Marvel’s Hogwarts Wizard

Chapter 316

Chapter 311 The Admirable Jerry


There are no impervious walls in the world.

Jerry’s act of dragging the dementor all the way just now attracted the attention of many young wizards. Although they did not dare to get off the train, they all opened the train windows.

Saw the battle between Jerry and fifteen Aurors.

However, the Auror captain considered that after the little wizards entered the school, they would not be able to go back until at least the Christmas break.

So as long as they don’t relent and respond, it won’t be too much of a problem.

Moreover, Hogwarts does not allow outsiders to enter unless under special circumstances. Those reporters who want to find out are also unable to enter Hogwarts for verification.

When the little wizards were on holiday for Christmas, it was a long time.

When they catch Sirius Black, who is on the run, no one will accuse them of these problems.

This is also the reason why the Auror captain ordered other Aurors not to reveal today’s secrets after guiding Jerry’s identity.

Of course, being defeated by a third-year wizard is not something to brag about. Even if the Auror captain didn’t say it, these Aurors wouldn’t be really stupid enough to spread the word when they went back.

On the other side, after Jerry got back into the car, the eyes of all the little wizards looking at Jerry changed.

Not only Slytherin, but also the little wizards of Gryffindor, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw, looked at Jerry with a kind of admiration and respect in their eyes.

If it is true that many young wizards had some admiration for Jerry in the past, it was mainly due to his performance as a Quidditch player, not his magical strength.

It’s like you worship a singer, an actor, and you worship a great man, and the two worships are still different.

With a Patronus spell that only the best wizards can cast, Jerry slaughtered a dozen terrifying Dementors guarding Azkaban, and defeated fifteen Aurors by himself.

Yes, there are still a lot of smart guys among the little wizards. They have already guessed the fifteen wizards outside through dementors. They should be Aurors from the Ministry of Magic, and even some little Slytherin wizards. Meet these Aurors.

In short, Jerry’s magical strength and record are simply incredible for the little wizards who are still at Hogwarts.

Not to mention the little wizards of Hogwarts, it was incredible for those Aurors who had just been defeated.

And young wizards of this age are the easiest to worship people who are far stronger than themselves.

Voldemort had so many die-hard followers back then, wasn’t that the case.

Jerry’s performance now is more than one step better than Voldemort back then.

Jerry smiled and didn’t care about the little wizards’ admiration, because this was what he expected, and with his current strength, it was time to show his strong side.

Otherwise, even if he publishes the magic book he wrote, it is estimated that many wizards will not believe that he wrote it.

After walking from the front to the rear of the car, after being baptized by the adoring eyes of all the little wizards, Jerry calmly returned to his car and sat next to Hermione again.

After Jerry got on the train, at the command of the Auror captain, the train had restarted, and Ginny and Neville had returned to their carriages, so it was just Harry, Ron, and Hermione in the carriage.

“If you have any questions, just ask?”

After sitting down again, Jerry looked at the fiery eyes of the three, and the expression that he wanted to ask, but didn’t seem to dare, shrugged helplessly, and then smiled.

“Did you just use the Patronus Charm?”

“Is your patron saint a giant?”

“Are those people out there Aurors from the Ministry of Magic?”

“Did you just duel them and beat them all alone?”

“Did the Dementors get in the car to catch Sirius?”


Listening to the three machine gun-like questions, Jerry rubbed his temples and began to answer them one by one:

“I use the Patronus Charm. I read it in a book, and I just learned it during the summer vacation. If you want to learn it, I will teach you after school starts.

And the wizards outside. It was indeed the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic. They thought that Sirius would hide on the train, so they let the Dementor get on the train to check. It was just a misunderstanding, and now it has been resolved.

As for why I was able to defeat those Aurors, it may be because my patron saint is a giant, just like the invincible Andros in Greece, Hermione should know! ”

Although the three of them had basically guessed the answer just now, but after hearing Jerry’s own admission, they all returned to normal after a long delay.

In this way, chatting and chatting, the Hogwarts Express slowed down again and stopped slowly.

It’s not an accident this time, but it’s really reached the end of the station, Hogsmeade station.

Maybe it was because it had just rained, or maybe it was dark and the wind was blowing. At this time, there was a bit of chill in the air outside the train. When the little wizards got off the train, they couldn’t help but shiver.

“Wearing it will ease a little!”

When he just left the carriage, Jerry took out the scarf that Hermione had given her from the suitcase, because he knew that the temperature outside was not very high.

And many other little wizards who had gotten off the, especially many of them, showed gnashing expressions when they saw Jerry put a scarf on Hermione himself.


Seeing Jerry put a scarf on herself, Hermione’s face also rose with two flushes.

“First-year freshmen, this way!”

At this time, a familiar loud voice reached the ears of everyone.

It turned out to be the tall Hagrid, standing at one end of the station with a magic lamp, greeting the first-year little wizard, crossing the lake to the school in the traditional way.

“Going to school by boat in this weather, Mrs. Pomprefer in the school doctor’s office will be very busy tomorrow!”

At this time, Ron also jumped off the train and saw that the first-year wizards followed Hagrid on the road they had traveled, and couldn’t help making a joke.

After the four of them got off the bus, they followed the flow of people to the path next to Hogsmeade Station, and rode in a carriage pulled by Thestrals and drove towards the gate of the castle.

But as he passed the castle’s two magnificent wrought-iron gates, Jerry noticed two hooded Dementors on guard beside the stone pillars on either side of the gates.

Obviously, in addition to a small group of Aurors with some dementors blocking the train halfway, there is another group of Aurors who have already ambushed at Hogwarts with the remaining dementors.

Maybe in Fudge’s view, since Sirius Black escaped from prison to avenge Voldemort, then the goal is not to go on the Hogwarts Express with Harry, but he will definitely go to Hogwarts where Harry goes to school.

In this regard, Jerry can only say, thank the old irons for the dementors!


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