Marvel’s Hogwarts Wizard

Chapter 322

Chapter 317 Jerry Getting Busy


Originally, the seven levels and the Philosopher’s Stone were specially designed by Dumbledore to lure Quirrell, the two-fifth boy, and exercise Harry, the son of prophecy.

Unexpectedly, Quirrell, the second-fifth boy, did not play cards according to the routine, abandoned the Philosopher’s Stone and escaped.

Dumbledore thought it might be Snape’s warnings several times, which made Quirrell realize that he had been seen through his identity, so he temporarily gave up the opportunity to resurrect Voldemort and ran away.

However, he always felt that the Philosopher’s Stone, the treasure that seemed to be the easiest to resurrect Voldemort at present, would definitely lure Quirrell and Voldemort’s remnant.

Therefore, it has not been removed, and continued to be placed there.

And this wait, from the end of Harry’s first year to the beginning of Harry’s third year, for more than a year, without waiting for any movement.

Of course, part of the reason was that he felt that the Philosopher’s Stone was actually very safe there.

After all, it is basically impossible to secretly steal the Philosopher’s Stone under the eyes of him and many school professors.

And unless it is directly destroyed, whether it is returned to Nicole Lemay, or placed in Gringotts or anywhere else, it is not safe at Hogwarts Castle, under his nose.

What he didn’t expect was that, instead of seducing Voldemort and his Death Eaters, he seduced an unknown alchemist, an American wizard.

At the sixth level, Dumbledore found that Snape’s potion was not passive.

At the fifth level, he saw the troll fainted on the ground.

When he came to the fourth level, he saw fragments of stone statues all over the place.

When he came to the third level, he saw a heavy wooden door that was broken into several pieces.

When he came to the second level, he saw the harmless Devil’s Web.

When he came to the first level, he didn’t look at the three-headed dog Lu Wei, but only saw a palm print printed on the top stone.

This guy, not only stealing the magic stone, but also stealing the dog?


And no matter how much Dumbledore was confused by various traces in several levels, Jerry broke the mirror at the entrance as soon as he entered the mirror world.

The magic rule of the Hungarian Mirror World is that as long as Jerry breaks the mirror he came in, no one else can enter the Mirror World unless they also have the same magic.

In the mirror world, except that there are no creatures, everything is the opposite, and it is no different from the real world in other aspects.

Because the world of mirrors is originally a special space projected by the real world, every world has it, and as long as you know the way to open it, you can enter and exit.

Just like the Knight Bus and the Ministry of Magic, the kind of space gaps that travel through are similar, and they have always existed in every world.

Magicians, sorcerers just discovered them and used magic to exploit some of their characteristics.

Walking in the world of mirrors, returning to the fourth floor of the castle along the same way, and then returning to the Slytherin common room, Jerry found a mirror and left the world of mirrors.

Is the Philosopher’s Stone useful to him now?

Of course it works!

Although Jerry himself can be said to have perfect immortality because of his practice of meditation, or now called “Longevity Technique” after improvement, his family can’t live as long as him.

In case Elsa and Haas and others are old, he has not found a way to make them live, at least the longevity potion made by the magic stone can maintain their lives until he finds a solution.

Moreover, although the longevity potion is not perfect, it can be regarded as a kind of longevity. For those who are approaching life expectancy, it is a precious life-saving herb, and it is still very valuable.

Finally, the ability of the magic stone to turn stone into gold is also very useful.

Because at present, no matter what small world he goes to, there is a high probability that things like gold are hard currency. With the magic stone, then he no longer has to worry about money after entering the new world.

But what he said in the letter is also true. He really intends to study the alchemy on the Philosopher’s Stone, and then make it to the extent that he can make the Philosopher’s Stone by himself.

The owl will also regularly send the elixir of life, so that Nick Lemay, a couple who lived six or seven hundred years old, can continue to live.


in the box space,

Jerry looked at the “Time” card, the time changer and the scarlet magic stone on the table, and couldn’t help sighing:

“If you want to become an all-around magician, there is still a long way to go!”

In the next period of time, he will not only study time magic, but also study the magic stone, learn to use the magic stone to make longevity potions and turn stones into gold.

And the daily exercise “Longevity” must continue to practice, meditate to improve the most basic things such as magic, body, soul and magician level, and can’t slack off.

At the same time, he, like Hermione, had to use the time converter proficiently to study all the courses of the third grade.

In fact, with his current strength, courses such as Charms, Potions, Herbs, and Transfiguration are not a big problem, because he’s almost taught himself in advance.

However, taking classes is still helpful. At least the professional professors can help him check and fill in the gaps, give him some magical inspiration and inspiration, and make his magical foundation more But this is not the case. The point, the point is that he is also very interested in the divination and arithmetic divination classes that he started in the third grade.

In fact, Jerry had always thought that divination and prophecy were unreliable, but after thinking about it, since a wizard as erudite as Dumbledore, and an existence like Voldemort, paid so much attention to the results of prophecy, it meant that prophecy There’s still something to magic.

In addition, there is also a “Dream” card in Sakura’s world.

If he can learn and master this kind of magic, he can be alert and prepared in advance if there is any danger in the future.

Therefore, after calculating this piecemeal, he will have to be busy for the next period of time.

Fortunately, although the conversion time of the time converter is limited, the number of conversions is not limited.

It was like in the class schedule that he was going to attend tomorrow, there were three classes in the morning: Divination, Muggle Studies and Arithmetic Divination. They all start at nine o’clock at the same time.

Then he can go to the divination class at nine o’clock, use the time switch to return to nine o’clock after the divination class, and then go to the Muggle research, after the Muggle research, use the time switch to return to nine o’clock, go to the Arithmetic divination class.

Even after ten thousand arithmetic and divination lessons, he could go back to the box space at nine o’clock to study magic, or leave Hogwarts to do other things.

For example, go to the Ministry of Magic to find a way to get one of their magic cars, study the technology of fast shuttle in the gaps in space, or deal with some other things.

Anyway, at the same time, there must be several others in the school who are studying hard, not afraid of being caught skipping classes.



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