, you can come to me whenever you have time. Now I basically stay at home and study Clow cards.”

After Jerry finished speaking, he turned to Sakura and said:

“Actually, Xiao Ying, I think if you have time, you can come with Zhi Shi and learn some magic with Xiao Lang. As a magician, you can’t just rely on Clow cards!”

Flicking a ten-year-old child is not a very noble thing, but in fact, this matter is called flickering, but for Li Xiaolang, it is definitely a super big opportunity.

Jerry is proficient in the three major systems of magic, and most of them are magic that does not belong to this world. Even if Li Xiaolang only learned a small part, combined with his Taoism, he learned the magic of the Clow card.

If the talent is enough, it can be integrated, and maybe it can really surpass Clorido.

“Ah, this… ok!”

Xiao Ying is not like Li Xiaolang. She is interested in magic, but she is not so persistent. However, seeing Xiao Ke’s piercing eyes, she still agrees.

It’s good to learn more magic, at least it’s easier to collect Clow cards.

“Okay, let’s do it today, it’s getting late, you should go back to sleep, and you have class tomorrow!”

The goal has been achieved, Jerry looked at the time, it was twelve o’clock in the middle of the night, so he waved the pavilion back to the penguin slide, and at the same time lifted the Muggle shielding spell.

small book booth

“See you tomorrow then!”

Li Xiaolang said to Jerry, then turned his head and raised his chin to Xiaoying and said:

“You will collect the Clow cards in the future, I have a bigger goal!”

After a few jumps, he disappeared into the night.

“Why is it so annoying to say such a good thing in his mouth!”

Sakura stuck out her tongue towards where Li Xiaolang left.

Tomoyo glanced at Jerry while covering his mouth and said with a smile:

“It’s good, at least he won’t compete with you for Clow cards in the future. Brother Jerry is still smart.”

If among these people, there is still a little bit of sobriety under Jerry’s story, it may be the knowledge of the world.

But she could feel that Jerry had no ill will, and Sakura was also the beneficiary of this incident, so she didn’t expose anything.


The next day, afternoon.

Li Xiaolang, Xiao Ying, Zhi Shi and Xiao Ke came to the house address given by Jerry according to the agreement last night.

Tomoe Elementary School usually dismissed after three o’clock, so it was not even four o’clock when they got to Jerry’s door.

“It turns out that brother Jerry’s home is so close to ours!”

Sakura looked at her own house diagonally opposite, with a surprised look on her face, no wonder she could see it every morning when she went to school.

“It’s alright, it’s over in a while, Sakura can go home after crossing the road.”

Tomoyo smiled and took out the camera.

Sakura’s first day of learning magic, how could she not take a good picture!

Li Xiaolang ignored the two guys who looked like a spring outing in the back, took a deep breath, and pressed the doorbell.


However, before the doorbell rang, Jerry, who had already sensed the arrival of several people, had already opened the door with a smile.

“Wow~ It’s so big!!”

“so beautiful!”

As soon as the three and one beast entered the door, they were stunned by the scene inside.

It looks like a house of more than 100 square meters from the outside, but there are three or four football fields inside. It gives them the feeling that they are not entering a house at all, but entering another world.

A magic training ground with various targets, an oversized blackboard, an octagonal pavilion, a huge bookshelf full of magic books, surrounded by various beautiful flowers and trees as decoration.

“Because I will learn and communicate magic Taoism here in the So yesterday I made a small makeover in the living room!”

Jerry led three people and one beast to the octagonal pavilion of the magic training ground and explained it with a smile.

Remodeling the living room is too easy for Jerry. First, use the Unmarked Stretch Spell to expand it, then use the Transfiguration Spell to make blackboards, pavilions and other things, copy the magic book again with the Copy Spell, and then get some dirt and sprinkle some seeds, Unleash the growth magic created by the combination of a rain and a tree.

It didn’t take ten minutes for him to complete the transformation of the entire living room.

“These are some of the Taoist books that I have brought with me that I asked Wen Bo to sort out. I have already contacted my family. After a while, a large number of Taoist books will be sent.”

Li Xiaolang opened his schoolbag and took out more than a dozen thread-shaped ancient books on Taoist practice.

Wen Bo is the housekeeper who takes care of his daily life. As soon as he went back yesterday, he asked Wen Bo to find these Taoist books, and contacted his family, asking them to send a copy of all the books about Taoism.

Originally, he thought that this should be able to bridge the gap between the two sides, but now that he saw the densely packed tens of thousands of magic books on the bookshelf next to him, he knew that his idea had failed again.

As one of the strongest Taoist families in China, the Li family owns the largest number of Taoist books, but there are at most thousands of them.

And Jerry’s magic books, but most of the magic books of the three world magic systems, are of course incomparable in number.

This is also the reason why he removed some magic books about black magic and magic books that are not suitable for a few children to learn, otherwise the number of magic books would have to double again.

Of course, most of these magic books are explanations about magic theories and techniques, not all of them are magic spell books.


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