Marvel’s Hogwarts Wizard

Chapter 324

Chapter 319 Divination Magic To Predict The Future


At 8:50 in the morning, when Daphne, Pansy, Malfoy and others came to the door of the arithmetic and divination classroom in the East Tower, they happened to see sitting in the first row of the classroom, holding the arithmetic and divination textbook “Numerical Divination and Graphics”. , Jerry and Hermione in preview and discussion.

“Actually, it’s enough to keep idols in your heart. To be realistic, I think Draco is very good. Although it is a lot worse than Jerry, it is at least a lot better than others!”

Pansy patted Daphne, who was afraid of shivering, and glanced at little Malfoy, then at Goyle and Crabbe behind him.

Everyone likes idols, but it is unrealistic to want to turn idols into husbands. She has always been more realistic, so even though she likes the perfect Jerry, she chose Decola wisely in the end.

After all, among the Slytherins of the same grade, Decora is only inferior to Jerry in terms of appearance and grades. Although he is a little childish, his surname is Malfoy!

The Malfoy family is a well-known family in the wizarding world. Even if it declined a little because of the first wizarding war, it is still a first-class family.

Decola’s father is not only the school’s director, but also has deep ties with senior officials of the Ministry of Magic. It’s not ashamed to find such a boyfriend.

“Hmph, I won’t give up, I have to study hard, I have to work hard, this year’s final exam, I must surpass that mudblood!”

After listening to Pansy’s words, Daphne not only did not get discouraged, but clenched her two small pink fists, and her whole body ignited with a raging fighting spirit.

“Uh… just be happy!”

Seeing that she could not persuade her best friend, Pan Xi shrugged helplessly.

Daphne fell in love with Jerry at first sight. In the auditorium of the first-year opening banquet, Daphne was conquered by Jerry’s appearance and elegance, and then fell deeper and deeper.

On the other hand, Pansy, on the other hand, didn’t really care about Jerry very much at first, but only after the other party showed enough excellence that she began to have a good impression, so she was not as inextricable as Daphne.


Arithmetic divination class, this is a very interesting class, using numbers to predict what will happen in the future, so as to get a more accurate answer.

After Jerry took the whole class, he still felt quite rewarding. He currently believes that the content of this class is similar to the Muggle’s method of using big data to predict and calculate the future in science.

It’s just that Muggles use scientific means to collect big data and analyze it with special algorithms, while arithmetic and divination uses numbers and magic principles to make guesses.

They are all traceable methods. As long as the brain is smart enough and the computing power is strong enough, some conclusions that are relatively accurate can indeed be obtained.

But there are also disadvantages, that is, because arithmetic divination requires a lot of brain computation, when predicting the future, the farther the time is, the worse the accuracy.

Therefore, even a wizard who is proficient in arithmetic and divination can hardly predict what will happen in a day or two. If he can predict the future in a few hours, even if it is powerful.

The advantage is that the accuracy is relatively high. Although there are countless possibilities in the future, the future predicted by arithmetic divination is relatively more inclined to the most probable one.

However, at the end of the first class, Professor Setima Victor, the teacher of the arithmetic and divination class, also told all the little wizards in the class.

The content of arithmetic divination can only be used as a reference. The future is changing. When you start divination, the future has already begun to change. Never take the content of divination as truth, otherwise the future will definitely give you a surprise back. prick.

At that time, after listening to the professor’s warning, Jerry suddenly understood why Voldemort was going to kill Harry who matched the prophecy immediately after learning of the prophecy.

Because the prophecy said the greatest possibility of the future, not what was destined to happen, so as long as Harry was killed in advance, this possibility in the future naturally did not exist.

It’s a pity that when Snape eavesdropped on the prophecy, he only heard the first half and didn’t hear the second half, so Voldemort died in the end.

And after learning the prophecy, Dumbledore tried his best to hone and train him in Harry’s growth, probably in order to keep the future in the prophecy unchanged to a greater extent.


After the Arithmetic Divination class, Jerry and Hermione left again for the Divination Classroom in the North Tower.

It’s just that when Hermione was about to use the time-turner again, Jerry raised his hand to stop her.

“Hermione, I think you’d better eat something to bolster your stomach now!”

Muggle studies class and arithmetic and divination class, the two classes add up to a total of six hours, plus the time they run back and forth in the middle, such a long time, normal people would be starving long ago.

“If you say that, I’m really hungry!”

Just now, because she was too focused on the arithmetic and divination class, she didn’t realize it. Now that Jerry mentioned it, Hermione’s stomach started to growl, making her blushed.

“Eat two sausage pads first, and after the divination class is over, we will go to the auditorium for lunch!”

Jerry reached out and took out four sausages from his and heated them with magic, then divided two and handed them to Hermione.

Hermione’s eyes lit up:

“It’s still your comprehensive consideration!”

Why she likes Jerry, not only because Jerry is excellent in all aspects, but also when she is with Jerry, she doesn’t have to worry about many things. Jerry can think of it in advance, which will make her feel very comfortable.

After eating the sausage and making the stomach less hungry, the two turned the time switch again.

“Hey, Jerry, Hermione, you didn’t wait for us!”

Just before nine o’clock, when the divination class was about to start, Harry and Ron rushed to the classroom and complained to Jerry and Hermione.

It turned out that the two of them forgot the location of the divination classroom, and finally found it with the guidance of the nervous Sir Cadogan in the portrait.

“There are all the new classrooms in the common room. I reminded you to memorize them last night, but you just wanted to go back to the dormitory and play explosive cards!”

Hermione rolled her eyes and returned her mouth mercilessly.

Hermione is not a gentle and good-natured girl, she belongs to the kind of strong, smart, decisive and assertive girl, and she is quite ruthless when she talks about people.

It’s just that when she’s with Jerry, it’s hard for her to play.

“Welcome to the divination class!”

At this time, a middle-aged witch with a thin body like a straw walked into the classroom nervously.

She wears a pair of oversized glasses, and wears a thin and transparent shawl with many glittering metal sheets. There are countless beads and chains around her long thin neck, and she also wears on her arms and hands. Many bracelets and rings.

The overall feeling is – crazy!



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