Marvel’s Hogwarts Wizard

Chapter 343

Chapter 338 Longevity And Return To The Overworld


In mid-June 1994, on the first night of summer vacation, in the room of the Leaky Cauldron.

After closing the door, Jerry jumped into the box space and sat cross-legged on the Merlin array on the lawn outside the villa.

After the previous test, his magician level has reached level 299, which is only one level away from Changsheng’s level 300, and this level has stuck him for more than two months.

Today, he finally felt the opportunity to make a breakthrough.

If nothing goes wrong, he will be able to break through to level 300 tonight and truly gain longevity.

Closing his eyes and using the few remaining little red stars to activate “refreshing and refreshing”, Jerry began to enter a state of meditation.

The free energy from the outside world is inhaled into the body in large quantities through meditation. After a magical and complex operation, while strengthening the body and soul, it is transformed into the magic power unique to the magician.

After meditating continuously for a week, a large amount of blue energy suddenly poured out of Jerry’s body, wrapping his entire body like a silkworm chrysalis.

And this package is three days.


After three days,

As if the sound of eggshells shattering suddenly sounded, the blue energy chrysalis that enveloped Jerry instantly turned into air, as if it never existed at all.

As the blue energy chrysalis disappeared, Jerry slowly opened his eyes.

“Finally – longevity!”

Feeling the body that seemed to be reborn from Nirvana, Jerry couldn’t help showing a big smile on his face.

After breaking through the 300th level, not only the magic power has improved a lot, but he feels that every cell in his body is full of vitality and can even be controlled by him.

like now.

I saw that when Jerry’s thoughts moved, his body immediately began to degenerate from the appearance of a youth, and after a few seconds, he turned into a little boy of four or five years old.

Then his mind moved again, and his body grew rapidly again, and soon returned to his youthful appearance, but he did not stop, and continued to stimulate cells, and his body moved towards middle age and old age again.

This is not an illusion, but an ability that a magician can automatically acquire after gaining immortality.

That is, you can manipulate cells and transform your body into any age, even back to a baby.

This is why in the world of “The Sorcerer’s Apprentice”, some of the magicians who can live forever, some are old, like Merlin, some are middle-aged, like Balthazar and Horvath, and some are young and young.

When the magician breaks through the 300th level, the external age he wants to show can already be determined by himself.

If you like old age, you can maintain the appearance of an old man, and if you like younger, you can make yourself look younger.


“Looks like I’m going back!”

After regaining his youthful appearance, Jerry opened the panel and looked at the number of little red stars left in it, and knew that he was about to return to the main world.

During this year, he used the time converter frequently, which caused the number of Little Red Stars to be consumed very quickly. Even if he converged a lot later, there was only so much left.

However, relatively speaking, the results are also very gratifying.

Because of the time converter, he can not only attend classes normally during this year, but also learn and strengthen the magical knowledge of this world.

You can also study potion refining, alchemy enchanting, space magic, time magic and many other aspects.

Now, he can make high-level potions such as short-limbed rejuvenation potions by himself, and he has also made a good breakthrough in alchemy. Twelve robot soldiers can now move through space gaps like the cars of the Ministry of Magic. and dodging damage.

And time magic, because I later asked Dumbledore to learn the hour reversal spell for refining the time converter, plus the freezing spell with time attributes, and the magic principle of the “time” card.

He also finally mastered some skins about time magic.

The hour reversal spell is a spell that reverses five hours of time, but because this spell is extremely unstable and dangerous, it must be used with the sand of time, a rare time attribute material, to maintain stability.

That is, the gravel in the hourglass in the middle of the time converter. According to the information he has found, the sands of time were found in the pyramids of Egypt. At present, it has been used by the Ministry of Magic to make all the time converters. There is no more. remaining.

The Freezing Spell is a difficult spell in the second-year textbook. It is mainly used to immobilize Muggle mechanical products and small creatures, and it also involves weak knowledge of time magic.

Now what Jerry can do is to use his own “time” magic to fix the time in a certain area, so that the time in this area is prohibited.

Of course, the larger the fixed area and the longer the fixed time, the more magic power it will consume.

However, since he has only mastered the fur now, there are also great disadvantages when using it, that is, when casting the “time” magic, he must concentrate fully and cannot make any movements, otherwise the effect will be cancelled immediately.

However, he felt that with his future research, he should be able to gradually improve it.

The knowledge involved in time magic is too esoteric. To truly achieve something, it cannot be done within a year or two. It requires the accumulation of relevant knowledge.

Coming out of the box space, Jerry was about to open the panel to return when an owl suddenly landed on the window of the room and dropped a parchment letter at him.

Picking up the letter and looking at the sender, it turned out to be Meier, the English Quidditch coach, and he knew immediately.

Sure enough, the content of the letter was to inform him of the location and time of the final after the Quidditch World Cup.

Since the end of the Christmas holiday, Jerry will take a day out almost every week or two to go to various places to participate in the knockout rounds of the Quidditch World Cup with the Quidditch team leading England.

Fortunately, he has a time changer, otherwise he really doesn’t have that much time.

After all, not all of these games are played on weekends.

A total of more than 50 teams from all over the world advanced in two matches. It was not until two days before the holiday that the semi-finals were completed and the last two teams, Ireland and England, competed.

Yes, because of Jerry, a Seeker who has never lost, the England team advanced all the way, and finally defeated the relegation Leah team and won the right to the final.

According to Meier’s letter, the final venue is in England, and the date is selected for August 22, because then the Ministry of Magic will be able to complete the super Quidditch that can accommodate 100,000 wizards as planned. court.

“Okay, then wait until I come back next time for the finals!”

He threw something to eat for the cat head delivering the letter, and after it left, Jerry reopened the panel and clicked the back button.

After a while, he returned to his villa in Queens, New York.


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