Marvel’s Hogwarts Wizard

Chapter 358

Chapter 353 Jerry’S Union Magic (6000+)


“King, gather all Kama Taj’s mages and prepare to meet the enemy!”

After Gu glanced at the sky, he instructed a chubby middle-aged Chinese mage who had been standing at the door not far behind.

“Yes, Your Honor!”

The Chinese middle-aged mage respectfully bowed to Gu, turned and walked away quickly.

Gu Yi’s unusual behavior made Jerry stunned for a moment. He originally wanted to ask what was going on, but then he seemed to have suddenly discovered something, and he also turned his head and looked in the direction Gu Yi had just seen.

“It seems that something is approaching Kama Taj!”

Sol and Jane looked in the direction of Jerry’s line of sight, except for a blue sky and white clouds, there was nothing, oh, and a sudden strong wind.

“It’s still invisible, smoke detection!”

Jerry stretched out his hand and waved, and a large cloud of smoke appeared, then flew out of the living room and entangled towards the high sky.

The smoke detection spell, a spell that Morgana sent magicians to use to decipher invisibility magic. Horvath used this spell to decipher Jerry’s phantom spell.

As a large amount of smoke continued to fill and entangle in the air as if it had life, a super space battleship full of thousands of meters high and full of exotic technology style appeared in the high sky of the Himalayas.

“Oh God, what is this!”

Jane on the side exclaimed when she saw the super battleship.

There is no way, as a top scientist on earth, seeing this kind of technology far beyond the earth is basically the same.

And Saul frowned:

“The picture of this battleship, how does it look like the picture of the extinct dark elves!”

“Yes, these are the remnants of the dark elves from five thousand years ago. They slept for five thousand years and were awakened by the power of ether particles.”

Gu Yi smiled and nodded, as if he was not nervous at all because of the arrival of the dark elves.

“Then the purpose of them coming here now is for – ether particles!”

Jerry quickly understood why Gu Yi wanted Kama Taj’s mage to open the defense.

At this time, Sol was rarely serious:

“You can’t let the dark elves get ether particles. The reason why my grandfather wanted to destroy them was because they planned to use ether particles to return the universe to darkness, and they must be doing this now.”

Hearing Sol’s words, Jerry’s heart suddenly moved. If he looked closely at his eyes at this time, he could find that there was light in his eyes, a light of excitement.

What? Let the universe return to darkness, what a great ideal, and the consequences must be very serious!

Regarding the great ideal of the dark elves, Jerry said that it is very good. After all, it involves the entire universe, so why the number of little red stars should be a little more?

Although Jerry felt that even if he did not stop it, the dark elves would not be able to realize this ideal.

The Reality Gem is indeed powerful, but it is unrealistic to use a Reality Gem to keep the universe in darkness forever.

Even if the dark elves really use the reality gem to make the universe return to darkness, it is estimated that it will not be long before the top powerhouses in the universe will come to **** the reality gem, and then restore the universe to its original state.

Even, maybe some strong people don’t need reality gems at all, they can use their own methods to restore the universe to normal.

Moreover, both Odin and Gu Yike are still alive, so how could it be possible for the dark elves to use reality gems to affect the Nine Realms and the Earth.

However, even so, Jerry felt that if he could participate in preventing the Dark Elf from obtaining the Reality Gem, he should be able to get a lot of rewards from Little Red Star.

Because the dark elves are now invading the earth with space battleships, which is the same as the last time the Kiritas invaded the earth.

At this time, Wang, Mordo and Casillas, three disciples of the ancient one, came to the hall together:

“Sir, all the mages are already in place, are they attacking the enemy?”

“Master Gu Yi, since we brought the ether particles to Kama Taj, how can the mages of Kama Taj be implicated or even injured.

So, ask the mages of Kama Taj to turn on the protective magic to protect this place, and Sol and I will solve all the dark elves! ”

Jerry restrained the excitement in his eyes, stepped forward and said loudly.

Just kidding, if Gu Yi made a full shot, Jerry felt that he might not be able to kill a few dark elves, and the opponents were all wiped out, then the little red stars he could get would definitely be pitiful.

It’s better to let Gu Yi and Kama Taj’s mages hold the line, and then Sol’s meat shield resists damage, and he will output with all his strength.

It would be best if the dark elves could be eliminated. Even if they couldn’t be eliminated, they would still be able to kill as many as they could. In the end, Gu Yi would be able to settle the bottom line, and it would be safe and get the little red star to the greatest extent possible.

“Master Jerry, you don’t have to feel guilty about this, we Kama Taj have the responsibility to protect the earth, we will not care about the war inside the earth, but the invasion of alien planets, including alien creatures, is in our defense. range.”

Gu Yi looked at Jerry with an admiring smile on his face.

Why did she appreciate Jerry so much, even if the other party did not join Kama Taj, she unconditionally opened the library and personal collection to the other party, and also instructed the other party to learn magic.

It was because of the time gem that she saw most of the possibilities about Jerry’s past and future. In the face of this kind of big right and wrong, Jerry has always been at the forefront of his life, not afraid of danger.

To judge whether a person is good or bad, the most important thing is to look at his behavior.

Gu Yi observed Jerry’s past through the time gem, and it was basically impeccable. He took care of his sister and father internally, took care of almost all housework, and tried his best to do some good things externally.

Although there are some more aggressive behavior methods, such as beating up those who like to baling weak classmates, using lies to deceive teachers to teach those bad children, and doing good deeds to receive a token reward.

But the result is for justice, not for yourself.

Moreover, no one is so perfect, even Gu Yi himself has made many mistakes, which is normal.

To be honest, if she hadn’t already determined the candidate of the future Supreme Mage, Jerry is really suitable to become the next generation Supreme Mage.

In fact, what Gu Yi didn’t know was that most of Jerry’s real purpose of doing good deeds was actually just Little Red Star, which she couldn’t see with the Time Stone.

Gu Yi can’t be blamed either, because no matter who it is, as long as he can’t read his mind or Jerry’s memory, just judging from Jerry’s behavior from childhood to adulthood, Jerry is the best and most trustworthy superhero .

This is also the inherent impression that most people have about wizards.

“Even so, but after all, the reason is still with us, if any of Kama Taj’s mage died because of this incident, I would feel very guilty.

So, Master Gu Yi, Sol and I will try our best to deal with those dark elves. If we are not our opponents, I will trouble the mages of Kama Taj to help! ”

Jerry’s tone was firm, and the whole person seemed to be glowing.

Wang and Mo Du on the side looked at each other with admiration on their faces.

They finally know the Supreme Mage, why do they appreciate Jerry, the non-Kama Taj Mage so much.

In the face of the huge space battleship and the powerful dark elves outside, in order to prevent Kama Taj’s mage from making sacrifices, the other party actually had to face it by himself. His noble character is really admirable.

“We caused the matter, and we will naturally solve it. I’m just sorry, Jerry. Originally, this matter had nothing to do with you, but it dragged you into the water and put you and me in danger together!”

Saul looked at Jerry with guilt on his face.

Originally, I was just looking for Jerry to come over, delaying him a little time, and helping to save Daisy, who knows that he has also provoked the extinct dark elf.

Although the dark elves were defeated by the Asgards back then, as a race born from darkness at the beginning of the universe, they are no worse than Asgard in terms of physical strength and technological strength, and are truly powerful enemies.

“Saul, we are comrades fighting side by side, don’t say such things, and Daisy is also my friend, and I also want to experiment with the magic I just learned recently!”

Jerry patted Sol on the shoulder and smiled brightly.

If Sol hadn’t asked him for help, how would he have the chance to encounter such a thing and earn a lot of little red stars.

Sure enough, there will always be various incidents around every famous superhero in the Marvel world. As long as you keep in touch, it is a good channel for him to earn a lot of little red stars!

Sol looked at Jerry’s sincere eyes, and his heart was full of emotion.

“Okay, I’m going to use my little sweetheart in a while to blast the heads of those dark elves!”

“Since Master Jerry has made a decision, I will no longer insist, but in order to prevent this battle from affecting ordinary people, please let me give you a little help!”

Gu Yi smiled, and then spread out his hands gently, displaying Kama Taj’s mirror space magic.

However, compared to the last time Casillas pulled him and Jerry into the mirror space, and Jerry later learned to enter the mirror space by himself, Gu Yi directly took all the mages in the entire Kama Taj, and the Gundam in the sky. Thousands of dark elf battleships were pulled into the mirror space together.

Compared with Caslias and Jerry, Gu Yi’s understanding of this magic is obviously not a little bit stronger.


The Dark Elf’s Command Room.

“Boss, according to the test, our battleship has been pulled into a special space. Do we need to turn on the space jump function of the battleship and return to the normal space?”

A thinner dark elf reported to Malekith.

“No, I can sense that ether particles are also in this space now. I just didn’t expect that Midgard still has a mage, and it seems that the strength is not weak.”

As an ancient race born from the darkness, although they are mainly developing towards the side of technology, it does not mean that they are ignorant of magic.

The smoke that just broke the invisibility of the battleship and the way of pulling the entire battleship into the special space now clearly belongs to the magical ability of the mage.

“Leader, it’s just a group of magicians playing tricks, let me go down with three teams, destroy them all, and then retrieve the ether particles for you!”

On the other side, the strong dark elf knelt down on one knee and called out loudly.

Malekith glanced at his subordinates:

“Take thirty squads down, fight quickly, and bring the ether particles back!”

The stealth effect disappears, and Asgard will soon find the dark elf battleship, so they have to get the ether particles and hide before Asgard’s army can react.

When the celestial bodies converge and the Nine Realms are connected, they will use ether particles at the convergence point to complete the dream of returning the universe to darkness.

“Yes, chief!”

The strong dark elf quickly got up, turned his head and began to summon the dark elf warriors, and quickly boarded the aircraft.


On the Kama Taj rooftop, mages in cassocks walked out of the portal with various instruments.

They are all Kama Taj mages stationed in the three sanctuaries, and were summoned by the Mage King to come to defend the holy land of Kama Taj.

“Prepare to protect the Holy Land!”

Following the king’s loud shout, hundreds of Kama Taj mages raised their rings one after another, and were always ready to open the joint protective shield to resist the artillery attack from the space battleship.

There were also hundreds of mages standing on the roofs and high platforms, and took out magic weapons in the shape of bows and arrows.

Even in a special position on the four corners of the rooftop, several mages worked together to launch a cannon engraved with various magic runes.

Obviously, in the face of external attacks, Kama Taj has always had its own defense and attack formation, and it is not the first time that she has encountered this situation.

“They’re going to attack, Sol, let’s go!”

Jerry, who had already arrived on the rooftop, looked at the huge super battleship, and suddenly separated thirty small aircraft, greeted Sol, and opened his wings to meet him.

It is said that it is a small aircraft, in fact, it is only relative to the super battleship that is 1,000 meters high. In fact, every aircraft with the same shape as the super battleship is 30 to 40 meters high, not much smaller than a ten-story building.

And each aircraft has a scarlet muzzle, and the special red energy inside seems to be ready to be ejected at any time.

“Ahem, brother Jerry, I think it’s a little difficult for the two of us alone. I’ll be in front of you for a while, and if you can’t hold on, you can quickly withdraw!”

Saul flew to Jerry’s side with his hammer, and saw the thousand-meter-high super battleship and the dark elf aircraft rushing aggressively, only feeling his scalp tingle.

He is no longer the arrogant Thor two years ago. He dared to go straight to the frost giant’s lair with a few good brothers. If Odin hadn’t rescued him in time, he would have almost been destroyed by the group.

So he knew very well that with his current strength, even with Jerry, who was powerful in magic, it would be impossible for two people to destroy such a large battleship and so many aircraft on the opposite side.

As for why he promised Jerry just now, it wasn’t that the atmosphere was all there, and the blood rushed to his head at that time, and he couldn’t hold back.

Of course, he is not a coward. Even if he is alone, he dares to go up to kill the other party with a hammer, but just remind Jerry rationally, so that he has a bottom line.

“Don’t worry, I haven’t done anything in the past two years. Let you see the new magic I’m studying at Kama Taj!”

Jerry watched Thor hold Thor’s hammer tightly, and it seemed that he had begun to condense the power of Thor on the hammer, gave him a reassuring look, and then began to concentrate on preparing to cast magic.

He had just taken down the big bag from Gu Yi just now, and he was naturally somewhat confident in his heart.

Perhaps in Thor’s impression, the last time he saw him fighting was during the Battle of New York. He used the Basilisk to stare at a large number of Zeta Swiss soldiers, and then rode a fire dragon all the way to cast flame magic.

At that time, he could only release ten fire dragons at most at a time.

In this situation, the basilisks certainly won’t work unless the dark elves are willing to leave their ships and aircraft.

However, his magic level now is higher than New York back then, not a little bit.

“The trip to Aiken!”

I saw Jerry let out a low drink, and suddenly eighteen arms appeared behind him, and then nine figures exactly like him flew out from behind him.

Journey to Aiken, one of Kama Taj’s advanced spells.

You can separate the same entity clone as yourself to assist in the battle, and the entity clone can perform the same magic as the body.

The specific number of avatars that can be separated and the time to maintain the avatars depends on the understanding of the spell and how much energy can maintain it.

At present, Jerry can only be regarded as just getting started with this spell, and he can only summon nine clones at most, which lasts for less than ten seconds.

However, he felt that dealing with those thirty aircraft was more than a mistake.

After splitting out nine clones, Jerry didn’t stop at all, and the main body and clone shouted at the same time:

“Bailong landed!”

As nearly half of the magic power in the body disappeared, a thousand roaring fire dragons also appeared out of thin air above Kama Taj.

Looking at the secret numbness in the sky, each with a fire dragon no less than ten meters long, not only the dark elves in the opposing warships and aircraft were stunned.

Even all the Kamathaki mages below who were on alert, and Thor, who was ready to strike with a hammer at all times, were stunned.

A thousand flaming dragons roared and danced, and it was almost all over the sky, it was too scary.

“Bombed them for me!”

Ten Jerry pointed at the flying dark elf aircraft, and thousands of fire dragons immediately greeted them with filial piety.

There are only thirty aircraft on the opposite side, and there are a thousand fire dragons. On average, each aircraft can be lucky enough to be favored by more than thirty fire dragons.

Even if those aircraft have launched energy cannon attacks and can intercept a few before they meet, they will be directly hit by at least twenty fire dragons.

“Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!”

A series of explosions sounded in mid-air, and each aircraft suddenly turned into splendid fireworks, and together with all the dark elves inside, dissipated into the world.

The aircraft of the dark elves are not made of ordinary metal. It can be seen that it can maintain normal operation for five thousand years.

If it is the power of the ordinary shells on the earth, it is not necessarily able to blast these aircrafts.

However, Jerry’s fire dragon is a magical product, and there are even some fiery curse ingredients in it, and its power is much stronger than ordinary flames.

Coupled with the large number and controllability, the aircraft of the dark elves could not escape even if they wanted to.

“Brother Jerry, this magic can do it, hurry up and bring them a dozen more battleships!”

Seeing Jerry’s two magics going down, Saul directly killed 30 Dark Elf aircraft that were dozens of meters high. He immediately felt that victory was promising, and quickly urged Jerry to throw a few more.

He believed that with a dozen consecutive hits like this, even that super battleship could be crippled by it.

“What are you thinking? It’s not that easy. Before they can react, hurry up and blast the battleship out of the entrance. Let’s enter the battleship and deal with them!”

When the nine clones dissipated, Jerry regained his energy, rolled his eyes at Sol, and then pointed to the direction of the battleship. With a burst of force on his wings, he flew over quickly.

Although his magic power has been greatly improved because it has exceeded 300 levels, he can only put down at most two of the two combined magics just now.

The trip to Aiken was okay. Although it was high-level magic, it consumed magic power, but it was only released once. Of course, it was not a problem with his magic power.

It is mainly the Hundred Dragon Mantra, especially if ten Hundred Dragon Mantras are released at the same time, the consumption of magic power is faster than that of running water, which is equivalent to releasing the ordinary Fire Dragon Mantra in turn, releasing one thousand in a row.

With his current magic power, he can release more than 2,000 ordinary fire dragon spells at most, so he can only do it twice in a big-scale explosion like the one just now.

“Yes, enter the battleship and fight!”

Sol, who originally knew that Jerry could only play at most one more time, was a little disappointed, but when he heard Jerry’s proposal, he immediately saw the dawn of victory again.

Yes, they really don’t have much chance of winning out there.

Even if Jerry kills 30 aircraft at, then the other party can put another 30 aircraft, such a big battleship, who knows how many aircraft are hidden.

At that time, the weapons on the battleship and the weapons on the aircraft will fire in salvo, and the dark elves will not have to show their faces, and both of them will suffer.

But entering the battleship is different. Without the aircraft and the weapons on the battleship, and directly fighting the soldiers of the dark elves, the odds of winning are much higher.

Even without Jerry, he’d have a chance alone.

“Blast me!”

I saw that Sol swung his beloved hammer and came to the vicinity of the super battleship at the fastest speed, and then condensed a piece of thunder, and smashed the hammer on the battleship.

The divine weapon Thor’s Hammer, combined with Sol’s divine power and the blessing of thunder and lightning, blasted a large hole on the surface of the battleship for two people to pass through with just one hammer.

Although compared to a huge warship, this big hole is at most the size of a human pore, which does not affect any of its functions at all.

But with this big hole, Jerry and Thor can enter the interior of the battleship and destroy it.

“Nice job!”

Seeing that Thor hammered a big hole with a hammer, but jumped in, Jerry jumped in after him.

In fact, Jerry can completely open a portal inside the battleship to enter, but then it is very likely that after the portal is opened, the moment he steps into the portal, he will be attacked by weapons or dark elves inside the battleship.

He doesn’t know the dark elf’s weapons and abilities now, so he still lets Thor take the lead.

Anyway, with Thor’s body, even if he was attacked by the dark elf’s weapon, it probably wouldn’t be a big problem.


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