Marvel’s Hogwarts Wizard

Chapter 337

Chapter 332 Disappearing Dementors And Death Eaters


Jerry came out this Christmas holiday with three main things to do.

The first is to find a publishing house to publish his first magic book, which has been completed, and the process is very smooth, and the result should be very good.

The second is to seal all the remaining Voldemort Horcruxes, save Little Red Star, who was consumed by his extensive use of the Time Transformer, and insist on seeing if he can sustain it until he completes the third grade.

The third thing is to go to Azkaban and make an appointment with the remaining dementors in Azkaban. After half a year of meditation, his soul strength has increased, and he can make an appointment with some magical animals. .

At the same time, he also needs to take away all the Death Eaters that Azkaban is imprisoning.

Because when he returns to the main world to go to university this time, he will focus on biological experiments on the blood of wizards. Otherwise, even if there is the current “Longevity Technique”, he wants to obtain a substantial increase in magic power. Don’t even think about time.

And since you want to devote yourself to biological experiments, you must have experimental objects and samples, and you can’t rely on speculation.

Now in his space box, there are specimens of various magical animals, and there is even a blood-cursed orc Nagini, but there is no wizard in this world.

It’s not Jerry’s style to catch some innocent wizards for human experiments, so he thinks of the loyal Death Eaters who are imprisoned for life in Azkaban.

Anyway, it’s locked in Azkaban, so it’s better to keep it in his box space, and use it as an experimental material.

After he took away all the dementors, these Death Eaters with good strength would make trouble again.

Exactly, in the box space, it can also feed the dementors.

When the waste is used up, and then all of them are killed, maybe another batch of little red stars will be included in the account, and it will not be a loss anyway.

After leaving the publishing house, Jerry Apparated directly into Diagon Alley and appeared on the outskirts of London.

“Black carbon, let’s go, target Azkaban prison!”

Taking out the Thestral black charcoal from the box space, Jerry released the Disillusionment Charm and rode it straight to the isolated island in the North Sea where Azkaban is located.

Although his current flying speed is not much slower than Yestral, he doesn’t know the exact location of Azkaban, so he has to rely on Yestral’s automatic positioning ability to fly over.

In order for Black Charcoal not to be lonely in the box space, Jerry secretly took a few Thestrals of the same age as Black Charcoal from the Forbidden Forest before the holiday, and placed them in the box space for his company.

Far from the mainland, in the North Sea waters, on an isolated island with a large Muggle exorcism spell, stands a magical prison built of large rocks.

The shape of the prison is simple and simple, and it looks like a castle in the Middle Ages.

It is the wizarding prison in the British wizarding world, Azkaban, which frightens the wizards!

“Flying for two hours, it’s finally here!”

Jerry put away the charcoal, looked at the tall building surrounded by dementors in front of him, and stretched out his hand to move forward.

Following his beckoning, the dementors that were patrolling around Azkaban immediately flew towards him as if they had received some signal.

Among them, six did not respond, and were also forced to fly over by the other twenty or so dementors.

“There are only three Aurors permanently stationed, that would save trouble!”

By handing over the six dementors that had no contract, Jerry learned from the dementors who had been contracted that there are only three Aurors stationed in Azkaban today.

In fact, it is also normal. Azkaban’s guard task is originally on the dementors. The wizard just maintains the basic order of the prison and uses magic to ensure the daily diet of the prisoners.

You know, even Aurors don’t want to spend long hours on an island with a bunch of Death Eaters and Dementors.

This is why Sirius easily escaped from Azkaban prison after casting Animagus into a **** dog and dodging the Dementors.

“Go, let’s go in and have a look!”

Released a disillusionment spell to become invisible, and Jerry flew straight into the prison with a mighty 30-odd Dementors.


In a spacious lounge on the second floor of the prison, the roaring fire made the whole lounge look unusually warm, in stark contrast to the cold weather outside.

“The warmed butterbeer is really good, in three days we’ll be out of this **** on a shift change, I hate dementors, the endless cold wind and the waves that keep me awake!”

A chubby wizard complained while refilling the cups of himself and his two colleagues with a warm butterbeer.

However, when he raised his head, he found that the two colleagues who were sitting opposite the sofa had fainted on the sofa at some point.

“You two, when did you drink so badly, we only drank three glasses!”

The fat wizard’s first reaction was not that his colleague might be attacked, but that he was drunk.

But soon, he found out that something was wrong, because he found that his consciousness began to sway, but it was obviously too late.

After the fat wizard also fainted on the sofa, Jerry’s figure slowly emerged from behind him.

“Illusory body spell and shielding spell work really well together!”

It was just now that he used the Disillusionment Charm to hide, and used the Shielding Charm to block the magical fluctuations of the Stunning Charm, so that he could silently bring down the three Aurors guarding Azkaban.

If there is no shielding spell normally, even if he can be invisible, as long as he uses an attack magic, the magic fluctuations emitted by it will be immediately detected by other wizards.

After finishing the last defense of Azkaban, Jerry sent all the Death Eaters and Dementors into the box space, and then sent a prisoner similar to Lockhart who was only held for a few years and three The Aurors were all moved to an isolated island outside the After all this was done, he summoned Ebony Throat from the box space.

“With your ability, can you lift this building from the ground?”

“Master, let me try!”

Ebony-throated looked at the Azkaban prison in front of him and began to fully activate his mind control ability.

After a while, under the power of Ebony Maw, the entire Azkaban built of rock began to shake gradually.


With a loud bang, Azkaban Prison literally came off the ground.

“Wingardim Leviosa!”

Seeing that Ebony Throat seemed to be very struggling, Jerry immediately used the powerful floating spell that was improved by combining the “floating” card.

Under the action of the powerful floating spell, the weight of the entire Azkaban prison was suddenly reduced to less than 1% of its original weight, reaching a point where Ebony Maw could easily control it.

Jerry opened the box, and Ebony Throat controlled Azkaban and flew in like that.

Well, it was Jerry who saw that Azkaban was fine and decided to move it into his box space on the fly.


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