Marvel’s Hogwarts Wizard

Chapter 355

Chapter 350 Anti-Hulk Suit (6000+)


Walking to Gu Yi’s private bookshelf, Jerry picked up a book and looked at it, and Tong Kong shrank suddenly.

The title of the book is “The Book of Cagliostro. After reading the introduction, it turned out to be a book specializing in the study of time magic, and it also involves methods of absorbing the energy of the dark dimension.

“No wonder Gu Yi thinks it’s not dangerous for me to read these books!”

Time magic will cause time branches to appear in the world. If ordinary mages learn it, it is really dangerous, and Jerry himself has some time magic and time converters.

As for drawing the energy of the dark dimension and attracting Dormammu’s attention, this is not to worry. Jerry uses the magic in his body to release the magic, and will not draw the energy of the dark dimension at all.

Putting down the Book of Cagliostro, Jerry looked at the other books on the shelf. There was “Out of the Body”, which specializes in the study of the soul, and “Kafka”, a super-powerful forgetting magic that can travel through the past and the future to change the laws. Runes and more.

After a brief glance, all of them are very powerful and dangerous magics. If one is not used properly, it may bring disaster to the world, and it is indeed very esoteric. Even if he browsed a little, he felt that a lot of magic knowledge is difficult to use. understand.

After thinking for a while, Jerry pulled out the magic book called “Out of Body”.

Soul magic has always been the most mysterious existence in magic. It is a kind of magic that many magicians have studied all their lives and do not understand.

Two months ago, when he was shot by Gu Yijiang for the first time, he was very interested in soul magic again. It happened that he also had some basics before, such as sealing, soul-sucking, and Horcrux making. Somewhat related to soul magic.

Therefore, he first chose the book “Out of the Body” instead of the “Book of Cagliostro” that was related to time magic that he had been studying before.

Mainly when the time converter cannot be used, the out-of-body soul can help him cultivate and study more efficiently.

For example, let the physical body maintain a state of meditation to improve magic power, and then go out of the body to read books and learn magic, so that you can do two things at the same time.

After taking out “Out of Body”, he picked out 70 or 80 magic books explaining soul-related magic books in the normal book area on the inner and outer floors. After registration, he used the portal to send it back to his villa in New York.


“Mirror space!”

The first thing he did when he got back to the villa, Jerry opened the mirror space.

With the foundation of the Hungarian Mirror Trap and the Hungarian Mirror World, he didn’t take too long to crack and research the mirror space magic that could also be released with his magic power.

The more you learn about magic, the more you will find that many magic principles have similarities. As long as you ponder a little, you can understand the differences and make some modifications that do not affect the effect.

If it is true that many Kama Taj mages learn magic, and create a magic circle according to the incantation to output a fixed energy to successfully release the magic, then Jerry knows why, in addition to the successful release, he can also make adjustments.

The mirror space is a very practical magic, and practicing experimental magic in it will not affect the outside world at all, and at the same time, you can see what is happening outside.

Therefore, since he learned the mirror space, he rarely practiced magic in the box space, because he practiced magic in the box space, and the box was not so safe in the villa.

Although he put Muggle Repelling and Invisibility Charms on the box, there was no guarantee that a powerful wizard could crack it and take the box away.

You know, he is in the box, and if the box is taken away, he will not know it. If he is attacked when he comes out, it will not be good.

In the past, it was a last resort. Sometimes it was inconvenient to practice and experiment with magic outside the box. Now, with the mirror space, it is naturally different.

Moreover, he also found that this mirror space and the portal are a perfect match.

He can stand in the mirror space and observe what happens in the real space, and people in the real space can’t find him at all.

At this time, he opened a small teleporter, and he could reach out directly into the real space, and pull things or people in the real space into the mirror space, without knowing it.

Or you can suddenly open a small portal behind the enemy, and then punch, kick, or even fly a magic directly in the mirror space. The enemy is basically difficult to escape, and can only be beaten passively.

It can be said to be the best match for stealing things, stealing people, and sneaking assassinations.

Unless the other party is proficient in space magic as well, or can use absolute power to forcibly break the mirror space, these two magics alone can make him invincible.

Sitting on the bed in the mirror space, Jerry was going to first experiment with several Kama Taj magics he had recently researched, and then study “Out of Body” for a while, and then start his daily regular meditation practice.

However, before the magic experiment started, he suddenly patted his forehead:

“Almost forgot, I still have something to ask Tony for help!”

Immediately, he picked up the magic mirror that had been hanging around his waist, stimulated it with magic power, and transferred the connection to the mirror that he had given to Tony before.


Meanwhile, the Stark Building.

Tony and Dr. Banner are in the research base, and they are cooperating with each other to research and build a super huge steel armor. The frame of this armor is very different from the frame of Tony’s normal steel armor. It is thick and strong, and it is four feet large. five times.

“Tony, I think you should design a super-powerful pile driver at the arm position of the battle suit, otherwise, with the normal body’s fist attack strength, I am afraid it will not be able to cause damage to the Hulk.”

“Well, maybe I should add a more powerful energy cannon!”

Tony said half-jokingly while quickly adjusting the virtual projection design in front of him.

Not far away, Dr. Banner nodded in agreement:

“I think that’s a good idea!”

“All right!”

Just when Tony felt that some of Dr. Banner’s comments were too much, the doorbell of the research room suddenly rang, and he turned his head to see that it was his bodyguard, Happy, who held a small sparkling mirror towards him through the glass door. Waving.

“Jarvis, let Happy in!”

“Yes, sir!”

As a mechanized voice sounded in the research room, the transparent glass door was immediately opened.

Seeing this, Happy hurriedly held up the small glowing mirror and trotted all the way to Tony:

“The mirror is on, it seems that Miss Wizard is looking for you!”

“Oh, she hasn’t contacted us in a while, what a ruthless friend!”

Tony took the mirror and complained.

He hadn’t seen a wizard appear or contacted him since the last time he joined forces to defeat those desperate warriors.

“Tony, are you busy now? I have something to ask you for help!”

After taking the magic mirror and pressing the button to connect, an unfamiliar voice and face suddenly came out of the mirror.

Tony looked at the young man in the mirror, his face full of doubts:

“It depends on who is looking for me. If it’s Miss Wizard looking for me, of course I’m not busy, but who are you, Miss Wizard’s brother?”

“Since you’re not busy, let’s meet and talk!”

Jerry borrowed the magic mirror to locate, and a direct Apparition appeared in front of Tony.

Also in New York City, there is no need to use a portal, and Apparition is more convenient.

“Oh, Dr. Banner is also there, to re-introduce, I’m a wizard, my real name is Jerry Carmen, the previous appearance was mainly changed by magic, the purpose is to deceive the people of S.H.I.E.L.D. and prevent them from harassing my family !”

“Walter x2!

! ”

Tony and Banner exclaimed with their mouths wide open when they heard Jerry’s explanation.

After a long pause, Tony spoke first:

“Well, it’s actually nothing. After all, your magic is amazing. It’s just that you have been regarded as a girl before, and suddenly turned into a boy, which surprised us!”

“Yes, you are right. I was chased by S.H.I.E.L.D. and General Ross, and finally broke up with my girlfriend.”

Dr. Banner also nodded in agreement.

Although he has a good relationship with S.H.I.E.L.D. now, and is cooperating to study ways to make him return to normal, he has to admit that the hardships he suffered in the past few years are inseparable from S.H.I.E.L.D.

“By the way, what are you doing, are you going to build Gundam?”

Jerry looked at the large mecha standing five or six meters high in the middle of the research room, and couldn’t help showing a hint of curiosity.

Tony pointed to Banner and replied:

“This is a special suit proposed by Dr. Banner, specially designed to deal with Hulk’s loss of control. At present, we call it’Anti-Hulk suit!’”

“Okay, yes, I suggested it. After all, that guy is too dangerous, and I don’t want to be a wanted criminal again.”

Banner saw that Tony threw the whole pot to himself at this time, and did not deny it. After all, in his heart, he always believed that Hulk was a monster and an existence that should be destroyed.

He has been researching various serums, just to make Hulk disappear forever, and then return to normal life.

“Ah, actually I think the Hulk is pretty good, he never takes the initiative to hurt other people.”

Jerry mentioned a word, and didn’t say much on this topic. Hulk and Banner are one body. Banner’s decision to prevent Hulk is also his own decision. This is not the purpose of his coming today.

“Tony, I need your help?”

“Tell me, as long as I can do it, I will do my best to help you!”

Tony replied without hesitation.

From the moment he met the wizard, the wizard has always been helping him. At first, it was the interpretation potion that could save his life, and then he dealt with the out-of-control robot soldiers, and finally helped to relieve the crisis of the desperate warrior.

Now, it’s finally time for him to pay back.

As a genius scientist, a super rich man, and a man who can create steel suits, his self-esteem is much stronger than that of ordinary people.

It’s not his style to always owe favors and not pay them back. It just so happened that he recently upgraded his battle clothes to a certain extent, which can be used to show off his skills.

“It’s like this, I’m going to have summer vacation in a few days, and I need you to come to my house…”

Five minutes later, when Jerry told Tony all of his plans, Tony lost half of his energy instantly, and confirmed again with a disappointed tone:

“That’s it? Nothing else, like taking out some super villain, or evil magician or something?”

“Tony, do you think that if any enemy is not even my opponent, then I will find you…”

Before Jerry could finish speaking, he was immediately interrupted by Tony:

“Don’t say it, I understand, I understand, five days later, right, I will be there on time, just give me an address!”

“Okay, then thank you very much. I remember acting like a little bit. My father is a policeman and is better at identifying lies.”

Jerry stepped forward and patted Tony on the shoulder, then waved to Dr. Banner, and an Apparition disappeared in place.

After Jerry left, Dr. Banner came to Tony and murmured:

“I suddenly felt that maybe the Hulk really lost control, and calling the wizard to help might be more useful than the anti-Hulk suit we designed.”

“I’m worried, Green Fatty!”

Tony twitched the corners of his mouth, and then replied:

“I don’t think there is any need to install any energy cannons. You can directly add a nuclear bomb, which is guaranteed to kill you directly!”

“Nuclear bomb? You can even build a nuclear bomb! No, it will kill you, and possibly hurt innocent people nearby…”

Dr. Banner immediately shook his head and rejected the proposal.

Tony, on the other hand, sighed that Dr. Banner really had no sense of humor, and then turned his head and shouted to the computer in the laboratory:

“Jarvis, help me find the address that Jerry left just now, and adjust the information of his family. I have to prepare it in advance, and then I can’t do it!”

After the command, he scratched his head again:

“I don’t know why, but I always feel that the name Jerry Carmen is familiar, and the appearance of the wizard looks familiar.”

“Sir, because you knew him before, you gave him a miniature model of Mark IV.”

At this time, Jarvis, the artificial intelligence who heard Tony’s voice, answered while retrieving Jerry’s information.

When Tony heard Jarvis’ answer, he was instantly stunned:

“How is it possible, Jarvis, what do you think I know about him?”

“Sir, not long after you made your identity public, there was a bank robbery in Queens, New York. The robbers hijacked a small school bus in order to escape capture… Then you asked Miss Potts to send a Mark IV A scaled down model was given to Mr. Carmen…”

Jarvis immediately retrieved the data in the database and released a photo of Jerry, who was only eleven years old at the time, on the virtual video display.

Tony looked at the photos of Jerry as a child, and suddenly remembered everything that happened:

“It turned out to be him, no wonder. I said how the robbers died so miserably back then. He really was so jealous of evil since he was a child.”

Thinking about it, Tony thinks he really has a lot to do with wizards.


Five days later, in the villa.

“Aisha, although it’s a holiday now, you can’t run outside all day long. You still need to take time to review your homework!”

Looking at Elsa, who was lying on the sofa with her bare feet, sneaking around with a notebook, and making a summer magic battle plan, Jerry shook his head helplessly and reminded.

During this period of time, the title of “Mahjong Girl” has been gradually started by Elsa, and she is now considered a little famous hero in New York.

And now no one has discovered her true identity, except for the two little sisters Anne and Susan who she told her.

As for why Elsa’s identity is kept secret so well?

Of course, that’s not because Elsa is so thoughtful, the main credit is still in protecting her house elf and the four magical robot soldiers who have been guarding her in the air.

The advantage is that even if Jerry doesn’t go out to fight crime and concentrate on studying magic, he will still receive a certain amount of little red stars every day.

“I know Jerry, my math score in the final exam is in the top fifteen of the class!”

Elsa turned her head and said proudly.

“Okay, there is progress, but we have to work hard!”

Jerry would like to say that there are only seventeen people in your class, but after all, it is not the last one, so it is worth encouraging.

“Aisha, given your good final grades, here’s a present for you!”

“what gift?”

Hearing that there was a gift, Elsa turned over from the sofa regardless of the summer magic battle plan she was making.

Jerry took the box out of his pocket and handed it over:

“I found this occasionally when I was passing by a grocery store. The boss lied to me and told me that it was a magical crown left by the Great Sorcerer Carmen. After wearing it, it can increase wisdom. Of course I don’t believe it.

However, seeing that it looks very beautiful and not expensive, I bought it! ”

“Carmen the Great Sorcerer!”

When Elsa heard Jerry’s words, her eyes widened and she took the box.

Jerry smiled slightly, then looked at Elsa:

“Yeah, I still have the same last name as me. I suspect that the boss made it up after asking my name, Aisha, you say so!”

“Of course, there are so many magicians in this world, haha, hahahaha…”

Elsa hurriedly laughed along with him.

Now on the surface, she is no longer a girl who is obsessed with magic, because she can’t let others associate the superhero “Mahjong Girl” with her.

You must know that the criminals she often deals with are not good people. It would be bad if knowing her true identity would implicate her brother and father.

However, laughing and laughing, and making trouble, she didn’t hold the lake in her hand, but quickly unpacked the box and took out the magic crown inside.

“Wow, so… so beautiful!”

The moment Elsa saw Ravenclaw’s crown, she immediately fell.

The entire Ravenclaw crown is in the shape of an eagle spreading its wings. The eagle’s head is in the center of the crown, and its chest is a blue magic gem the size of a dragon’s eye.

Under the longan-sized gem, there are also two identical gems hanging, but relatively small.

The skeleton that turns the wings into a crown is made of a magic metal similar to platinum, and each wing on the wings is adorned with dazzling diamonds.

Even if the magical effect brought by the crown is not carefully corrected, it is only the crown itself, which is also a priceless treasure.

“The gems and diamonds on it are definitely fake, but it looks like that, do you like it?”

Jerry pretended to be on the sidelines.

And Elsa put the crown down carefully, and then threw it into Jerry’s arms:

“Brother, you are so kind!”

“It’s not Jerry now, it’s brother?”

Jerry let go of Elsa half-jokingly.

“I’m going to the room first!”

Letting go of Jerry, Elsa picked up the crown and rushed to her room. She asked Xiao Qinglong to verify whether the crown was a magic item left by the Great Sorcerer Carmen.

At this time, footsteps also sounded at the door, and it was Haas and Teacher Bailey who drove to the supermarket to buy food and came back.

Jerry looked up at the time, ten in the morning.

“It should be almost there.”

“Dad, I have something to discuss with you!”

Haas just walked in with the groceries he bought, and before he could change his slippers, he heard Jerry’s voice:

“Wait a minute, son, I’ll put the vegetables in the refrigerator first and come over right away.”


“Jerry, tell me, is there anything you want to discuss with Dad?”

After helping Mr. Bailey put all the dishes in the refrigerator, Haas sat on the sofa opposite Jerry with his fat stomach stretched out.

It is rare for my son to find something to discuss, but he still attaches great importance to it.

Jerry smiled and said slowly:

“It’s like this, you know, I’ve been admitted to Columbia University in Manhattan, so I want to take advantage of the summer vacation to do a summer job to exercise and earn some pocket money by the way.”

“Working during the summer vacation? Jerry, Dad doesn’t think this is necessary. You are good enough. You can actually relax during the summer vacation, and we are not short of money. Dad has also been promoted to the branch director. If you want anything, Dad can do it. I can buy you or give you money directly!”

Faced with Jerry’s decision to take a summer job, Haas refused.

Because he felt that although Jerry’s body was growing fast and his IQ was super high, his age was there after all.

“Dad, have you been promoted to the director of the sub-bureau?”

Hearing Haas’ answer, Jerry did not continue the topic just now, but asked a question in surprise.

Haas immediately touched the little beard he had grown on purpose and said proudly:

“Haha, I just got promoted. I’m currently the director of the Queens District Bureau. I originally wanted to wait for lunch to tell you the good news!”

“Is it S.H.I.E.L.D.’s handwriting?”

Jerry smiled and congratulated, while secretly guessing.

Haas has been a sheriff for so many years, but he has never been able to get promoted. The main reason is that sometimes people are too real and have no background.

This is a sudden promotion, or a cross-level promotion, and directly became the director of the sub-bureau. It is definitely impossible to say that no one pushes behind.

However, in fact, it is also good. When you become a director, you sit in the office every day, at least you don’t have to run fieldwork anymore, and the risk factor is greatly reduced.

And he originally planned to take time to find the vice president to help Hasti mention his rank in the police station.

“Okay, don’t change the subject, Jerry, I don’t agree with you going to a summer job during the summer vacation, let’s talk about it when you go to college!”

In the end, Haas still expressed firm opposition to Jerry’s summer work plan.

Just then, the doorbell rang suddenly.

“It’s just the right time!”

When Jerry heard the doorbell, a smile appeared on his face at the same time.

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